Century Mayor Uses Town Employee, Equipment For Work At Private Speedway (Updated With Video)

April 20, 2010


Century Mayor Freddie McCall recently used town equipment and a town employee to complete work at his privately owned Flomaton Speedway in Alabama.

“I had something come up, and I want to fess up,” McCall said as he explained his actions to the Century Town Council Monday night.

videomayor.jpgOn Friday, April 2, McCall was preparing for the opening of Flomaton Speedway, which he recently purchased. He was in the middle of renovations, and he needed a ditch digger to bury a wire across the dirt track. The only one available at Bondurant Lumber in Century would not dig the size trench he needed, so McCall said he used a Town of Century employee and town equipment to dig the trench at his Flomaton, Ala., racetrack.

“I wouldn’t trying to pull nothing on nobody,” the mayor said. “I asked him (the Century Town employee) could he get the machine and come up there and pull that wire for me…and he did.”

On the Monday morning following the use of the town employee, McCall paid the town $125 for use of the equipment for about 20 minutes work — the same rate the mayor said Bondurant Lumber receives for a half-day rental for similar equipment. He also paid the town employee $20 and hour for two hours for his labor. The town employee was off for the Good Friday holiday the day he performed the work for McCall.

Monday night, McCall presented the town council with copies of checks where he paid the town.

“I just want to let y’all know what I done, and I wasn’t trying to pull nothing fast,” the mayor told the council. “We’ve done this on several occasions before for different people that needed some help to pull their service line in.”

He said that when the town has done such work for private citizens in the past, they have charged 35 cents per foot. He said that if he had paid the 35 cent rate, he would have only reimbursed the town about $35.

“I wanted to pay the bigger amount to keep me in the clear,” he told the council. “I don’t feel like I’ve done nothing wrong.”

The council made no comment and took no action on McCall’s actions.

To watch video from the council meeting, click here.

Pictured top: Century Mayor Freddie McCall (left) explains his use of town equipment and a town employee to at Monday night’s meeting of the Century Town Council. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


61 Responses to “Century Mayor Uses Town Employee, Equipment For Work At Private Speedway (Updated With Video)”

  1. ohh get over it on April 23rd, 2010 2:24 pm

    give me break freddie hasnt, dont anything that warrant such criticizm, of all the things face this community this should be the least of our worries. sometimes you have to do something bad for the better good.

  2. A Watchman on April 23rd, 2010 7:48 am

    I believe it is the role and rresponsibility of a Grand Jury to determine if any law has been broken and make recommendations to an Ethics Commission. Ask Gene V. He claims he didn’t do anything wrong either.

    I am shocked at the number of people who see nothing wrong with a case so closly related to “Abuse of Power”. As I remember, a very close senario to this happened with Mayor Barnes allowing a town dump truck and front-end loader to be used to clean up a citizens hog pen and the Town Council resolved that Town equipment and employees were not available for public hire. That resolution was later asserted against a Council person. One of the concerns cited was that the Town could loose it’s insurance.

  3. David Huie Green on April 22nd, 2010 2:27 pm

    “A lack of written rules allow the rules to be made up as you go along – not a good thing to do.”

    Absolutely correct.

    As to why they didn’t already exist (assuming they don’t), it is because nothing happens unless SOMEBODY does it. Previous Mayors didn’t suggest them, previous town councils didn’t come up with their own. (still assuming nobody did and they just forgot what they were, remember they stayed confused five years after previous town clerk quit.)

    My point is that nobody should be considered guilty of breaking a law unless somebody can point out that law and show where it was broken. Many things are unwise without being illegal.

    David for avoiding confusion

  4. A Watchman on April 22nd, 2010 8:28 am

    Regarding David H. Green -

    search Florida Stautes on the net regarding “abuse of power” and see if the shoe fits. Century has NO POLICIES & PROCEDURES on anything of consequence

    Regarding other issues
    - like who will make the selection of a Town Clerk, and on what criteria?
    Why was there NOT a job description ALREADY ON FILE?
    Why is there not a formal policy on advertising for a professional & degreed position?

    A lack of written rules allow the rules to be made up as you go along – not a good thing to do.

  5. pensacola on April 22nd, 2010 1:04 am

    Ha all this ranting and raving over the use of a tractor to dig a ditch for a line. Absolutely ridiculous

  6. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on April 21st, 2010 10:43 pm

    I wouldn’t push too hard to get rid of Freddie. No one else is going to want to step up and deal with Century’s extensive problems. Because, for such a VERY small place, it sure has a ton of problems.

