Deputy Randy Murph Retires After 27 Years In Law Enforcement

March 31, 2010


murph11.jpgAfter 27 years in law enforcement — 22 of those in North Escambia — Byrneville resident Randy Murph has retired.

Life is a little more relaxed these days for Murph — when we caught up with him, he was working on a cedar chest for his granddaughter. He admits that when he watched a deputy responding to call past his house recently, it was hard not to grab the police radio and find out what was going on. Law enforcement is in his blood.

“I loved it; I still love it, but I’ve seen enough hurt, enough death,” he said, reflecting on his days so far without badge. “When I hung my gun belt up, that was it. It’s a job for the younger guys now.”

murph13.jpgMurph started his law enforcement career in Escambia County, Alabama, working for then-Sheriff Tim Hawsey. He spent five years patrolling the 950 square miles of the county before moving south into Florida.

For the next 22 years, he worked for the Escambia County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office, spending all of those years in North Escambia.

“From all I know about Randy Murph, he was a very good officer, the kind you are proud to have,” Escambia County Sheriff’ David Morgan said.

“I’ll miss always seeing the people in the north end,” he said. “I was raised up here, and I got to know a lot of people. I’ll miss not seeing them as much. There’s some really good people up here, a really close knit community.”

Along with the good people in North Escambia, Murph has seen his share of the bad in the area.

Dumbest Criminal

The dumbest criminal Murph said he remembered was a group that stole candy from the Little League ballpark in Century. He admits it did not take great skills to solve the crime — as the crooks fled the ballpark, they began to eat the candy. And drop candy wrappers — all the way to their own front door.

“When I knocked at the door, they fessed up,” he said.

Excuses, Excuses

Talking to criminals means excuses. Murph’s favorite came from a speeder on Highway 29.

“Ma’am, are you trying to get to the emergency room?” he said he asked.

“Sir, there’s a state trooper on Highway 29 using radar, and I’m trying get away from him,” she replied. She did not get a ticket — at least from Murph.

The Tough Ones

Then there are the cases that Murph does not like to talk about, even after 27 years with a badge.

murph14.jpg“One stands out that I’ll never forget, and the man we knew did it was never convicted,” he said. The case involved a woman on Mayo Street in Century left for dead with plastic bag on her head. “That was tough.”

“We knew he did it, but he never got convicted,” he said. But sometimes justice prevails. The suspect in that case is now serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole in Georgia for other crimes.

“He got what was coming to him,” Murph said.

Little Words, Big Memories

The best memories come from the simple words — “thank you”.

He remembers a young man in Century that he arrested; it was not his first trip to jail. . He could see his potential. “I talked to him and told him that it was time to become a man.”

The words meant something to the man, and he did turn his life around.

“He told me ‘thank you’ the last time I saw him. He was standing there in front of his daughters when he said it. That took a big man to admit it in front of his children.”

Now that he is retired, Murph said he plans to fish, hunt and travel.

“And I want to find ways to become involved in the community,” he said. “I love the people here.”

Pictured top: (front, L-R) Senior Deputy David Poole, Lt. Carl Jones, DEA Special Agent Claude Cosey, Master Deputy Randy Murph, (back) Deputy Ingram, Senior Deputy David Preson, Lt. David Barnes, and Investigator Frank Way at Randy Murph’s recent retirement party. Pictured top inset: Randy and Mary Murph. Pictured middle inset: Former Escambia (Ala.) Sheriff Tim Hawsey and his wife. Pictured bottom inset: Randy Murph’s retirement party cake. Submitted photos by Ramona Preston for, click to enlarge.


44 Responses to “Deputy Randy Murph Retires After 27 Years In Law Enforcement”

  1. kenny on June 1st, 2010 11:05 am

    Thanks Randell for rembering that tough case on Mayo st. That was my mother she is doing fine, but has her days when she blanks out from reality. WE ALL KNEW WHO DID IT. But with not enough people coming forward to help you guys did the best you could do and my family thanks you for the work and caring that you put into that case. GOOD to hear that B.K. Got what he deserved. GOD BLESS and enjoy your well earned retirement.

