Photo Gallery: Molino Park 5th Graders Say Goodbye

June 5, 2010

There were lots of tears, smiles and hugs Friday morning at Molino Park Elementary School as fifth graders took their final walk to the buses on the last day of school.

Teachers, parents and other students cheered on the Molino Park graduates as they said goodbye to their elementary years.

For a photo gallery, click here.

Pictured above and below: Fifth grade students take their final walk to the buses Friday morning at Molino Park Elementary School. photos by Kristi Smith, click to enlarge.


5 Responses to “Photo Gallery: Molino Park 5th Graders Say Goodbye”

  1. Leah on May 19th, 2021 1:03 pm

    I am so sad for my last day of school

  2. daysha on October 20th, 2010 9:57 am

    omg… i went there i was so sad wen i left..but here comes middle school get 2 sem them all in 2 months is all i thought(:

  3. C.M. on June 7th, 2010 8:40 am

    I feel sooooo bad 4 them.Some of them are even crying.I just hate to see young girls that age cry.OMG I feel soooooooooo bad………………… I just know how they felt…..iwent through the same exact thing just passing through grades!!…..Sorry to hear that.Good Luck next yer in Middle School!!!!! ; ^ )

  4. instigator on June 5th, 2010 8:19 am

    my eyes are tearing as i look at these photos! my youngest daughter- one of the fifth graders started here from kindergarden. i was not able to be there for their final walk, i had to be at work. i thank you for posting this so i can see the festivity. i want to thank ALL the teachers who made such a difference in my little girls like.THEY MADE A HUGE DIFFERENCE!!!!!!! i am so greatfull to all- words cannot say. i will truly miss Molino Park it was like family.THANK YOU

  5. Dawn on June 5th, 2010 6:50 am

    My son is one of the 5th graders from Molino Park. We are very sad to be leaving such a wonderful school. The faculty and staff have become like a family and they all will be missed! Congrats to all of you and good luck in your future!