  7. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on April 21st, 2010 9:18 pm

    And his speech just shows that he’s just like any of us. I know I’ve seen some lousy spelling on here before.

  8. Erin, got a problem with it? oh well. =) on April 21st, 2010 9:16 pm

    “Could any other private citizen have gotten this done with the same deal? How about a private business in Century? Could they have gotten this work done by a city employee using city equipment?”

    It says they’ve done things for private citizens. He just rented the equipment like anyone else. And yes, I’m sure YOU could get the same thing done, if spare time was available, you asked, and you paid the price that they set.

  9. Don on April 21st, 2010 6:42 pm

    This dude has to go hope FDLE comes in to check this one out. Not a way to run a town……..

  10. Bill, big B little ill on April 21st, 2010 3:50 pm

    Run Freddie run…they going to tar and feather you or worse. They sent WD to prison over the sun shine law…People think Willie Junior killed him self..yea right…

    Poor man made a simple mistake and is trying to make up for it…Why not let the man make up for his mistake and be done with it.

  11. Century Area Resident on April 21st, 2010 2:40 pm

    I think everyone is missing one important thing here. The mayor was good boy and “fessed up” at the council meeting on April 19.

    The “offense” occurred Friday, April 2. The council would have met Monday, April 5. Why didn’t he “fess up” then? Why did it take two weeks?

  12. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2010 2:36 pm

    “Could any other private citizen have gotten this done with the same deal? How about a private business in Century? Could they have gotten this work done by a city employee using city equipment?”

    Good point.

    This is why it would be wise to establish a procedure for similar actions in the future if the town wants to continue or establish a prohibition if they don’t.

    If they decide they wish to continue, it would be wise to advertise so there would be no question.

    If the rates are good enough we might all want to use the equipment every now and then.

    It is noteworthy that this would put the town in competition with private businesses which pay taxes and support the town–so it might not be wise.

    David thinking.

  13. Dagwood on April 21st, 2010 1:06 pm

    Could any other private citizen have gotten this done with the same deal? How about a private business in Century? Could they have gotten this work done by a city employee using city equipment? I think this is something only the Mayor could have pulled off. It’s not about the cost or compensation being made. It’s about honesty and integrity. It’s about occupying a gray area. If there was any possibility of it being considered inappropriate, then Freddy should have found another way. Why flick matches at a gas can?

  14. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2010 11:24 am

    nope but grey is good too

  15. Bill, big B little ill on April 21st, 2010 11:17 am

    I guess If I said something BLONDIE that you have ask a question or that something I have said that needed clearing up…..I am at a loss at what it is….sorry.

    David I hope you have your own Red Head, cause mine is taken.:)

  16. David Huie Green on April 21st, 2010 10:53 am

    BLONDIE on April 20th, 2010 5:48 am
    “no comments we are waiting dhg,bill and the other know it alls me myself i call it what it is a hot mess/////////////”

    Please forgive me for not responding to your request earlier. You are a beautiful human being.

    David who prefers red-heads, though

  17. Larry on April 21st, 2010 9:13 am

    As long as the city will do the same for others, (and it appears that they have/still do), I for one, see no problem.

  18. Doofus on April 21st, 2010 8:46 am

    My evil twin says he’s got $5 that says the mayor never planned on paying for the work until someone started asking questions. Then again he could be wrong…

  19. ! on April 21st, 2010 8:13 am

    He can hire me next time. I’d be elated to make an extra $40 for two hours of work done for his business. No harm, no foul. I think a lot of people are blowing this out of proportion. What person in their right mind would want to apply for the town clerk position & be attacked publicly about every small matter of business that arises? Not me!

  20. not concerned on April 21st, 2010 7:18 am

    I am sure that you could get the city of Century to come a dig a 100 foot long trench in less than 2 hrs for $165 whenever you would like them to. I think what the mayor done was more than enough to cover the work performed. I don’t know anything about the employee that helped him, but I am sure that he didn’t mind helping someone in a bind. Most people like to help others. Imagine that!

  21. Buddy on April 21st, 2010 7:16 am

    If you want Pensacola to take over why don’t you move to Pensacola. We would be better off, We don’t want or need you here.
    I see where Freddie Wayne did nothing wrong why don’t you all get a life. There where other Mayors that used equipment and said nothing.

  22. Klondike Kid on April 21st, 2010 5:05 am

    The main problem I see with this, after many years of being a County & State employee is the “People’s “equipment is usually only used for government business. There are rules for misappropriation of government property, and as an added bonus : the agencies I worked for would have went into cardiac arrest for taking trucks and /or equipment across the state line. I guess if it’s ok with the people he works for, it’s ok with me.

