Pharmacy Bandit Wore Underwear On His Head, Gun Recovered

September 22, 2010

There have been no arrests in Monday afternoon’s armed robbery of Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino, but we now know more details about what happened inside the pharmacy and at a standoff at a nearby home.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office has released their incident report on the robbery, which occurred just before 1:30 Monday afternoon.

The bandit was described as a white male in navy blue bathrobe, blue jeans, black house slippers, yellow kitchen-type gloves, and with  boxer shorts on his head. He entered the store and announced that he was robbing the business, which is located at the intersection of Highway 29 and Molino Road. Employees said he was armed with a revolver that was wrapped in a plastic bag and pointed at a store employee as he demanded prescription narcotics. The suspect threatened to kill witnesses if the police responded, the report states.

The suspect said, “No cops better pull up, because I will kill someone and I will not have a problem doing it either,”  a pharmacy employee told deputies.

He fled the store with a large quantity of narcotics worth several thousand dollars in two plastic bags, according to the ECSO report. Deputies recovered an unknown number of pill bottles outside the store following the robbery. Investigators did not say how much of the stolen medication was recovered.

A store employee told deputies that she recognized the suspect as a pharmacy customer by his voice.

For a photo gallery from the pharmacy and the standoff on Molino Road, click here.

A witness told deputies that he saw the armed robber run from the store and enter his getaway vehicle.  A vehicle matching the exact description was located in the yard of a home in the 400 block of Molino Road near the U.S. Post Office.

A short time after the robbery, numerous deputies converged on the home. With weapons drawn, deputies ordered the occupants of the home to exit.  Two people — a male and female — complied and were temporarily detained and later released.

A third person refused to exit the home. Deputies could be heard calling the man by name, ordering him step outside and threatening to send a K-9 into the home. After the standoff continued for about a half hour, the man exited the brick home and was detained. He was later released after being questioned by investigators.

Inside the home, deputies recovered a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson revolver matching the description of the one given by store employees, according to the report.

None of the individuals at the Molino Road home had been charged with any crime as of early Wednesday morning. The Sheriff’s Office investigation into the incident is continuing.

Click here for an earlier story about the robbery. For a photo gallery from the scene, click here.

Pictured top: An unnamed male was temporarily detained by deputies Monday afternoon at a home in the 400 block of Molino Road. Pictured top inset: Scott’s Pharmacy in Molino was robbed at gunpoint Monday afternoon. Picture inset: An Escambia County Sheriffs Deputy stands with her weapon drawn has she orders a man to exit the backdoor of a home on Molino Road. Pictured below: Deputies were involved in a brief standoff at a Molino Road home following the pharmacy robbery. exclusive photos, click to enlarge.


42 Responses to “Pharmacy Bandit Wore Underwear On His Head, Gun Recovered”

  1. Horiffic on September 30th, 2010 10:41 am

    Oh David I don’t want to make a profit.

    I would however, like to take back this town and give these kids something to do and somewhere to hang out where they could do something fun so they want to
    come and not do drugs.

    Kids are so into computers today I thought maybe a kids gaming place with
    things like computers to use w/games and wii and the kind of things that
    are ok that they like.

    Lawyer says don’t get involved I’ll just get sued.

  2. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 5:27 pm

    i’ve been a non profit for years, haven’t made a profit anyway

  3. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 2:31 pm

    Ok William
    Guess I read that wrong the first time, a friend of mine called and said
    I should re-read what you wrote.
    Now I get it.
    I will look into setting up some kind of non-profit then let you know
    what kind of link I would like ppl to be able to connect to.
    Thank you so much.

  4. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 12:25 pm

    Sorry William
    My fault I would just like to see something happen for the kids of this town
    that is a GOOD THING!

    someone needs to roll with this that knows how to do it i guess.


  5. William on September 23rd, 2010 11:51 am

    While I greatly appreciate the efforts of those in the comments below that want to see some sort of building for our youth to have a place to go, the comments on this story need to return to the direct subject of the story.

    I allowed the discussion to continue because it would be a great cause. However, in some of the comments that I’ve not approved in the last hour, people are trying to organize monetary and other donations.

    Our comment section is perhaps not the best place to organize such an effort. And, in my opinion, like minded people should properly organize a non-profit group before soliciting cash donations rather than passing funds between individuals based upon comments on

    I do, however, realize that if the persons in the comments (both posted and unposted) may not know the identity of each other in order to organize a group, if they so choose.

