Century Man Arrested For 10th Time In About A Year

May 20, 2010

newstonronald10.jpgFor at least the 10th time in about a year, Ronald Berlan Newton, 49, of Century was May 19.

He was  charged with contempt of court for violating a restraining order after he reportedly approached a person at an address in Century from which he had been banned. He was released from the Escambia County Jail without bond.

Escambia County Jail online records show Newton has been booked into the facility 10 times since September, 2009. Escambia County Clerk of the Courts records show over a dozen times that he has been arrested or issued citations since April, 2007. Most of those cases were dismissed or charges were dropped by the the judge or prosecutors, according to court records.

Escambia County court and jail records show the following arrests and charges for Newton:

April 11, 2007

  • trespassing, charges dropped

August 14, 2007

  • simple assault — 60 days in jail
  • aggravated assault with deadly weapon — charges dropped
  • criminal mischief under $1,000 — charges dropped

April 28, 2008

  • driving while license suspended, first offense – charges dropped
  • open container in vehicle – paid $123.50 fine
  • expired registration – paid $73.50 fine

May 31, 2009

  • battery — charges dropped
  • criminal mischief — charges dropped

July 29, 2009

  • driving while license suspended, second offense — fined $500, suspended 11 months, 30 days in jail

January 8, 2009

  • battery — charges dropped, defendant “mentally defective”

September 1, 2009

  • indecent exposure in public — dismissed due to incompetence
  • lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 — no action by prosecutor
  • lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 — no action by prosecutor

November 23, 2009

  • criminal mischief under $1,000 — dismissed

January 1, 2010

  • disorderly conduct — charges dropped

February 1, 2010

  • battery — dismissed

March 23, 2010

  • trespassing, case pending, pleaded not guilty, released on $500 bond
  • disorderly conduct, case pending, pleaded not guilty, released on $500 bond

April 27, 2010

  • trespassing, case pending, pleaded not guilty, released on $500 bond
  • criminal mischief over $1,000 — case pending, released on $2,500 bond, pleaded not guilty

April 8, 2010

  • littering under 15 pounds, fine and costs of $135 remains unpaid

May 7, 2010

  • aggravated assault — case pending, released on $5,000 bond

May 19, 2010

  • arrested for contempt of court


39 Responses to “Century Man Arrested For 10th Time In About A Year”

  1. Chaplain on May 25th, 2010 5:57 pm

    I don’t know this man or his relatives but I will say that Lakeview, in Pensacola will house people like this man if he is on disability. There he will be treated with the dignity and respect he deserves while also protecting the citizens of the area. This in house center does a wonderful job for the community. I know a woman who was there for the in house program for 90 days and she loved her time there! Once she did their 90 day program, she did not have to leave if she did not have a suitable place to go. Please get this information to his family or someone who may act on it!

  2. a dude on May 24th, 2010 12:58 pm

    You know, i think that after being locked up about 5 times, they should just keep that person in prison cause its apparent that he/she will not stay out of trouble. Honestly its not that hard, i have never been in jail, as a matter of fact, i’ve never even been in the back of a cop car! There should be a limit to how many times a person can be arrested until they are permanitly in prison! And this guy is the prime example

  3. hey on May 21st, 2010 10:09 pm

    thereis a sign in front of shiloh baptist church everyone needs to read
    and he too has friends and family who hurt with him so please be kind we are all Gods children > and for those who choose not to believe in God well surely you can have some compassion, and as for system goes someone needs to be held accountable for this man seems to need help

  4. Angi on May 21st, 2010 9:38 pm

    This man has a serious problem, and he needs to just stay right there in jail. Why in the world were such terrible charges dropped against this man?

  5. interested reader on May 21st, 2010 6:20 pm

    YES, I AM SCREAMING TOO! It is time to put this man somewhere to protect the public. We have facilities for all people who are a danger to the public and this man seems to fit the bill. Police- Please don’t wait until he kills someone.

  6. Teresa on May 21st, 2010 5:57 pm

    What does he have to do…..KILL SOMEONE….before they finally lock him up and throw away the key…..

    (and yes I am screaming)

  7. geezzzz on May 21st, 2010 3:04 pm

    Know your neighbor

    Nope…..ppl who move to north escambia and don’t know anyone,
    usually move out all most as fast as they can…watch on here
    and you’ll hear ppl say how they can’t wait to leave.

    I talked to someone and they said when they moved the only
    ppl they liked were the mennonites!

    Another guy called it the worse cesspool he ever lived in.

    murders thieves and drugs thats how they roll….lol
    but there in bed with ppl in high places….so there is no stopping it!