  23. JJ on April 21st, 2010 1:34 am

    He mentions they have done work different times to help out other individuals, at a MUCH reduced rate than he paid. So I fail to see the big deal about him asking them to do him a favor, in a pinch… not for free but paying much more than normal for both the equipment and the guy who did it…

    To say this is some kind of corruption is beyond ridiculous with all the other under the table deals, lieing and outright stealing being done at our state and federal levels of government…

    Like someone mentioned, maybe Mr. McCall should just not have even mentioned it, and just pointed to the money he paid IF it was ever questioned. But instead, he’s up front about it, only to be attacked by all you righteously indignant stone-throwers.

    Man, I’m glad I’m not in politics in this part of the country… I might accidently use an ink pen purchased by the city to write a personal check and lose my job over it…. geez….

  24. Questioning on April 21st, 2010 12:38 am

    here a question for you…
    IF, and thats big here, IF he would have asked for permission from the taxpayer, or whoever approves the requests…would it have been approved? If the answer is no, then it was wrong EVEN IF HE PAID…if the answer is yes he could do this, then it was ok… It’s not about the money, it about the ETHICS…will this city, country and its citizens wake up?

  25. The voice of common sense on April 20th, 2010 10:00 pm

    Tax Paying Citizen,
    Where did you miss the part where it stated that McCall PAID for his use of the equipment? If the teacher pays for his lunch or whatever else he uses, then the taxpayers are NOT. You’re comparing apples to oranges here.

  26. molinojim on April 20th, 2010 9:40 pm

    Hey!!!! why not stone him to death? We can meet to do that just after we pay for the time while we’re at work and make a personal call or two or look up personal information on the office computer. That will have to be just after we pay for the time we ran out and picked up something in a company or county vehicle to repair our truck that was broke down at the house and we went by home and dropped it off at the house. Oh and we’ll need to repay someone for the discount we got by saying an item was for the county and getting a discount. Oh —I forgot about the pens and legal pads I took home—I guess I need to pay for them, they’ll have to be paid for at the same time as I pay for the copies I ran off on the copier about the yard sale we’re having. WE ALL NEED TO REALIZE WE HAVE DONE THINGS WE COULD BE FIRED FOR,

  27. Tax Paying Citizen on April 20th, 2010 9:06 pm

    Okay so if one of my child’s teachers decided to take a school bus, school equipment, school lunches, any thing else that tax paying citizens pay for, the teacher would be arrested, fired, and pure run out of town. However, the Mayor can use equipment without permission that I paid for as a tax paying citizen and you tell me it is alright. Get a life. Shame on him!

  28. deBugger on April 20th, 2010 8:35 pm

    “huh on April 20th, 2010 4:05 pm … Pensacola is not corrupt like century”

    You’re kidding, right?

    …and Freddie? “…he told the council. ‘I don’t feel like I’ve done nothing wrong.’”

    …another Good Ole Boy that just doesn’t get it.

  29. Old days on April 20th, 2010 8:30 pm

    Century is so broken, this is why a take over needs to happen. Pensacola is not corrupt like century
    Surely you jest. Pensacola is a hotbed of illegal and unethical activities and everyone knows it. Gee, what was that about Touart? How soon we forget.

    I say that Mr McCall did what he should have done. He had a situation to arise and he attempted to correct it using private industry, but there was no equipment capable of fixing the problem SO he moved on to the next thing and took care of the situation. As soon as it was possible, he paid for the rental and he paid the employee (quite well) for his time. He ‘fessed up and that really ought to be the end of it.

  30. Safebear on April 20th, 2010 5:39 pm

    Very Commendable Mr. McCall. The employee could have told you no and you could have paid $35 and a lot cheaper rate to the employee. There is no telling how much this already occurs and they don’t pay anything. That’s probably why there were no comments from the gallery….


  31. huh on April 20th, 2010 4:05 pm

    Century is so broken, this is why a take over needs to happen. Pensacola is not corrupt like century

  32. whitepunknotondope on April 20th, 2010 3:26 pm

    Well said Trish.

  33. Trish on April 20th, 2010 2:55 pm

    I don’t understand you! Maybe that is a good thing. Most of us gripe and moan about how it was in the “good ol days” where people helped people. The people next door were individuals who came over to help YOU. Business helped business; towns helped their citizens and the citizens actually took an active interest in a better community. By better I don’t mean watching like a hawk to swoop down to kill something.