    If the persons making the comments soliciting the funds and trying to organize the group will form a Facebook page, a blog, etc., and email me the link from the email they used on the comments here, I will allow the link to be posted in these comments. A Facebook page would be a better place to organize an effort rather than here.

    William, Admin

  6. mary on September 23rd, 2010 11:50 am

    Guess what people??? i can go to just about any street out in Molino & get drugs(if I wanted) . They have been out here the 20 yrs I’ve been here..They are not going anywhere. I am surprised that more of the dealers are not caught..look how they are sold..just drive down certain roads & make a motion & have whatever you want! WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD!! Sad but oh sooo true!

  7. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 11:29 am

    oops sorry i didn’t proof that I’m kind of busy this morning.
    I’m listing things I could sell to donate money to the childrens fund
    for a better environment!

  8. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 11:24 am

    There will always be a dope head or a trouble maker.
    Thats the way life is.\

    This is about a turn around for the ones who can and want saved
    and something fun to do besides drugs or running with the wrong
    crowd from lack of anything better to do.

    You have to start with the possitive and not never give up the dream
    of something better.

    You might be suprised if you start things how many ppl will help out,
    even the kids.

    People actually like to to the right thing……..

  9. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 11:15 am

    ok you know a carpenter…thats a start….ask him if a building was found
    would he help if we raised the money to buy the materials to fix something up.

    How many ppl in this town own businesses who are willing to help.
    Maybe we could get lowes or home depo to donate a few things to help
    out if this got in the news paper. Anyone work there?

    Maybe we could do a fund raiser down by the river where the kids used to
    go and sell soda’s and ice cream or something to help raise money, and
    we could sell used items we have around and have a bazaar down there
    over a weekend.

    FIRST you need to raise some money and have someone responsible enough
    to put it in an account and not use it for anything but the children.

    because this is what this step would be… start to better weekends
    is just the beginning….it’s the time spent that will change WHO THEY ARE

  10. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 10:15 am

    “They are packing
    them in like Sardines ”

    You just gave me a craving for some sardines

    David the impressionable

  11. jc on September 23rd, 2010 9:59 am

    i no a carpenter i don no if he would do it or not

  12. jc on September 23rd, 2010 9:56 am

    if i had the money i would love to build something for all the teen but you can bet
    thair would be a dope head come in i would love to help build something for all of us to go to we have nothing here in molino why i dont no back in my early years we wint to the river until the deer hunters took over eneybidey with eney ideals

  13. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 9:08 am

    You know and isn’t there a building somewhere in this town not
    being used that someone could donate?
    Aren’t some of you carpenters and electricians?

    If you donated your building with an agreement that you would let
    them have it for say …10 years…then you would end up with a building
    that was worth something maybe when they were done!

    What would that be worth….to say nothing of the hero you would be
    to the town and the children and the world??????

    As for the electricians and the carpenters you would need, they know
    and we would know who they are and how wonderful they are.

    I can’t build but I can chaparone, and believe me I am not

    I can’t build but I can chaparone and believe me I wouldn’t act like

  14. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 8:48 am

    NOW what are you all williing to do about it.

    I think you should drag your little brats out of bed this morning from the
    hang overs and tell them no more fishing and hunting or anything other
    thing until they get a job or two jobs or what ever it takes to get out
    of the house and support a family.
    They need to go to church and have respect for every living thing in
    this world!


    I also think you need to ALL Chip in and buy a building in this town where
    kids can go and hang out and their are good things they can do….
    like movies or charity events on friday night and saturday night and let them
    hang out and laugh and have fun together….WITH SUPERVISION.

    Of course this would mean you would all have to take turns giving up what
    ever it is YOU do on those nights.

    Sacrefice ppl IT’S YOUR CHILDREN EVEN IF THEIR 40 what are you going
    to do about it!

    My Children live in other states where there are jobs, but I said it takes
    a village and I’m willing to help!
    My money My time also.

    Where and what is your plan!

  15. Horrific on September 23rd, 2010 8:34 am

    Molino Lady,

    Nobody is moving out here to do and deal drugs.
    Homes aren’t selling and not much is renting either.

