NHS Minority Culture Clubs Takes Trip To Tallahassee

May 6, 2008


Northview High School’s Minority Culture Club visited Tallahassee recently. The students visited the state capital, Florida State University and Florida A & M University.

The MCC toured the state capital before taking a walking tour to Florida A & M, a historically black university in the heart of Tallahassee.

The students then toured Florida State University where they watched a CARE Summer Bridge Program presentation. CARE is the Center for Academic Retention and Enhancement designed to assist first generation, college freshmen from disadvantaged backgrounds transition into campus life at FSU. During the summer term, CARE students take up to seven credit hours and are provided with a variety of academic and social outlets.

The Minority Culture Club at Northview High School is sponsored by teacher Annie Gilmore.

Click here for more MCC Tallahassee trip photos.

Pictured above: Members of the Northview High School Minority Culture Club in front of the Florida state capital building. Picture below: MCC members at Florida A & M University. Submitted photos.



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