Accused Ax Murderer: ‘Loved Every Swing’

May 21, 2010

“I enjoyed it, I loved every friggin swing” — that’s what the suspect in an apparent ax murder Wednesday near Nine Mile Road told Escambia County deputies.

Brian P. Puckett, 34, was found dead in a home Wednesday morning on Hollowbrook Circle, a cul-de-sac near Hillcrest Baptist Church. Deputies believe he died after being hit in the head with an ax.

smithnathangreg.jpgNathan Greg Smith, 28, is being held in the Escambia County Jail without bond on an open count of murder. His mother, Constance K. Smith, 45, has been named a “person of interest” in the murder, according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. She was, according to deputies, Puckett’s girlfriend. All three resided in the some house on Hollowbrook Circle.

Authorities responded to a cardiac arrest call at the home about 7:55 Wednesday morning.

When deputies arrived, Constance Smith told them that her boyfriend Puckett was dead in the garage. Deputies found Puckett’s body sitting in a chair in the garage. “They immediately noticed a large laceration to the left side of the victim’s head, and it was apparent he was deceased,”  Deputy Robert Guy, Jr. wrote in his report. The report states deputies found an ax by the back door of the garage, about 10-15 feet from the victim.

Deputies found Nathan Smith asleep inside the residence. He told them that he had been out with his friend the previous night and had gotten home about midnight. He told deputies that Puckett and Constance Smith were arguing, but he went straight to his room and went to sleep.

The friend told deputies that he and Nathan Smith arrived at the residence about 2:30 a.m. At about 5 a.m., Nathan Smith went to the nearby friend’s house and stated that he had gotten into an altercation with Puckett and ” he thought he hurt him pretty bad”, the Sheriff’s Office report states.

The friend said he later received a phone call from a hysterical Constance Smith stating that Puckett was dead and that she thought her son, Nathan Smith, was in trouble. The friend told deputies that Constance Smith said that Puckett had been hit with an ax.


28 Responses to “Accused Ax Murderer: ‘Loved Every Swing’”

  1. Friend Of Nate Smith on May 28th, 2010 12:26 pm

    Terry’ comment— You talk about God and then you Cuss and say you would kill him all in the same sentence: That’s GREAT!! God will have the final judgement and I am sure God is with all parties involved. Nathan is a GOOD person and he did make a bad choice. None of us know exactly what happened that night or in their life period. You may have known Brian, but, you say you havent seen him in forever. He was abusive and drunk all the time. I believe Nate Snapped when Brian was beating up on his mom again. None of it is right and we cant point our finger and blame one or the other. Alot of bad choices were made. We need to pray for all of them involved. I hope that Nathan does get some sort of self defense. Because neither of these guys deserved to lose their lives.

  2. terry on May 27th, 2010 10:57 pm

    Me and Brian were good friends. I knew him well…I know for a fact that he didn’t deserve this…I’ve not seen him in years since I got married & moved. He was one of the greatest guys I ever knew. Plus to just be hearing about this event tonight just crushes me…I’m so broken up by this horrible tragic murder…I can’t image how his family is holding up? I was good friends with his little sister also & hope she too can recover from this loss of hers. Kristina If you see this my heart is with you & I love you…your brother was good person. I wish we could have him back! He will be missed. I know your hurting & if I can ease your pain I would. But only time can after something this terrible. Please if you need anything. As for all those ignornant people involved in Brians death…I want you all to know that karma is a killer too & what comes around goes around each and everyone of you will pay for it whether you were there or simply have the knowledge of it. God will see to it in the end I gaurantee it. You see people have choices…& we as people live by our choices made everyday…now Nathan Smith you will pay for your choice with your life…somehow I don’t believe your life is worth my friends…just so you know smart guy florida carrys the death penatly & myself I everybody I know will be praying for the verdict for ya…but rest assured ur end will be less painful then brians but on the otherside you will be paying a bigger price for your actions and everyone who knew about it…that’s gods way. Nathan I wish that I wish there when you killed my buddy cuz the cops would have arrested me for killing your ass and Brian would still be alive.

