Perritt To Continue House Campaign After Wife Arrested On Drug Charges

July 24, 2010

Days after the arrest of his wife on drug trafficking charges, Florida House District 1 candidate Ricky Perritt has announced that he will stay in the race.

(Update: Ricky Perritt was arrest on drug trafficking charges on July 26. Click here for the story.)

“I am running to give the common citizens a voice in Tallahassee,” Perritt said.  “We must remember that leadership is earned, not inherited.”

Perritt’s wife, Jennifer Rene Perritt, 38, of Wallace Lake Road, Pace, is charged with drug trafficking,  prescription forgery and fraud. She was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail where she was later released on $31,000 bond.

A statement issued by Perritt’s campaign said Jennifer Perritt has suffered from a degenerative spinal condition for the past seven years, and that she became addicted to her prescribed pain medications.

“…Mrs. Perritt voluntarily reported to the Santa Rosa County Sheriff to answer questions regarding allegations that she mishandled prescriptions,” the press released stated. “Mr. Perritt is concerned for the health of his wife and he is consulting with the appropriate professionals to evaluate the situation. During this time Mr. Perritt asks you to pray for his family and asks that you respect his wife’s privacy.”

Bond for Jennifer Perritt was originally set at $620,000, but later reduced to $31,000.

Florida House District 1 includes the northern two-thirds of Escambia County, most of Santa Rosa County and a portion of Okaloosa County. The seat is being vacated by Greg Evers who is running for Florida Senate District 2.


16 Responses to “Perritt To Continue House Campaign After Wife Arrested On Drug Charges”

  1. checkerhead on July 28th, 2010 5:46 pm

    To Truth:

    You may have know Jennifer & Ricky but you can’t have known them for a LENGTHY time.. I can”t say any more because my comment won’t be posted. Most of the things I know aren’t recorded in any way that I could substantiate. However, it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Suppose a man on a porch threw a rock at me everyday that I got off the school bus for all of my high school years. Twenty years later he runs for office. Me and my friends all realize what a toad he is but can we prove it? NO. You had to be there. You had to see this for yourself. That is why I commented that people should ask questions of the locals that KNOW him and HAVE KNOWN him for a long time.

    As you will note, I made that comment BEFORE he was arrested. I have not supported ANY campaign but am now leaning towards the ONLY NAME that SO FAR does not have any negative publicity associated with it. You all can figure that one out for yourselves.

  2. now on July 27th, 2010 10:11 am

    now will people please help these children, they are the ones, that are helpless. they did not ask for this.

  3. truth on July 26th, 2010 5:56 pm

    I do live in pace & I know the perritt’s they are a good family that cares about this community. They are originally from here & have roots in this community & if you do ask in the pace community the positive by far out ways the negative. I have no idea what ■checkerhead is talking about & it sounds like he is with the other campaign

  4. checkerhead on July 26th, 2010 1:15 am

    Any voter reading this that is considering voting for Ricky needs to come to Pace and ask some of the locals their opinion of Ricky Perritt. Trust me, you will get an ear full. Try the convenient store at five points at breakfast ( groovin noovin’s I think) If you want more go to the Grocery Outlet in Pace around lunch and ask the locals about Ricky. They do not have a good reputation around here.

  5. David Huie Green on July 25th, 2010 5:40 pm

    It is not a matter of throwing stones, but it is possible a man whose wife was involved in such matters might be distracted from giving it his full attention. I would assume voters would consider such things.

    Please remember, no matter what the pot says or doesn’t say, the kettle IS black.

    David hoping all drug addictions find a permantent cure
    (is Jim Bakker really a Republican? I thought he was Pentacostal)

  6. sisterlove on July 25th, 2010 11:56 am

    yee who have not sinned cast the first stone !!!!!

  7. oodles on July 25th, 2010 6:14 am

    Democrates have nothing over republicans when it comes to crooks?
    lol as seen in roberts lists;.

    I guess you have conveniently forgotten about a lot of your
    republicans, like nixon for instances.

    Don’t start calling the kettle black girl!

  8. Bob on July 24th, 2010 9:42 pm

    To I Wonder.
    You must be a new reader on North Escambia. Do not ever try to outguess William. He’s THE MAN.

  9. William on July 24th, 2010 9:35 pm

    I wonder wrote:

    >Also, how did this story get to this website so soon after Mrs. P’s arrest? I didn’t see it in the news journal and it was several hours before channel 3 covered it. Maybe someone called because this site covers the majority of our state rep’s area? Just a guess.

    No one called us.

    We actually learned of the arrest from Perritt’s campaign consultants — they issued a press release at 11:46 pm on 7/21 and we ran the first story the following morning.. The release went to, the PNJ, WEAR-TV and most of the other print and radio media in the Pensacola area — all at the same time.

  10. I wonder on July 24th, 2010 9:06 pm

    Has there been a press release from the sheriff’s office about this? If so, I haven’t seen it.

    Also, how did this story get to this website so soon after Mrs. P’s arrest? I didn’t see it in the news journal and it was several hours before channel 3 covered it. Maybe someone called because this site covers the majority of our state rep’s area? Just a guess.

    I have a feeling there is more to this story to come…

  11. checkerhead on July 24th, 2010 1:33 pm

    How EXACTLY do you “mishandle” a prescription? Did she not hod it in the upright position? was it left on its side? Did she write her own prescriptions? If so where did she get the prescription pad? Was it ordered? Stolen? Given that she has fraud and forgery charges that is what it looks like. Why can’t they say what the cops are alleging took place? MISHANDLING PRESCRIPTIONS? He’s not even in office yet and we are already getting wording that could mean anything.

  12. womammy on July 24th, 2010 1:22 pm

    i do not understand what drug traffing, prescription, fraud, has anything to do with mrs. perritt back, the last i heard is drug traffing, is to sale not take, prescription fraud, is getting some one to take a doctors prescription drug form to take to the drug stire to get drug you n eed, and fraudis trickery. if any one else had these charges. would not have a changes to get out of jail. but i guess it is who you know, and being a pass police officer mr. perritt, why hurting a lot of people when you were a police officer. you think you and your wife is better than any one else. there is a differce in drug use/addiction and drug charges.

  13. Layla on July 24th, 2010 11:19 am

    “I am running to give the common citizens a voice in Tallahassee,” Perritt said.

    Maybe he should have been a little more concerned about what was going on in his own home. This is just a shame. If he can’t see a scammer in his own home, what WON’T he see in Tallahassee too?

  14. Splat on July 24th, 2010 9:21 am

    This guy seems pretty selfish to me. Instead of being there for his wife in her obvious time of need, he continues to roll on with his campaigning….when it is obvious that he has a slim chance of winning now. What does this tell you? I don’t want someone like this in office. This is like another John Edwards, his wife battled breast cancer and yet he continued to campaign for presidency. End the end he was more corrupt then we thought and lost a lot of respect from voters.

  15. T on July 24th, 2010 8:02 am

    Elected Office always brings down those whose Ethical and Moral values are weak. We need to elect the very best Leaders and those with the highest Integrity. We need true servants instead of those with selfish motives. Pick your best leaders when you vote. We can see what happens when we do not by the state of our political structure.

  16. Carolyn Bramblett on July 24th, 2010 7:05 am

    America doesn’t need anymore people inhabiting elected offices whose spouses are in and out of jail. Besides—that’s normally reserved for democrats.