    The only ppl that are moving out here are the kids of Molino, Century, Jay and so on who’s parents live here anyway and they grew up here! They are packing
    them in like Sardines and letting them stay forever with mom and
    dad and there is NO hope of a job in Molino AND SO ON. So they lay around
    and rob and loot and do drugs. WOW theirs a big shocker
    Most of the kids doing things like this and all the other bad things in
    Molino live here and have parents who know they do bad things and they
    stick up, cover up, and have friends in high places who see that they
    don’t do much time.

    That’s why they re offend and think they can do anything they want.
    That’s why I YELL on here about parenting, parenting, parenting.

    They are who YOU RAISED!.
    YOU didn’t get through to them about DRUGS

    It takes a village to raise children. Have you ever heard that.
    That means that everyone does their JOBS.

    Parents NEED TO raise them to respect and love their family and neighbors and
    ALL CREATURES big and small who roam this earth.
    Police NEED TO SEE that they DO or PAY the consequnces of their actions.

    Parents have been turning a blind eye for years.
    Police have been turning a blind eye for years.

    There is a break down of these event’s in this town.
    They are taught to KILL.
    They are taught that someone will bail them out just have fun and don’t get caught.

    Now We are full of Drugs, Guns, and CRIME of all kinds.


  16. molino lady on September 23rd, 2010 7:31 am

    I think its a shame you can’t even go to the drug syore anymore without being in danger of getting shot. i think the drugges are moving out of the big cities into the rural communities where they know that they have a better chance of getting away with it. i don’t even go around the corner anymore without locking all my doors and setting my alarm. but you can believe one thing i will be buying some bullets for my gun and i’ll have it ready, if i need it. so beware north escambia, some resdients are feed up!!!!!

  17. David Huie Green on September 23rd, 2010 7:10 am

    use leads to addiction

    nobody is ever addicted without first using

    I understand and agree

  18. [_]\ (coffee) on September 23rd, 2010 5:59 am

    DHG…. you are right but my comment is applying that this is what leads to
    ‘Narcotics addiction” “pill addicton” which leads to robbing, stealing, needing MORE than what the Dr wanted them to have. :)

    These “robbers” are most likely at the point where they need much more than the daily recomended dose
    OR into selling the pills in order to support another drug habit.

    RE: After all, if the robbers could have gotten the drugs without a hassle, they probably wouldn’t have threatened people to obtain them………..
    This is what happens when thier addiction goes BEYOND that daily recomended dose….it’s called DESPERATION :(

  19. David Huie Green on September 22nd, 2010 9:03 pm

    “Someone posted that Dr’s are too quick to write so many scripts for narcotics and I think they are 100% absolutely right!”

    They MAY be right but it doesn’t seem to apply to this case. After all, if the robbers could have gotten the drugs without a hassle, they probably wouldn’t have threatened people to obtain them.

    David cogitating

  20. Mary on September 22nd, 2010 3:04 pm

    I dont care if his underwear were clean or dirty or if he wore them in the “rite place” I just want the darn jerk caught!! This shouldnt be too hard to do..ALAS…same car/same @ the very least is “suspect” But 1 lady says she “reconized” the voice…what is his name..then maybe more people can/ will help Escambia’s Finest.

  21. JUDY MASEK on September 22nd, 2010 2:09 pm

    if caught, the culprit may try to plead insane…who else would disguise themselves like that?…robe, bedroom shoes, head boxers and yellow kitchen gloves???…certainly a bizzare combination used to hide his identity.

  22. Elizabeth on September 22nd, 2010 1:15 pm

    I hope the boxers were clean at least.

  23. SW on September 22nd, 2010 12:09 pm

    Big B…

    No, I think the underwear was in the right place.

  24. Noneof on September 22nd, 2010 9:51 am

    Morning BIG B!

    Everyone feels that way about the girls at the drug store.
    I’ll be glad when they put the pedal to the metal and book these

  25. Big B, little ill on September 22nd, 2010 9:38 am

    Sounds as if he was a little confused as to where his underwear belongs.

    Bill is very thankful to God for the safety of those at Scotts.