  3. Lena on May 25th, 2010 7:13 pm

    Well at 28, you would think one would have a place of their own and not living with mom and her younger boyfriend.

  4. Nathanscousin on May 25th, 2010 11:50 am

    Many lives have been forever changed by this tragic incident, and emotions tend to run high in those who hear this story. Nathan is my cousin, and we spent a few years growing up together as children. Though I haven’t seen him for many years, now, I am shocked and upset by these events. He is a good kid that made a bad choice, and he will be held accountable for his actions both internally and legally. This is a burden that he will bear for the rest of his life. While no one (at this point) knows exactly the circumstances behind this death and the events leading up to it, I understand that many of us are quick to make accusations of character. While everyone is entitled to an opinion, I would encourage people to consider there comments before posting. There are enough people feeling the weight of this tragedy, and to heap insults or comments only adds gasoline to an already raging fire. While I would never condone such a horrendeous act as to take the life of another, it is irresponsible to assume that only a crazy person or a “looney” could have done this, and it immediately presumes a self-righteous attitude. As we make these claims, ignorant of the totality of facts, we fail to acknowledge the possibility that one day our cousin/our son/our daughter could be involved in the court of public opinion with a thousand judges ready to read their verdicts. My prayers go out to the victim’s family and to Nathan and my aunt Connie.

  5. nates inherited father in law on May 24th, 2010 10:13 pm

    Nate was an outstanding young man. He served our country and protected those who could not protect them selves. He tried to protect his mother and she obvioulsy refused the help. If some guy treated my mother this way. there would HELL to pay for him…God pray for Nate’s future and for the concsience of his mother. This is a textbook case of maternal self defense. And I hope Nate walks away from this with the FEAR and SAFETY of hs own life and his mothers intact. For those out there in similar situations i can only hope and pray that you get help before it comes to this… JUDGE NOT TILL YOU CONSIDER NATES LIFELONG SITUATION…

  6. Friend Of Nate Smith on May 24th, 2010 3:27 pm

    So Sad!! We have known Nate forever. He served in the military with us. He is a happy go lucky guy and a great guy to be around. Stop pointing your finger and wishing death upon him or his mother. Yes, what he did was wrong. Granted he took the law in his own hands and it was a very bad choice. We all know that!!! None of you all know what happened that night or in their lives period. Let God be the judge on that. None of us know what they lived through or what this guy has done to Nate in the past either. Why dont you pray for all of them instead throwing out your hurtful and mean words. Help make it a better world…. I have never seen so many people say so many mean things and say what is wrong with the world today? HELLO…. PRAY FOR THEM DONT THROW OUT YOUR MEAN COMMENTS!! Nate is not a Looney as most of you all say. Pray for all people involved for god to touch them and there families. Dont wish harm upon somebody that you have no idea what happened to lead up to this. I do believe he was wrong and didnt need to choose this route. I do wish Nate the best of luck and hope that he finds god and understands what he did was wrong.

