Video Allegedly Shows Candidate Stealing Opponent’s Signs

July 27, 2010

Accusations are flying between two local candidates over a video that shows one stealing his opponent’s campaign signs, and the Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is investigating.

Saturday night, Republic State Congressional District 1 candidate Greg Brown, Jr.and his wife Jennifer  were videotaped as they removed campaign signs belonging to opponent Doug Broxson.  The signs were removed from property near Milton belonging to Okaloosa County attorney Don Dewrell. (The complete video is at the bottom of this story.)

Brown does not deny removing his opponent’s signs, but he says he had permission from the property owner.

“The video in question was deliberately taken and distributed to appear as if I had participated in some type of juvenile campaign trick.” Brown said. “After witnessing me removing the signs, as I had permission to do, rather than call the property owner or myself, Doug Broxson’s campaign anonymously dropped off the video with press, email lists, and the Sheriff’s department to discredit me.”

The video was taken using a night-vision camera from behind a bush or tree about 8:45 Saturday night by Broxson’s son Jason Broxson. Brown and his wife are seen moving around several campaign signs, eventually removing several. Each time a car passes, the couple pauses.

The video has sound, with Brown and his wife caught speaking. The volume of the conversation is very low; however, text superimposed on the video suggest what is being said.

“Is that good?” the video alleges that Jennifer Brown said after removing signs.

“Wait…your fingerprints are still on the ones laying down,” the video claims Brown responded.

A statement released by Brown’s campaign Monday afternoon claims the signs were not stolen, and provides the following statement from Dewrell, the property owner: “Greg Brown called me several months ago for permission to place his sign on my property at State Road 87 and State Road 89 and I gave him exclusive permission to place his campaign signs there…Within that exclusive permission he had the authority to remove any of his opponents’ signs that appeared on my property. None of his opponents asked for permission.”

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office is reviewing the claims and the video to determine if any laws were broken.

“The worse part of it all is Doug Broxson is wasting the law enforcement’s time and using the media for political cheap shots instead of campaigning on real issues. Just this past weekend I hand delivered a letter to Mr. Broxson demanding that he stop a “push” poll by his campaign or his supporters that falsely claimed I had been arrested for drunk driving,” Brown said. “Doug Broxson will use whatever trick he can to win an election.”

Florida House District 1 includes the northern two-thirds of Escambia County, most of Santa Rosa County and a portion of Okaloosa County. The seat is being vacated by Greg Evers who is running for Florida Senate District 2.

In addition to Broxson and Brown, Republicans Ricky Perritt and Ferd Salomon and independent Mathias Venditto are seeking the House seat. Perritt was arrested Monday night; click here for that story.


29 Responses to “Video Allegedly Shows Candidate Stealing Opponent’s Signs”

  1. Parentwithabrain on July 29th, 2010 7:03 pm

    Broxson is an idiot. He’s wasting precious resources. Officers who have much more important cases on their desks having to worry about this? How ridiculous. Broxson made my skin crawl before. He’s been running a crappy mudslinging campaign. That, IMO, is a loser.

    If Brown had permission to remove the signs then he had permission to remove the signs. Personally I’d like to see all the signs done away with and candidates write up a letter, including their resume’s and post it in places people can see, including online. I don’t want to see their ads on their signs.

  2. JohnMolino on July 29th, 2010 11:06 am

    Ancient history and historical documents clearly identify prostitution as being the World’s oldest profession. They identify politicians as being the second oldest profession. What history fails to show us, is the difference between the two.

  3. Renae on July 27th, 2010 10:42 pm

    Didn’t Dewrell work for Brown? Yeah, i think he did.

    A couple of things i don’t get, if permission was given…. why did he sneak around? why be so concerned when cars were coming, and which direction? why are you so concerned with fingerprints? Hmmmmmmmm…. That should tell you something right there.

    Good lie though, i must say & very creative.

  4. breyer on July 27th, 2010 7:06 pm

    It’s a shame when “none of the above” would be the best option if it was available. (I guess I’ll be skipping that question) unless someone starts to stand out as and upstanding citizen (doubtful).

    If Brown had such clear-cut permission, why wouldn’t he just pull up the signs during the daytime? Yes, a lot of people would see it – so what? To me, that would look more like he had a right to do so. And, if Broxson was having trouble with people stealing signs, why would Brown want to risk making people believe he was directly related to ALL the missing signs by tampering with them?

    Signs are an eyesore and to tell you the truth, I want to know the names of the candidates, but if I see TOO many signs for one candidate within a short distance, I just start to dislike that person more and more.

  5. Softball Mom X4 on July 27th, 2010 5:48 pm

    So you want someone who feels the need to have people sitting in the dark with night vision cameras representing you? Wonder why it was such a big deal to him to catch someone on camera? Seems to me no one was very confident with their campaign.

  6. VoterWantingEthicalOfficials on July 27th, 2010 3:02 pm

    Splat – just what Brown did to his career by stealing Broxson’s signs. Yes, the stupidity is hilarious, and, no, I wasn’t on that team before (but I am now). I don’t want someone like Brown representing us!

  7. Quinn on July 27th, 2010 2:34 pm

    Floridian you are wrong Nichols and perritt had their own tent and are we in a world where a young man is attacked on what he drinks and what he is wearing and not how this young gentleman has carried a small campaign ? Think first

  8. interested reader on July 27th, 2010 12:55 pm

    SMILE! candid camera is watching you. Brown is a loser any way you look at it. Sorry politics are so twisted today. I’m looking for the delete button when I vote on some of these jokers.