  26. [_]\ (coffee) on September 22nd, 2010 9:12 am


    It is sad that a small town like Molino has been taken over by drugs.
    It used to be that Molino could be considered safe, old fashioned “mayberry” type town, BUT not anymore! There are just as many drugs, meth labs, and dealers in Molino as it is in Century, Cantonment and Atmore.
    It saddens me to know that so much of it is right under our nose and NO one wants to admit that there IS a problem.
    Another thing is watching all of these people walking in and out of Dr. office’s getting narcotics prescriptions, getting them filled, (**MEDICAID**) and then SELLING them making a fortune off of them, all the while it is my and your tax dollars paying for the Dr visit, and medication.
    So many people who are on “Disability” that smoke pot, pop pills, doing meth, smoking crack, shooting needles….. NEVER have to take a drug test to continue receiving that so called disability check BUT I have to take a drug test in order to obtain employment so that I may work, and pay taxes for them to continue to recieve that check.
    Are you with me people? and now this…………robbing a pharmacy for pills, so now I can work, pay taxes, and support them while they eat for free in prison.
    OH yea, and I wonder if any of these “free loaders” have children that we will also support while they lay up in “da” cell, with dey homies getten dem some new tatt’s on dey arms?
    Does it ever end? Makes me want to work for cash and QUIT paying taxes!

    If my comment offends YOU, then GET A JOB!

  27. [_]\ (coffee) on September 22nd, 2010 9:00 am

    Someone posted that Dr’s are too quick to write so many scripts for narcotics and I think they are 100% absolutely right!

    AND it is time to quit blaming parents for every action of a person, although I do feel that it starts at home, at some point in your life you are to make responsible choices and learn that there will be conseqences for bad choices, and NOT replay bad childhood OR blame a parent everytime you get in trouble!

    I think the cops WERE in the right place the other day, but gave them too much time to destroy evidence although they have a connection of a voice, the getaway car description, and a matching gun.

    Someone who needs to make quick money, KNOWS who robbed the pharmacy, call CRIMESTOPPERS…………………..I’m willing to say they will pay about $1000.00 OR MORE for the tip leading to this arrest.

  28. fyi on September 22nd, 2010 8:39 am

    This really bothers me, I live not too far from this home and knowing that there is possibly somebody that has done this sort of crime roming the neighbor hood I live in really puts me on edge. I have little ones that love to play in the yard, but I wont feel comfortable out there until I know they have caught this person. You never know when somebody will just come walking up in your yard or when they are watching you.

  29. RollTide on September 22nd, 2010 8:28 am

    I also agree with you about the Thugs and the Scumbags. But I was brought up Hunting and fishing, I was using a Gun when I was 7. Hunting and Fishing don’t make you a bad person; it’s the upbringing, Parenting, Who you let your Kids Associate with. Some Parents don’t care what their kids are out doing @ 2:00 in the morning, who their robbing or what they are smoking. It’s sickening. “Rednecks have a label on the and it not us who should be Judged it’s the White Trash Rednecks” There is a Difference and it’s Obvious

  30. Mary on September 22nd, 2010 7:46 am

    Parenting Parenting Parenting….at some point you have to make your own decisions..This I know for a fact!!! It doesnt take much to realize this..I was raised in the foster care system do I blame my life on that? I knew rite from wrong early..most kids do..I have 4..they have turned out pretty darn trouble w/ the & school..Thier decisions in LIFE!!!

  31. Terri Sanders on September 22nd, 2010 7:46 am

    the problem is that our judicial system is neither just or impartial.Often the criminals are out of jail before the cops can finish writing their reports. Heaven forbid if the wrong individual is arrested.That brings a lawsuit against the system all of it’s ownThen we have the criminals rights to deal with…..then after months,sometimes years before a trial,if the accused does not like the outcome of the trial,they can appeal…stay out of jail and the hamster wheel goes around and around.
    Of course there are those people who beleive if mom was still home raising the children and Dad was working and coming home every night and the family system was still intact,most of the crimes would be diminished. If your neighbors caught you doing a crime they wouldn’t even hesitate to whup you,then call your parents.
    And then there are those parents who never let their children face consequences of their decisions they make growing up.always bailing the kids out or coming to their rescue. The kids never learn there is a price to pay for their actions.
    But still I would rather live in the USA with it’s screwed up system than any other place.The system is broke but how do we fix it? It takes the little rudder on a big ship a very long time to turn the ship around.