    Now you can’t trust anyone because everyone thinks they are a lawyer or better yet saw a lawyer advertise on TV and all they want to do now is bring up a lawsuit to make a little money.

    The mayor paid the going rate for the equipment and paid a fantastic hourly rate to the person doing the job. If the mayor wanted to hire me I certainly would not turn him down, not with the way the economy is right now. Contrary to some opinion, if the individual did not want to do the job he could have said he had a previous commitment.

    I may not have made the same decision about what was done but I am not going to condemn the mayor. Now days few people run for office because of all of the vicious name calling vultures just waiting for something to pounce on. If any of you out there think you can do a better job as mayor or honest citizen then I suggest you throw your name in the hat and run for public office. Just a bit of advise, watch your every step and heaven forbid you should hiccup because you will see the circling in the sky.

    Until then you may not want to ask me to be your neighbor, friend or supporter. If you don’t like my thoughts then report me to the ethics committee.

  34. David Huie Green on April 20th, 2010 2:46 pm

    “….and is not corrupt enough to break the law and then slap you in the face with it.”

    Which once again brings up the question of what law was broken?

    It would be good to have a policy in place beforehand for use of city equipment for private benefit and reimbursement.

    It looks like he tried to be fair and opened himself up for alternative charges and fees if they so chose. It would be wiser to keep such things separate but failing that, the decent thing is to do it in the open in case they want to come up with some other policy.

    I knew Central Water Works, Inc. developed a policy for such instances, how much to charge for equipment, how much to charge for people and suchlike.

    David thinking

  35. Bill, big B little ill on April 20th, 2010 12:44 pm

    Regarding WPNOD….Here’s the difference between the good old days and now:

    Your statement is true and correct. Just wondering why you always mess up on a good statement and resort to name calling?

    It’s obvious your educated and intelligent, so why sound just as bad as those you call judgemental buy name calling.

    After all you know what they say about opinions, so why not let people have them.

  36. mph on April 20th, 2010 12:07 pm

    what arrogance and ignorance to boot. the state needs to investigate the mayor. i wonder if they will come and fix my driveway if i pay them a very small amount of money. come on folks of Century elect someone that has a basic knowledge of the English language and is not corrupt enough to break the law and then slap you in the face with it.

  37. David Huie Green on April 20th, 2010 11:35 am

    they didn’t elect an english teacher, we all have our own dialect (mine’s goodest)

  38. Kari on April 20th, 2010 11:09 am

    This cracks me up. “I wouldn’t trying to pull nothing on nobody.” “I do not feel like I’ve done nothing wrong.” “…I wasn’t trying to pull nothing fast.” Are these direct quotes? From the mayor? A leader in the community? Maybe he is trying to be completely honest and let everyone know that he would only pull something on somebody, that he feels like he has done something wrong, and that he was trying to pull something fast.

  39. David Huie Green on April 20th, 2010 10:47 am

    My aunt got on a Better Government kick years back in Dixie County. One of the complaints she laid at the feet of the county commissioners was that they had county employees doing work on private drives.

    The commissioner said, “Yes, Mrs. Green, we have indeed done so. For example we hauled in several loads of limestone several years back to raise the driveway of your mother-in-law so it would not be under water when it flooded in case she needed medical attention so the ambulance could reach her. We will continue to do so until ordered by the governor of the state to do otherwise.”

    Now if she had gone after them for their marijuana dealings, she would have had a stronger case.

    David thinking TRENCHERGATE only works if done secretly

  40. kjohnson on April 20th, 2010 10:42 am

    It seems that Mr. McCall believes “it is better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission” and given the responses from his own citizens he has gotten that just right!
    It was highly inappropriate for him to appropriate government equipment and a government employee for personal use without presenting to the town council his request. I sincerely doubt that the equipment or the employee were covered by insurance during an act such as this particularly carried on out of state.
    Just because he came forward and apologized and paid some money does not alleviate him from criticism or ethics investigation by the town council.

    I dare say had anyone else attempted the same behavior there would have been cries of misuse, etc.

    As well, he used his influence over the town employee to get him/her to violate what I am sure was known to be an inappropriate use of town equipment, resources.

    Mr. McCall has many business ventures apparently and is under duress due to the “clod” of dirt striking a viewer in the stands previously. If I recall Mr. McCall was the loudest in his cries of misuse of the mayor’s office in previous administrations.

