Obama Visits Gulf Region (With Remarks From Ala. And Miss.)

June 14, 2010

President Obama traveled to the Gulf Coast region Monday for the fourth time since the BP oil spill began in April. He will spend Monday night in Pensacola before heading to Pensacola Beach Tuesday morning.

The President began his trip in Gulfport, Mississippi, where he met with National Incident Commander Admiral Thad Allen and local officials to discuss efforts to fight the BP oil spill. Later, the President had lunch with business owners in Gulfport, Mississippi, to discuss the impact the oil spill is having on tourism, fishing and other industries in the region.

Later in the afternoon the President traveled to Theodore, Alabama where he met with state and local officials and toured one of the 16 staging locations throughout the region that provide support for the ongoing cleanup efforts. The President delivered remarks in Theodore before boarding a ferry to Ft. Morgan, Alabama. The President began his remarks by assuring residents of the Gulf Coast region that their way of live would be preserved for future generations:

Now, what I’ve heard from a number of local officials during my trip today is what I’ve heard from folks on each of the four visits that I’ve made to this region since the Deepwater Horizon explosion happened in April. There’s a sense that this disaster is not only threatening our fishermen and our shrimpers and our oystermen, not only affecting potentially precious marshes and wetlands and estuaries and waters that are part of what makes the Gulf Coast so special — there’s also a fear that it can have a long-term impact on a way of life that has been passed on for generations.

And I understand that fear. The leaders and the officials who are with me understand it. Governor Riley understands it. He has been a regular presence on our daily coordinating calls, and a relentless advocate for Alabama throughout this process. And we are absolutely committed to working with him and all the local officials who are behind us to do everything in our power to protect the Gulf way of life so that it’s there for our children and our grandchildren and our great-grandchildren.

The President also addressed concerns about the safety of seafood from the Gulf of Mexico:

Dealing with the aftermath of this spill also means protecting the health and safety of the folks who live and work here in Theodore, here in Alabama, and here on the Gulf Coast. As part of this effort, I’m announcing a comprehensive, coordinated, and multi-agency initiative to ensure that seafood from the Gulf of Mexico is safe to eat. Now, I had some of that seafood for lunch and it was delicious. But we want to make sure that the food industry down here as much as possible is getting the protect — the protection and the certification that they need to continue their businesses. So this is important for consumers who need to know that their food is safe, but it’s also important for the fishermen and processors, who need to be able to sell their products with confidence.

So, let me be clear: Seafood from the Gulf today is safe to eat. But we need to make sure that it stays that way. And that’s why, beyond closing off waters that have been or are likely to be exposed to oil, the FDA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration are increasing inspections of seafood processors, strengthening surveillance programs, and monitoring fish that are caught just outside of restricted areas. And we’re also coordinating our efforts with the states, which are implementing similar plans.

The President concluded his remarks by assuring the residents of the Gulf Coast region that the Administration would not rest until their lives and livelihoods had been returned to normal.

Now, I can’t promise folks here in Theodore or across the Gulf Coast that the oil will be cleaned up overnight. It will not be. It’s going to take time for things to return to normal. There’s going to be a harmful effect on many local businesses and it’s going to be painful for a lot of folks. Folks are going to be frustrated and some folks are going to be angry. But I promise you this: that things are going to return to normal. This region that’s known a lot of hardship will bounce back, just like it’s bounced back before. We are going to do everything we can, 24/7, to make sure that communities get back on their feet. And in the end, I am confident that we’re going to be able to leave the Gulf Coast in better shape than it was before.

Pictured President Barack Obama, joined by Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, delivers remarks following a briefing at Coast Guard Station Gulfport in Gulfport, Miss. Monday morning. White House photo by Chuck Kennedy for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


18 Responses to “Obama Visits Gulf Region (With Remarks From Ala. And Miss.)”

  1. Teri Bella on June 17th, 2010 12:20 pm

    I wish he would just sit in his chair and do nothing. We would all benefit!