  7. trayathome on May 24th, 2010 2:16 pm

    Escambia County Florida Clerk of the Circuit Court
    Courtviewer Records Search
    Rcd Case Number Name Party Type Case Type File Date Disposition
    1 2007 DR 001300 SMITH , CONSTANCE  Petitioner DOMESTIC RELATIONS 5/4/2007 CLOSED
    Division / Judge:
    2 2001 MM 028146 A SMITH , CONSTANCE KAY Defendant MISDEMEANOR 10/31/2001 CLOSED
    Division / Judge:
    Complaint #:
    1321604209 Offense Statute Charge Description Lvl/Deg Citation
    10/26/2001 316.193(2A)2 DUI >=.08 – 2ND OFFENSE Second Degree Misdemeanor
    3 2009 MM 020500 A SMITH , CONSTANCE KAY Defendant MISDEMEANOR 1/26/2009 CLOSED
    Division / Judge:
    II   /  SIMON, JOHN F
    Complaint #:
    FHPA09003200 Offense Statute Charge Description Lvl/Deg Citation
    1/24/2009 316.193(2A)1 DUI W/O PROP DAMAGE 2ND OFFENSE First Degree Misdemeanor 4745-XAR
    1/24/2009 316.1939(1E) REFUSE TO SUBMIT TO DUI TEST First Degree Misdemeanor 4624-SPE
    4 2009 TR 003172 SMITH , CONSTANCE KAY Defendant TRAFFIC INFRACTIONS 2/3/2009 CLOSED
    Offense Statute Charge Description Lvl/Deg Citation
    1/24/2009 316.121(1) Vehicle in Intersection – all others must yield Traffic Moving Infraction 4623-SPE
    5 2010 MM 022689 A SMITH , CONSTANCE KAY Defendant MISDEMEANOR 4/22/2010 OPEN
    Division / Judge:
    Complaint #:
    ECSO10009937 Offense Statute Charge Description Lvl/Deg Citation
    4/21/2010 784.03(1A1) BATTERY-TOUCH OR STRIKE First Degree Misdemeanor
    6 2000 DR 002772 SMITH CONSTANCE KAY ,   Petitioner DOMESTIC RELATIONS 9/11/2000 CLOSED
    Division / Judge:

    THIS woman is no victim, she was an abuser! No one has a right to claim Brian in anyway deserved this!

  8. tod on May 24th, 2010 12:54 pm

    I know nate and this does not seem like somthing he would do. I also know that his mom and her issues with her boyfriend were on his mind a lot. it seems to me he was just pushed too far in this case. how many times can you watch a loved one get beat up on until you have to do somthing about it. Im not saying he was right in what he did but good people can be pushed too far. Good luck nate.

  9. a dude on May 24th, 2010 12:53 pm

    Well, it looks like Atmore needs to start warming up the electric chair!!!

  10. Concerned on May 23rd, 2010 8:48 pm

    WOW. Sounds like the girlfriend needs to get help along with her son. That is pretty sick bragging about what you did. He needs to have what he did, done to him!!!!

  11. Angi on May 23rd, 2010 10:57 am

    Not sure exactly what happened, because I was not personally there. But it sounds to me that there were probably more than just Nathan involved in this…
    May the truth come out and justice be served!

  12. once a friend on May 22nd, 2010 5:56 pm

    May you rest in peace Brian! Brian was a nice guy with a great smile. Im not sure why it had to end this way for him. I know that him and Connie did fight often (both to blame) the alcohol had a big part in it. The last time I heard anything about Nathan he was being shipped out to Iran or some where in the middle East. None of them were bad people. I pray for Brian’s family who have to deal with all this from up north. I pray for Nathans daughter and I pray for Connie to get her life put back together so she can be the mother and Grandmother God wanted her to be. Brian will be missed. It is just a shame it had to end this way!

  13. me on May 22nd, 2010 10:50 am

    everyone who is talking bad about anyone doesnt need to point any fingers or anything. you never know his reason for doing this

  14. Angelz on May 21st, 2010 11:35 pm

    TRUTHFLY>>> You feel SORRY for Nathan? all because” He already has to spend the rest of his life in a cage, all because his mother did not protect her son from years of seeing her abused” let me tell you something dear I watched my mom get the crap beat out of her almost everyday by several of her boyfrieneds as i was growing up I am 33 now my mom has been with her husband for 15 years now and yes he beats her she beats him also do I like it? NO would i ever hit him with a ax or anything else ? NO nates mom was abusive to Brian as was brian abusive to her but they were both GROWN adults Nate stepped into a fight where he did not need to be now he is going to jail for the rest of his life . my remark to that is GOOD FOR HIM I WILL ENJOY EVERY FRICKIN DAY HE IS IN JAIL UNTIL HE DIES!!! no matter what happened he had NO RIGHT to kill Brian.

  15. JDG Molino on May 21st, 2010 11:05 pm

    I really hate it.