    Mr. MCall should be reprimanded by the town council in what ever way their bylaws call for as well he should be further investigated to determine what other misuse of town resources have occurred during his time as mayor. I would venture to guess that the only reason he came forward was based on perhaps the fear that someone was going to publicize this incident of misuse of power so he had to strike first.

    Mr. McCall is not above the rules and should be censured/reprimanded in some way by the town council. There silence on this matter is not comfortable for me or other taxpayers in this town.
    Thank you for this forum to express my opinion.

  41. JJ on April 20th, 2010 10:34 am

    Yeah, most mayors would have just used the equipment and never paid or said anything about it… and justified it by saying “I’m making the town of Century thousands of dollars by the hundreds of people coming through here on the weekends to the races…”

    However, Mr. McCall pays 4X the amount they normally charge other individuals for use of the equipment and has the openness to tell the council straight up what and how he did it. Yet all the haters are going to come out of the woodwork and blast Freddie McCall…

    To all you commenters who are saying “Will the town of Century fix my water leak…” offer a town employee $20 bucks an hour on his time off and you could probably find one who’d be glad to do it… what does that even have to do with the article?

    Freddie McCall is a good man and I’m glad he’s gotten the Flomaton Speedway going again…. one of the only reasons in the world I’d ever travel through Century (from Walnut Hill) or ever have opportunity to spend a dollar there….

  42. molinojim on April 20th, 2010 10:01 am

    Come on folks, cut McCall some slack. If any part off your pay check comes from people who drive up for the races and have something to eat or do business of any kind, it helps the city and the shops. It seem like a good idea to him at the time and it still is. Use the money wisely. CUT HIM SOME SLACK.

  43. whitepunknotondope on April 20th, 2010 9:09 am

    Here’s the difference between the good old days and now:

    In the good old days, people looked out for each other, and this type of incident would never be an issue, especially since the Mayor came forward with this AND paid for the service. No harm was done at all.

    Nowadays, people are looking for a scapegoat, there is no tolerance for others, and everything you do is under the microscope of armchair judges. We have become a bunch of litigatious finger pointers.

    Gee FRANK, did you miss your calling or did you not have good enough grades to go to law skool? Seems like you’re out to HANG somebody! Do you feel proud of yourself for having this type of attitude?

  44. Robert on April 20th, 2010 9:05 am

    Big flippin deal. Maybe he should have tried to cover it up but I think he realized he made a mistake and tried to fix it. Let’s move on!!

  45. Me again on April 20th, 2010 8:58 am

    You are right: if you cut someone’s hair and charge them for it, you have broken the law. However, if you do the work and they voluntarily give you money for that, it is NOT breaking the law.

  46. FRANK on April 20th, 2010 8:37 am

    I would like to know, what are the ramifications?
    1. The employee was put in a position of “If I don’t do this will I get fired?” and 2. What if there had been an accident, what would have been the back lash on the town of Century? 3. Are there not also laws that were broken, A non licensed work…example: If I cut someone’s hair and charge, I am breaking the law. Someone needs to contact the Governors or state Attorney’s office to ask these Questions.
    It does not matter if the employee wanted to do this work or not, He the Mayor should NOT pu the towns employee’s in this situation…That IS why we have these type of laws to protect…WHAT could be next???
    As a Contractor just loses his buisiness because the Town does it… The city of Flomaton may have to file Charges…

  47. Insurance adjuster on April 20th, 2010 8:28 am

    Did the town’s insurance cover a town employee and equipment doing work in another state? I bet not.

    Also, I remember a year or so ago the town of FLomaton asked Century to install a sewage line in Flomaton south of the railroad tracks. The town council threw a fit about doing work in Alabama.

    Double standard.

  48. Resident on April 20th, 2010 8:24 am

    > He just rented the equipment like any other individual would have done from any hardware/equipment supply store

    You are right, K80. Except that he’s not any other citizen, he’s the mayor and in a position of responsibility. He used that position for personal gain and to get a a service the rest of us can’t get. I’ll be waiting with my checkbook for them to fi x my leaky pipe on Memorial Day. Ain’t going to happen.

    The Ethics commission likes people using offices for personal, private gain.

    It would be one thing if this was a water leak flooding someone else’s house. But this was a private, high dollar business in another state using Century’s equipment.

