Video: Oil Washes Up On Pensacola Beach

June 23, 2010

Heavy oil and tar balls washed ashore on Pensacola Beach Wednesday morning, as shown in the YouTube video below.

For photos, click here.

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11 Responses to “Video: Oil Washes Up On Pensacola Beach”

  1. No to deep well drilling in the gulf on June 25th, 2010 8:32 am

    It’s okay to blame the government if your against deep well drilling but if you are for it, then your stuck with the problems it brings!
    Leaks are not fixable at such a depth, then it simply too deep to drill, safely! Its just that simple.
    We can complain all we want and blame anyone we want but it won’t fix the problems!

  2. sktmax on June 24th, 2010 8:38 pm

    No to deep well drilling in the gulf,

    Why is it not ok to hold the governement accountable for what they have done? Rejecting the help of 13 countries. Halting barges off of Louisiana so the Coast Guard can check for life vests. I agree alot of people are a little too quick to blame the President. Yes Obama cannot physical go down there and fix the leak. Yes, he is trying to halt our drilling at 1500 meters. But now we find out that he is lending billions of dollars to Brazil to drill in the Gulf beyond 2000 meters.
    I ask this question to anybody concerned about deepwater drilling: Why is ok for Brazil to drill with our tax dollars, but not us??

  3. No to deep well drilling in the gulf on June 24th, 2010 9:04 am

    What’s unbelievable, is those that still would like to deep water drill in the Gulf!!!

    When you can’t stop the leak because of the depth, then you are drilling far too deep! Failure rate for valves are common.

    We knew this could happen!!! The ruin of our beach and the Gulf!!!!

    How many jobs are lost now ? Unbelievable that there are those who still want to drill and blame the government for everything.
    BP took short cuts and you can bet that all the others took them too, and accident waiting to happen!
    Sooooo Sooooo SAD!!

  4. Chumuckla proud on June 23rd, 2010 7:02 pm

    and it will become known as “The Dead Sea”.

  5. James on June 23rd, 2010 3:55 pm

    Far worse are the volatile organic compounds mixed in that oil thanks to BP’s use of a few million gallons of Corexit dispersant. Breathe it in and watch in 3 years or less as the CANCER starts to spike from Corpus Christi TX to Key West FL. In case you don’t know it yet the G of M is now Love Canal II and New Jersey’s EPA Superfund sites COMBINED. Talk about beachfront property next to a toxic dump on steroids!.

  6. Julie Booth-Moran on June 23rd, 2010 3:34 pm

    The sad part of this is if the powers that be would put aside the politics, and put principles above personalities and just STOP the LEAK, let the Dutch help, let anyone that has any idea that appears to work…just DO IT! This could kill our ocean as we know it.

  7. art on June 23rd, 2010 2:59 pm

    the judge in new orleans that overturned the moratorium is invested in offshore oil and bp can not handle this catastrophe

    click here.

  8. Clary on June 23rd, 2010 1:56 pm

    It is so heartbreaking and I can’t believe no big news source is covering this…I only found it after multiple google searches. Food for thought. I am so sad for all involved.

  9. Tina on June 23rd, 2010 12:28 pm

    This is heartbreaking

  10. anydaynow on June 23rd, 2010 12:19 pm

    If we are lucky it won’t become as bad as over in Louisiana, it’s my understanding that the stuff is near knee deep in places over there. All of the Gulf states need to band together and assure that modern booms are obtained for the area, and require that all the platforms in the Gulf maintain circular booms in concentric circles around their platforms until their well heads are brought up to modern, international standards. I would even like to see dispursants banned totally as it appears that the floating oil is much more manageable in a clean-up situation. I’ll bet that half million dollar remote controlled shut-off valve is looking like a bargain to BP now.

  11. sktmax on June 23rd, 2010 12:10 pm

    This is heartbreaking…