  16. interested reader on May 21st, 2010 6:29 pm

    This tragedy may have been averted if Mrs. Smith had testified against him in some of the assault cases mentioned. Now her son is facing death himself and doesn’t even seem to care. So sad to see lives torn apart never to be repaired.

  17. been there on May 21st, 2010 5:45 pm

    Well..lets ban all axes…they kill..we can start an axe bill…yeah…you must be 21…file a permit showing all your personal information…we will call it the LOVE EVERY SWING law…you get the picture…send him down the river…he did it in a moment of rage..he must pay…unless its self defense…we got an axe bill already anyway…the government uses it though…keep cutting away at our rights…makes sense to me…does it make sense to you

  18. ouhdfodidjj on May 21st, 2010 4:25 pm

    If the mother hadve pressed charges one of the many times she could have, none of this would have happened.

  19. Right out of the Movies on May 21st, 2010 2:26 pm

    Wow, Pensacola has its very own Carl Childers right out of the movie “Sling Blade.”

    Carl is sitting in the living room sharpening a lawnmower blade with the soon to be victim on the couch nearby.

    Victim: “Carl, what you doing with that lawn mower blade?”

    Carl: “I aim to kill you with it.” Carl then stands up and twice whacks the man in the head with the blade; killing him almost instantly.

  20. Pcola on May 21st, 2010 1:39 pm

    this comment was made- “He already has to spend the rest of his life in a cage” …yes, while we use our tax dollars to take car of him when some of those people who pay the taxes can barely keep themselves afloat…he’s guilty, he said he did it…….he KILLED someone! don’t waste our money on this dude….so he was a ‘good boy’, well, apparently he’s not….nothing else to say…

  21. truthflly on May 21st, 2010 12:13 pm

    I will never understand why she allowed the abuse to go on for so long, when she has been in at least two other abusive relationships.Its so hard not to blame her for this when you know nathen and know that he was simply NOT a violent person.He loved his mother more than anything or anyone on this earth and he felt that he was doing what he had to do to keep her safe.I dont feel that anyone should have been murdered I wish nathen wouldve just called the police on brian and then it wouldve been brian sitting behind bars instead.But its hurtful to hear that he should be killed also.What good would that do? He already has to spend the rest of his life in a cage, all because his mother did not protect her son from years of seeing her abused.

  22. sheila rodgers on May 21st, 2010 12:02 pm

    Having had experience with both domestic violence and a murder within family members I can say that there had to be a lot going on for this to lead to murder. Most things are never as clear as they appear. Two families will forever be scarred. Hopefully our legal system will find the truth and do justice for the victims family and may God grant all involved some measure of understanding which will be the hardest thing to do. We can not get over the things in life that happen to us, we can only look for the strength to go thru them.

  23. Wendy on May 21st, 2010 10:32 am

    It is so sad when families fight amongst each other. I hope this young man will see the error of his ways and learn to control his temper better in the future. God bless all who are involved.

  24. Denise Daberko on May 21st, 2010 9:52 am

    I went to school with the victim. No “best kid ever” would EVER use an axe to kill someone. He deserves to be killed and I’m happy that Florida has the death penalty. If his mother was involved I hope she is killed too.

  25. ouhdfodidjj on May 21st, 2010 7:23 am

    i hope the mom fries!!! too she had more to do with it ,id bet she was in the fight ! if not the murderer shes crazy and got an assaulte charge last month for fighting the victim

  26. ouhdfodidjj on May 21st, 2010 7:12 am

    this killer was one of the best kids ever the mom has always been troubled though, he messed up big time but he was the most unlikely person to do this crime ‘WOW’ !

  27. You Who on May 21st, 2010 7:11 am

    Its only going to get worst. The law has no power. Bleeding hearts took it all away We need an eye for an eye type of justice and the problem will fix itself

  28. brewtongirl1 on May 21st, 2010 5:43 am

    We have some sick people in the world. Look at this guy!!!! laughing after hitting his moms boyfriend in the head with an ax.. Can you say LOONEY.This person can’t be helped.