  2. just tired on June 17th, 2010 10:49 am

    I know it just breaks the spirit of some people to see our President, Mr. Obama in office, but there’s nothing that you can do about it, so shut up. If he doesn’t do anything but sit in his chair at the oval office desk, then he has done better than Bush (1 & 2). And another thought, have any of you thought about maybe God is trying to tell you all something. When he is not pleased with the way things are, he allows certain things to happen to try and get people’s attention, in hopes that it will cause people to change their ways. A few years ago, he devastated Pensacola Beach with a hurricane, still nothing changed. So, now with the oil spill maybe he is just showing people if everyone can’t feel welcome to come and enjoy these sugar white beaches and not be harrassed by the police and others, then no one will be able to enjoy them. Just Saying!

  3. billy on June 16th, 2010 12:43 pm

    Yeah……..go back…………..socialist

  4. Joan on June 15th, 2010 7:25 pm

    He just can’t get any satisfaction. If he didn’t come, people would nag and fuss…since he came people are still nagging and fussing. What do you want? It’s sad that some people just want to complain all the time and seem never to be pleased. You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all the time.

  5. interested reader on June 15th, 2010 6:17 pm

    NO Obama is NOT just one man. He is the president of the United States and supposedly the leader of our country. Sad to say he is all talk and hype and absolutely no help when it comes to action. Go back home and leave us to cry about our beautiful beaches and water that will need 25 years to be clean again. Oh, I forgot , that is if we don’t have a major hurricane. Look at the pictures! It’s still gushing oil! No end in sight.

  6. Teri Bella on June 15th, 2010 2:36 pm

    How could anyone possibly want to re-elect this joke of a man? He is an embarrassment to our great country. He wants to see America’s downfall. He has done everything possible to take away our freedom, give government more control over our lives, and apologize for America all around the world. This man is good at only one thing – passing the blame to anyone but himself. He has done nothing to help America. I only hope we can survive the next 2 ½ years! Coming to the Gulf Coast – nothing but an expensive photo op!

  7. Obama in 2012 on June 15th, 2010 11:18 am

    As a Veteran and American I proud that we have such a fine, upstanding man taking care of business and holding corporate America’s feet to the fire to get this mess cleaned up. He has a tough road ahead cleaning up the messes left by the bumbling idiot Bush clan, but IMO Americans picked the right man for the job. Thank you Mr. President.

  8. Just An Old Soldier on June 15th, 2010 10:54 am

    Every time that stupid man (yes, he’s stupid – he’s only smart in the way criminal conspiritors are “smart”) speaks, my tumb hits the MUTE button,

    If they’re lookin to reduce the “carbon footprint” they should put a cork in 0bama’s mouth – he’ the biggest Gas Bag since the Zeppelin. And that goes for Prince Al too.

    And to those that say “get out there and help” – I have (and I’m disabled), and I will continue to do so without your stupid advice…idiots like you put one of your own kind into the highest office of the land. So kindly stick that where the sun don’t shine. Sure do see a lot of people taking a lot of “breaks” out there when they could be working…but that’s their problem, not mine.

    Zero experience, Zero accomplishment, Zer0bama – still the WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

    Guess how much it costs Escambia County every time this Zero shows up to try to be a “hero”? Millions of your tax paid dollars are gone! Poof! So he can travel about like a King. How’s that for leadership? More like LOSERship. America needed a leader and all we got was this stinking 0bamaloser, Champion of the Blame Game.

  9. SaddleUpNRide on June 15th, 2010 9:17 am

    I hope you gullable people aren’t falling for all his lies. He Will Not do a thing to help us. He is just making his presence known like he is suppose to. He acts like everything is going to be sooo fine, but don’t be fooled into believing every word that comes out of his mouth, he is a known liar. Our gulf and coast lines will not be back to normal for at least 10 to 15 years. Open your eyes people, the man is just a politican like always and I hope no one in their right mind will ever vote for him again, you were stupid to vote for him to begin with.