  49. K80 on April 20th, 2010 8:20 am

    I see absolutely nothing wrong with this! He just rented the equipment like any other individual would have done from any hardware/equipment supply store but it was not available at the time it was needed, so he used the city’s instead. It would be completely different if he had borrowed it without paying for it’s use. And as for the employee who helped do the job, there’s nothing wrong with that either. He was paid for his work, and I’m sure if he didn’t want to do the job he didn’t have to, but with the economy like it is, most people will be glad to work, even on their off days (paid Holiday or not), especially getting paid $20/hr. I would have worked too! & on another note, I am so glad that Mr. McCall has taken over Flomaton Speedway. It was in terrible condition and the previous owner didn’t show any interest in improving the drivers’ safety (referring to the track condition), all he cared about was the money. I know everyone isn’t a fan of racing, but atleast Flomaton has something entertaining for your family to go out & enjoy. I grew up at the racetrack and it has come a long way from how it has been in the past several years, especially now that it is in good hands. Leave Mr. McCall alone, put yourself in his shoes!

  50. Billy on April 20th, 2010 8:13 am

    I think this could go either way. It one of those things that doesn’t seem wrong until you really start looking at it from the citizens point of view. I think paying the city and paying the employee was noble but he should have expected a negative reaction from his citizens.

  51. Not an english major on April 20th, 2010 8:09 am

    I agree with you on this one! Sorry, I know everyone else will bash us both, but, he did “fess up” and he did pay!

    To each his own opinion. Mr. McCall is a good person and he didn’t hide this! He is trying to help the economy in Century, several people on their way to the track will travel through Century and many will stop and buy things.

  52. Know your neighbor on April 20th, 2010 7:58 am

    Why not call a private contractor with equipment. There are plenty of them in the Flomaton Brewton area. I guess that would have cost a little too much. One of his drivers dad has plenty of equipment he might loan out.

  53. Resident on April 20th, 2010 7:45 am

    BTW — I have a leak under my bathroom. Will they come fix it for me? I think not.

  54. Resident on April 20th, 2010 7:44 am

    It really does not matter if what he did was right or wrong. It looks wrong! That’s what count in politics.

    Now, I think there should be an investigation to see if this has happened before. Small town politics at its best.

  55. Cheryl on April 20th, 2010 7:41 am

    He was elected to be a public servant and not for what the public can do to serve him. Terri, can’t you see the inequity in this? He must not have had any small town friends who would help him for free, so he used the taxpayers instead, just because he could.

  56. Just Duckie on April 20th, 2010 7:35 am

    It is walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and smells like a duck has been there, it’s a duck.

    Voters won’t forget this lame duck.

  57. Terri Sanders on April 20th, 2010 7:19 am

    The mayor paid for the work the next business day for the equipment and paid the employee(who was NOT at work for the city)So the city made a few extra bucks it desperately needs for its general fund.This is a small town and used to be small towns helped each other (at no cost).Has America gotten so out of touch with each other and so petty minded that it chooses to nit pick over just about any and everything?Now had the mayor used the town and or it’s equipment to totally redo the race track there might be an issue.This race track on its first night this season broke attendance records.Some of these people will buy gas ,food,and other things in our little cities.This is a positive thing (finally) that we have going for the north end.Give the mayor a break,it is called the power of shut up!

  58. Kiddin' Me on April 20th, 2010 7:16 am

    You’ve got to be kidding me! Drag a town employee and town equipment across the state line to do work at a private company on a holiday!

    HOw do you file a complaint with the state ethics people? As a resident, I am tired of this crap.

    A town employee won’t come fix my leaky faucet running up my water bill. They tell me to hire a plummer. You spend $1 million redoing a racetrack, do what everyone else does and hire a private contractor. Drive to Pensacola and get what you need.

  59. Oversight on April 20th, 2010 6:10 am

    Sorry Mayor McCall, you’re not “in the clear” on this one. Let us see if the town would jump through hoops on a paid holiday to help any other citizen for a measly $125. What’s not in the clear is the boss using his position to direct a town employee on a paid holiday (by the way that’s on the clock if it’s a paid holiday), to take and use town owned equipment out of the town limits (to another state) for the personal benefit of the boss, and then well after the fact attempts to justify his actions by producing payment proof for the inappropriate use.
    Now what if… I bet the employee used his own personal transportation to move the equipment too… NOT! What if the town employee was involved in a car crash on the way to do this “favor” for the mayor? Would the town be fiscally responsible or would the good mayor pay the bills out of his own pocket?

  60. BLONDIE on April 20th, 2010 5:48 am

    no comments we are waiting dhg,bill and the other know it alls me myself i call it what it is a hot mess/////////////

  61. omg!!! on April 20th, 2010 2:38 am

    Some mayor!!!