  32. xpeecee on September 22nd, 2010 7:45 am

    Horrific ………… I certainly agree with you about scumbags. However, I believe that teaching children about guns and gun safety is very important. Guns do not kill people – people kill people. I am with you on the rest of your thoughts. We need to rid society of those thugs. They are breeding, as we speak. Don’t worry, they will be arrested. The problem is that a liberal judge will let them go…

  33. ABC on September 22nd, 2010 7:31 am

    I must be dumb, but if the vehicle, the gun were at this residence, whats the problem..? Oh where is the dope and cash? well how much time elapsed before they police arrived at the residence? I know how much distance there is between Scotts and this residence, theres a lot of “woods” in between……….perhaps there was an another individual waiting with a vehicle en route to recieve the “stash”. There are many possible senarios, this is crazy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,just maybe folks they didnt release all the information in this newpaper report? With the increasing breakins here in Molino, do you think perhaps we need more Sherrif coverage 24-7 here? We pay taxes too………

  34. ashley on September 22nd, 2010 7:24 am


    thank you….. i could not have said it better myself

  35. Horrific on September 22nd, 2010 7:19 am

    Nope not angry at the world, just losers who think they can take what they
    want because some parent didn’t do their job a long time ago.

    Their are a lot of good ppl out their doing all the right things and still things
    go wrong. Most of it because of ppl like this.
    These ppl could have and said they would shoot some innocent person
    at the drug store who just got up that morning and went to work as usual.

    These thugs just want to get high.
    How do I sound mad at the world?
    I’m just mad at thugs who grow up thinking it’s ok to rob, rape, maim and
    kill everybody else to get what they want

  36. robert on September 22nd, 2010 7:18 am

    Horriffic the only thing you may be right on is the parenting problem!! this had nothing to do with when the person got there first gun.

  37. [_]\ (coffee) on September 22nd, 2010 7:04 am

    “Horrific” ……… YOU sound angry at the world hun

  38. Horrific on September 22nd, 2010 6:58 am

    The whole thing is pitiful and if I hear one more person say it is a sign of
    the times I’m going to throw up.

    It’s not a sign of the times.
    Their making it OUR TIMES.

    Their not grown up yet.
    They don’t want to go get a job.
    They want to just get high, hunt or go fishing.

    Who is raising these kids? How did they become just another bunch of
    thugs who will raise a gun at someone and say something like,
    “the cops better not pull up or i’m going to kill someone and I won’t have
    any trouble doing it either”.

    This thug was probably handed a gun at 6 years old and told to kill a
    little bunny rabbit!

    Think about that ppl when you hand your kid a gun and think it makes
    him a man. What kind of man do you intend to raise?

    Drugs are not the problem
    Drugs are the result of the problem!
    The problem is Parenting!

  39. xpeecee on September 22nd, 2010 6:38 am

    Keep your shirt on, Mary. Escambia’s Finest know what they are doing…

  40. Fred on September 22nd, 2010 6:38 am

    The article above states: A store employee told deputies that she recognized the suspect as a pharmacy customer by his voice.
    The article above also states: A witness told deputies that he saw the armed robber run from the store and enter his getaway vehicle. A vehicle matching the exact description was located in the yard of a home in the 400 block of Molino Road near the U.S. Post Office.
    It appears to me that they had the the right man in custody but allowed him to much time in the house to do away with the evidence they needed to sew up the case. In 30 minutes he could easily flush the stolen drugs down the toilet and even cut up apparels into small pieces and do the same. Hind sight is always better than foresight but they should have gave this guy about 1 minute to come out of the house and then filled the house with tear gas and stormed it. If they arrest someone without solid evidence the county could be facing a lawsuit. I’m sure their still digging for evidence to make an arrest.

  41. [_]\ (coffee) on September 22nd, 2010 5:59 am

    OK, so the employee reconized one of the robbers by his voice,
    A vehicle matching the exact description was parked in the yard where the
    “little darlins” were at,
    AND a gun was found matching description OF THE GUN USED IN THE ROBBERY!! (yes, i’m yelling).
    So whats the problem, why are they NOT under the jail waiting on thier 10 years?
    Do they really think they are NOT going to get caught?
    I thinks its safe to “assume” with this story, I don’t think the POPO wasted time, picking on poor little innocent kids that day! I’m just saying! :)

  42. Mary on September 22nd, 2010 4:31 am

    I am very surprised that the people that robbed this store have not been caught this “Lil Town”. I thought Escambia’s Finest were didnt take long in the “Billings case” SO..Now there are about 3 “nut jobs” running lose around here..That’s just great..I’m sure everyone has thier guns loaded & ready!! Thats how I’m afraid it will end..shoot out in someone’s house(while the “perps” are trying to hide)