Senior Play ‘Our Town’ Presented At NHS

May 4, 2008


The Northview High School senior class took to the stage Friday and Saturday nights to present “Our Town”.

There were 22 cast members in Northview’s production of Thorton Wilder’s “Our Town”. Set in the small New Hampshire town of Grover’s Corners, Our Town is one of the most widely produced American stage plays.

Click here for a photo gallery from the NHS production of “Our Town”.

The Stage Manager, who serves as the play’s narrator and often delivers long monologues, introduces the audience to Grover’s Corners in 1901. In the early morning, only a few folks are about. The paperboy delivers papers. The milkman passes by. Dr. Gibbs has just delivered twins.

Then it’s just an ordinary day in Grover’s Corners. Throughout the morning and the rest of the day, the townspeople of Grover’s Corner eat breakfast, work in town, do household chores, garden, gossip, go to school, attend choir practice, and admire the moonlight. An attraction develops between young residents Emily Webb and George Gibbs, as they share algebra homework help from their respective windows.

Over the next two acts, the characters further interact to show small town life in Grover’s Corners. A lot happens in act two, but we don’t want to spoil it for you.

The final act takes place in a cemetery in 1913. It is set upon a hill overlooking Grover’s Corner. About a dozen people sit in several rows of chairs. They have patient and somber faces. The Stage Manager tells us that these are the dead citizens of the town. photos, click to enlarge.



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