  8. concerned on May 21st, 2010 3:03 pm

    He comes in where I work on a regular basis. He is sometimes just as nice and polite as can be and other times(sometimes the same day) he wil come in ranting and raving racial and political comments to the point that he scares employees and customers. He definately has a problem. Whether it is drug related or a mental illness I can not say for sure, but he has major issues and he will hurt someone one day if he is not put away somewhere that he can be helped if there is help for him.

  9. Nyesha carter on May 21st, 2010 2:38 pm

    omg will when this stop

  10. Who cares on May 21st, 2010 2:16 pm

    Backer act is not the answer thats for people that can change thier ways with little help this man cant help his condition but yes he need to be put away somewhere away from the public an where they can help him..

  11. David Huie Green on May 21st, 2010 1:54 pm

    Arrest me one time, shame on me.

    Arrest me ten times, shame on you.

    If his condition is indeed due to service to his country, that is regrettable. Nonetheless, the safety of all citizens should be considered eventually.

    I was told that after World War II, whenever a policeman stopped a veteran for violating some traffic law, the police would tend to release the offender when he discovered he had served his country, facing all its horrors and dangers in the war. Before long a number of veterans realized they were above the law and were driving while drunk frequently.

    Not long after that, the ones who abused it were dead–along with whomever they killed in the process.

    Did it really help them to overlook their infractions if it led to their deaths? Or would they have died anyway as an after-cost of the war? Some of them wouldn’t have died or wouldn’t have killed those they did in their car wrecks simply because they would have been in jail at the time.

    So our wandering thoughts bring up the question: How often is incarceration an act of mercy for the guilty, stopping them from worse things?

    David with just something upon which to think

  12. Emma Fletcher on May 21st, 2010 12:59 pm

    First of all I don’t condone the acts committed by Ron! He is a human being and not scum. To all you Einsteins out there, let me enlighten you a bit. His mental conditions are caused by being shellshocked while serving in the military. Didn’t know that did you? While he was serving his country, where were you? His appreciation for serving his country is now total neglect by the Veterans Administrations and the Court System. Nobody cares. The VA hospitals are full of patients and low on staff, and the courts answer is let him go because the their system don’t have the facilities to house a patient like him, so everyone is playing the ‘wipe my hands of him, let someone solve the problem. Before you point fingers and call him names, can you solve his problem? We get more exercise in Century jumping to conclusions without facts than any small town on the face of the earth.

  13. Elmer Fudd on May 21st, 2010 12:03 pm

    Know your neighbor, it’s not just Century, FL. As you state. I’m sure you have some fine upstanding citizens not far from where you live, just look around they are everywhere. It’s the court system, and like it or not, it covers your town as well, it’s practically the same in every state.

  14. anydaynow on May 21st, 2010 11:36 am

    Is there a senior day care center in the county that offers structured daily activities for those who need supervision due to physical or mental infirmity and need assistance with daily activities of living? Does ARC have a program that this man could participate in daily?

  15. oldwhat'shisface on May 21st, 2010 9:57 am

    I just can’t understand our wishy washy judical system. If this had been some of my love ones they would have locked them up and threw away the keys. If he is (and it seems so) mentally handicapped they need to put him in an institution where he can’t hurt anyone. This is ridiculos the way he keeps getting away with breaking the law.I guess they are waiting until he kills someone!

  16. me on May 21st, 2010 9:37 am

    I have seen this man in my work place and he is not fireing on all cylinders. He yells out about black power and so forth. With that said someone higher up than judges,state prosecuter needs to be checking into getting him some help. Who I wonder keeps bonding him out are they crazy

  17. guest on May 20th, 2010 11:28 pm

    Baker Act is not the answer……….they are rarely held for longer than a day…..there are to many mentally imparied folks (nuts) in Escambia County.

  18. Me! on May 20th, 2010 8:51 pm

    O.K. I agree, he is crazy—– like a fox. Keeps slipping out of the trap!!!!

  19. Alabama on May 20th, 2010 6:38 pm

    You need to see his Alabama record!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  20. Pcola on May 20th, 2010 1:48 pm

    just read another article of a man going to prison for two years for drugs…but this fella gets away with assault with a deadly weapon?? nice………

  21. whitepunknotondope on May 20th, 2010 12:56 pm

    Thanks Bill I understand now.

  22. mary on May 20th, 2010 12:50 pm

    there is a place called “CHATTAHOCHEE”..thats where he needs to be..BAKER ACT..that only holds you for 72 hrs…..