    Truth hurts doesn’t it!!!

  10. Michelle on June 15th, 2010 9:15 am

    P,cola i guess you just watched WEAR3. How many Millions is that going to cost us for Mr obama to spend 5 minutes on the beach ( walked maybe 100ft to the life guard tower and back) walking over the sand dunes, over the sea oats? All the people that can’t get to work or vacationers that can’t leave their hotel rooms?
    All the fuel for the long line of heavy vehicles (all the armer weight uses more fuel by the way). The fuel for AF1 to fly down for the day.
    Yeah he realy is making a difference isn’t he?

    As for me I’m doing my part by buying BP > If they go under and their shares tank. There goes everyone 401k”s (which is your retirement based on the stock market). Also if they go under more Americans unemployed, no company to pay for the clean up which WILL fall on your shoulders and Tax payers pockets.
    The Federal Government does not generate its own money (that comes from us)

    So no to your idea of putting BP out of Business that Would be disasterous.

  11. Flo on June 15th, 2010 8:41 am

    Why are all the roads closed needlessly? Closing roads hours before Obama is suppose to go through. Last yesterday closing roads with notice. People have to work, radioes are not an option to hear what is going on outside the work force. Closing I-110 at 6:30 am, when the public was told 8:00 am. Hey we have to work. Hundreds of thousands of people being put out for one man. The money this trip has cost the tax payers for a photo shot.

    My next question: who is going to pay the loss of money for the business people who just happen to be in the road closure areas?

    Am I upset? YES!!!! Nothing will still be done about saving the sea life, the Gulf of Mexico, and our sugar white beaches.

  12. Pcola on June 15th, 2010 8:17 am

    oh, and all of you guys here bashing the President is helping…yeah right. look in the mirror you fools! there is something you could be doing too. he is one man, trying to get other ‘men’ organized to help clean this crap up! if you guys weren’t too busy voicing your opinions on such, you could get your butt out there and help with SOMETHING! however small it might be. so hush up! you silly people, work together and maybe things will happen!

  13. UD Better Belive it on June 15th, 2010 7:52 am

    Just Saying what you think people want to hear, is not a fix !

  14. huh on June 15th, 2010 2:23 am

    Bp doesnt really care to fix it, he should use the power of the government to force them , fix it now, or face jail for destroying the ocean , fishing industry and property values and investments.

    Eventually BP stock will tank, maybe a government take over of BP would help. Then they would have plenty of OIL for the troops that never get to leave the middleast

  15. NOTE on June 14th, 2010 10:57 pm

    Too little, too late.

  16. Michelle on June 14th, 2010 10:50 pm

    Quit using the Gulf problems as a distraction from bigger issues.

    You promised that Our troops will be coming home by July of this year. You don’t think the bad guys aren’t counting the days and are going to hold you to YOUR promise?

    You started this mess with healthcare reform, but we haven’t heard much since the Southern States are ready to fight you?

    Or is that why are hanging around here, because your popularity has tanked here?

    For someone who says He is in the fight for the enviroment. This is your what, 4 trip here on Air Force 1 to spend a day here and there?

    Save time, TAX PAYERS money and the enviroment. I suggerst a web conference. It would do as much good as you showing up here whenever.

    Quit stalling and get back to work.

  17. strummer1965 on June 14th, 2010 8:57 pm

    Go Back to D.C. Mr. Obama, one more loafer, one more looter, one more moocher is not what we need right now.You, like the rest of the parasitic government workers are only getting in the way of recovery.Private businesses will do what they’ve always done, produce revenue and clean up the mess.That’s just how we do things in the South.Who is John Gault?

  18. =) on June 14th, 2010 7:27 pm

    Words. Just words. More empty promises. Remember how he promised our troops would come home? Yeah. Thanks Obama. Unless you can help, actually HELP, don’t bother making promises. Its nice that you care, its nice people around the world care, but caring doesn’t fix everything.