  9. Vicki Rose on July 27th, 2010 12:29 pm

    signs, signs, signs, everywhere signs, people get real. A sign with someone’s name printed on it does not decide who I vote in an office/position. They are a waste and an eyesore. Camera guy sitting in the dark waiting on the next big story, “taking of signs” woo..hoo. I will be sure to note this in my journal of history making moments. my goodness people. Pray for God to place the right people in leadership offices/positions.

  10. Quinn on July 27th, 2010 12:01 pm

    There is one up and coming politician who I have been very impressed with and it happens to be perritts campaign manager even though perritt is now in this mess little Tommy Nichols had nothing to do with that and has ran a great campaign for perritt and I expect more from this young 20 something politician so yes there is hope for our futures in politics .

  11. TERESA on July 27th, 2010 11:54 am

    RE: I hope the next generation of leaders are better than this one:

    I don’t think so….Look at most our children today and you tell me if they are gonna better…..That is a laugh all in itself…..

  12. Splat on July 27th, 2010 11:54 am

    haha this is comedy.

    voterwantingethical – you’re obviously on the team that was hiding in the bushes. Stalking I mean.

  13. JAMES BANDU on July 27th, 2010 11:27 am

    OH COME ON, GIVE ME A BREAK what childish crude!
    If you are going to be an Idiot at least give a homeless person 20 bucks to do it for you….LOL. I believe the video shows his Guilt !

  14. Softball Mom X4 on July 27th, 2010 9:41 am

    I feel the same as others that have commented on here. Why would someone be hiding in the bushes at a home video taping with night vision cameras if this was not some sort of a set up. And how possible would he have known where to hide or video tape. There are Broxson signs in my neighbor’s yard should I be concerned that someone is in the bushes video taping every night. If you think about it, that is creepy. Everyone involved in this childish behavior should be ashamed of themselves.

  15. Mommy of 2 on July 27th, 2010 9:11 am

    really? how did this guy know to hide here with a camera? murders, rapes, drogs, I guess there is nothing more important going on in this town than some stupid signs….I hope the next generation of leaders is better than this one.

  16. Angi on July 27th, 2010 8:42 am

    OK, the property owner simply states that Brown called him several months ago about putting his campaign signs on this owners property, and that he gave Brown the permission; when none of the other candidates asked for permission to put their signs on his property. But, the catcher here is; #1 If the Browns were authorized to put the Brown campaign signs on this owners property, then why did the Browns feel the need to have to sneak around at night and pull up the other candidates signs? Why not just simply put them up with the other candidates signs? #2 If the property owner did not want these other candidates to put their signs on his property, then he should have been the one to remove the signs from his property himself. To me, it shows lack of respect for your other candidates; whether they may or may not need to be voted for, but you have to simply think. The public is going to vote for whoever they want in there.
    Simply be a good sport about the whole matter and just put your signs up where you have permission to, whether there is someone else’s signs up or not. There should be no reason for the sneaking around at night to remove other’s stuff, that is a little cowardly… May the best man win!

  17. Get 'Em on July 27th, 2010 8:05 am

    Write both of ‘em a bunch of tickets. Campaign signs are illegal anyway on the right of way.

  18. VoterWantingEthicalOfficials on July 27th, 2010 7:32 am

    Dang straight Brown got busted stealing and is trying without success to make Broxson out to be the bad guy when he’s the one who can’t be trusted!

  19. dnutjob on July 27th, 2010 7:29 am

    Chidren, children OMGosh what idiots! lol

  20. T on July 27th, 2010 7:21 am


    Question…………..Does “Doug Broxson” just happened to have camera’s staked out at ALL the places that his signs are placed?

  21. Huh? on July 27th, 2010 7:08 am

    Hiding in the woods? Isn’t that trespassing? And dog, you look guilty! If you had permission to remove signs, why would you try to look all innocent when a car passes? Who needs to vote for a guy that takes four minutes to pull up four signs?

    And that other dude Perritt got busted for drug trafficking. No wonder they call this the Redneck Riviera.

    I’m voting for none of the above.

  22. nativefloridian on July 27th, 2010 7:07 am

    no democratic canddidate in this race.. the 4th candidate is Ferd Salomon.

  23. Big B little ill on July 27th, 2010 6:46 am

    As the old saying goes: The proof is in the pudding.

  24. Oversight on July 27th, 2010 6:34 am

    The republican field self-destructing with its sneaks (Broxon for hiding in the bushes with a camera), molesters (Brown for removing signs), and druggies (Perritt). I guess we’ll have to see who the democratic candidate is going to be to find someone for the office.

  25. VoterWantingEthicalOfficials on July 27th, 2010 6:12 am

    Give me a break, Brown. You need to man up and quick deflecting this on others. You’ve lost a ton of votes and only need to blame yourself for your shameful behavior which was caught on tape.

    Your reaction makes you seem whiney (thus a “loser”). You’ve made yourself look like Buford T. Justice’s boy.

  26. Elise Peer on July 27th, 2010 5:22 am

    Stealing anything is wrong! However, both seem to be acting as 6 yr olds. Sneaking around at nite, and hiding in bushes…..very sad. I wonder who released the video to the internet and why? A police report seems to be all that was required.

  27. Big Al on July 27th, 2010 4:45 am

    This mess is like the last presidential election. Where in the world is the “None of the Above Button”?

  28. Atmore Girl on July 27th, 2010 4:13 am

    HAHA!! They smooth got busted!!! What would have been funny is if the guy would have popped out of the woods while they were doing it!!

  29. David Huie Green on July 27th, 2010 1:28 am

    if you can’t win by building yourself up,
    win by tearing the opponnt down?