  23. mph on May 20th, 2010 11:31 am

    Driving with Liscense Suspened — means NO INSURANCE – Open Container means drinking while driving but probably not drunk YET – you want to be involved in an accident with him? What moron is giving him a car to drive? It is a shame that one can have this many charges against himself and still be on the streets. I don’t care if he is incompentent or not — The L&L is probably using the bathroom in public – do you want your child to see that? If you don’t feel sorry for this man there is something wrong with you – but – he has to be taken off the streets for the safety of society and himself. This whole thing is a farce and a disgrace – think about how this may impact the community as a whole and how it already has – as evidenced by the remarks of Know your Neighbor.

  24. LJ on May 20th, 2010 11:24 am

    Three words are the solution to this dilemma…Florida’s Baker Act! Given such a long string of charges, it seems this would have clicked with someone along the way! It seems as if a judge has already aknowledged mental incompetence. It doesn’t make sense how this has been allowed to continue!


  25. Big B, little ill on May 20th, 2010 11:18 am

    whitepunknotondope:, your and educated guy, I believe you you can ponder on that and figure it out without an explanation. But I will tell you anyway. Some people have made the statement here on this site, don’t hate the sinner, hate the sin. No one should be free to break laws as they see fit. But when me mean mouth one person for something they have done and not another one even though they both have sinned then that’s being hypocritical.
    EMD also explained it well with the Bible verse. But you have stated in the past that you don’t believe the Bible and I have no problem with that. God gives you the right to believe or not. It’s a choice each person has to deal with from within their own soul.

  26. anydaynow on May 20th, 2010 11:12 am

    charges dropped, defendant “mentally defective”

    dismissed due to incompetence

    It’s obvious he’s mentally incompetent, and it’s a shame that the authorities can’t get him confined into some facility that would keep him off the streets. . . .even if it’s a prison cell!!

    Really? I mean, really? You want people put in jail because they were born with diminished mental capacity?

  27. aubrey king on May 20th, 2010 10:22 am

    Put him away for a few years.He knows he can keep getting away with anything he does.He knows what he doing.

  28. EMD on May 20th, 2010 9:57 am


    “Big B, I cannot make sense out of what you’re trying to say about sins and sinners!”

    Why you cannot make sense out of what he is trying to say, is explained in 1Cor.2:14

  29. whitepunknotondope on May 20th, 2010 9:45 am

    Big B, I cannot make sense out of what you’re trying to say about sins and sinners!

  30. Big B, little ill on May 20th, 2010 9:22 am

    How farcical the comments from some of you that have stated hate the sin not the sinner. Can you pick the sinner out and judge him according to the sin. Now I agree he should face the consequences of his actions but some of you need to fiqure out what you truly believe.

  31. Know your neighbor on May 20th, 2010 9:04 am

    Century, FL what a great town to live in. I want to take my family and move there. I want my industry to relocate there also. What a great opportunity, there must be a waiting line to reside there.

  32. Cynical on May 20th, 2010 8:49 am

    Poor and not all here . . . not a great combination.

    Are there no secure Mental Health Services available for this sad and slightly out of control gentleman?

    “What a wast of tax payers dollars on this human trash.” says YH.

    Taxpayer dollars are supposed to assist the incompetent. Where are the services for BOTH these needy people?

  33. Lynn on May 20th, 2010 8:38 am

    It’s obvious he’s mentally incompetent, and it’s a shame that the authorities can’t get him confined into some facility that would keep him off the streets. . . .even if it’s a prison cell!! But the judicial system seems to just be content in declaring him mentally incompetent and sending him back out into society. He needs to be confined before he loses it all and ends up killing someone.

  34. T on May 20th, 2010 8:27 am

    September 1, 2009
    indecent exposure in public — dismissed due to incompetence??
    lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 — no action by prosecutor??
    lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 — no action by prosecutor??

    Ok , so he paid $73.50 fine for expired registration? and NO consequences what so ever for lewd lascivious behavior victim under 18 : NO ACTION by prosecutor?????????WHAT??????? (I’m yelling loud)

    And what Judge does this bag of trash keep going in front of?

  35. YELLERHAMMER on May 20th, 2010 8:00 am

    What a wast of tax payers dollars on this human trash.

  36. whitepunknotondope on May 20th, 2010 7:56 am

    What a fine, upstanding representative of the human race HE is!

  37. really? on May 20th, 2010 7:09 am

    that’s our system!

  38. guest on May 20th, 2010 12:34 am

    bless his heart……….mean ole deputies!……………

  39. curious eye on May 20th, 2010 12:27 am

    the sad thing is the courts dropped 7 charges for him?