Watch The Video: Century Mayor Explains Equipment Use

April 20, 2010

Century Mayor Freddie McCall recently used town equipment and a town employee to complete work at his privately owned Flomaton Speedway in Alabama.

To read the story from Monday night’s council meeting, click here. To watch the video, click play below.

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9 Responses to “Watch The Video: Century Mayor Explains Equipment Use”

  1. A Watchman on April 25th, 2010 6:26 am

    Bill –

    Can he resign?

    The Town could lose it’s insurance over this abuse of power.

  2. A Watchman on April 21st, 2010 8:26 am

    What if the town employee had an accident?

    What are the Policies & Proceedures regarding the use of town employees & equipment on private business. What town employee could or would refuse a an inapproprtate request by the Mayor?

    I believe there are laws regarding “abuse of power”.

  3. Old days on April 20th, 2010 8:33 pm

    Why do the council members appear to be writing notes and looking at each other and not paying any attention to the speaker? No matter who is speaking or what they are saying, is it not both polite and necessary to at least APPEAR to be listening?

  4. William on April 20th, 2010 4:30 pm

    BLONDIE wrote:

    > may comment was written early this morning but it didnt get posted i guess because i didnt agree with bill or bhg on this matter///////

    Actually, your comment was posted at 5:48 this morning on the main story here:

    This story on this page with the video did not exist until after noon. There’s no way you commented on this story early this morning.

  5. BLONDIE on April 20th, 2010 4:27 pm

    may comment was written early this morning but it didnt get posted i guess because i didnt agree with bill or bhg on this matter///////

  6. HomeFry on April 20th, 2010 3:00 pm

    He really must be ready to give up the Mayor’s position. He new better and we all can figure that one out! Just used to doing what he wants…..

  7. Brenda on April 20th, 2010 1:13 pm

    It’s better to ask for forgiveness than PERMISSION!

  8. mph on April 20th, 2010 12:29 pm

    he may be a really good man but he is an elected official and should know not to do that. The “good old boy system” is alive and kicking in Century. All a politician has to know that it is better to “beg forgiveness than ask permission.” Shame on the mayor.

  9. Bill, big B little ill on April 20th, 2010 12:02 pm

    Freddie is a good man and I expect because he is a good man people will be ready to tar and feather him. I’m sure he will do what ever is right to make up for his use of the equipment and employee.