  2. Teresa on April 5th, 2010 11:12 pm

    Congratulations, Randy….I’m glad you finally made it. I know we’ve talked about this day several times. I’m so proud for you.
    I will miss you being on the force. You have been there many times….always willing to give assistance, advice, or whatever was necessary. I can’t thank you enough for all you have contributed over the years.
    You are a true friend & I’m proud to have known you. I hope to see you around town now & then. Take Care of yourself & your family. I hope you will have an opportunity to visit Montana, the Dakotas, & any of the other places you’ve talked about.
    Oh, by the way, keep the hat, the license plate & ALL the other AUBURN stuff. You have FINE taste…..don’t change now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    ************WAR EAGLES************May God Always Bless You & Yours…….(TAG)

  3. Susan W. on April 5th, 2010 1:03 pm


    Here’s to you a great retirement! It was a real pleasure knowing and working with you. As an investigator for child abuse, it was always nice to have you on the other side, helping as you did, so very well. You will be missed!



  4. rollingwiththetide on April 3rd, 2010 10:05 pm

    Great Job Randy! It would be a pleasure to sit beside you at an Alabama/Auburn game at BDS.
    Roll Tide Roll!

  5. joe w on April 3rd, 2010 1:08 pm

    good luck in your retirement

  6. Alice and Chuck on April 1st, 2010 10:13 pm

    Congrats Randy
    Thanks for everthing you have done on the northend we need more like you
    there is some other good ones but you stand out. It’s been nice knowing since i
    worked at the diamond station to finding out that you are related to Chuck so again
    CONGRATS from the little spot in road in Enon Fl.

  7. Tina M on April 1st, 2010 9:58 pm

    Best Wishes Randy! Just wanted you to know, we always felt safer knowing you were out there helping to protect us. Someone we knew and trusted. Thank you and enjoy life you deserve it!

  8. David Huie Green on April 1st, 2010 1:51 pm

    David Huie Green on April 1st, 2010 2:22 am REGARDING:
    “Notice how I am NOT trying ….

    This was intended to be posted on “Church members speak out..”

    David while losing mind

  9. GARY CARNLEY on April 1st, 2010 12:06 pm

    I have worked the north end of Escambia county as a Trooper for 15 years. Many times I have needed backup and help while working crashes. I depend on the deputies in the north end. Randy has always went above and beyond to help me in any way. I wish you well in your retirement. You will be missed. We also lost another good deputy to retirement in Kevin Vickory in Molino. You both are good friends and I wish you both the best of luck.

  10. EscCtyAL GoodOLeBoy on April 1st, 2010 11:05 am

    congrats on your retirement, buddy. Now its time to support Heath Jackson for a new breath of air in the county.

  11. EscCtyAL GoodOLeBoy on April 1st, 2010 11:04 am

    congrats on retirement, buddy. Now get all your buds out there to jump on the wagon for Heath Jackson to make a change for the rest of us!

  12. Margaret Corley Jackson on April 1st, 2010 10:42 am

    Congratulations, Randy, on this milestone is your life!

  13. Gloria on April 1st, 2010 9:58 am

    Congratulations Randy! Your one of the “good guys” in life and as a officer. I am sure you have changed a lot of lives. You will be missed on the North End. Enjoy the grandkids!

  14. bamaman on April 1st, 2010 7:25 am

    Good Job Randy..Lose the Auburn Hat…LOL..RTR

  15. david clark on April 1st, 2010 5:32 am

    congratulations randy enjoy your retirement, remember the ride ever day from brewton to faulkner state back in 1983!!! your friend david clark

  16. David Huie Green on April 1st, 2010 2:22 am

    “Notice how I am NOT trying to impart MY beliefs on you, why can’t Christians (real and fake) give non-Christians the same courtesy?”

    Simple enough reason: Because Christians try to do as Christ instructed, no matter how imperfectly. One of his instructions was to go and teach others what he had taught them.

    Therefore, anything similar to a Christ-like person will try to tell the good news as understood. It is understood most will reject it and that nobody HAS to accept it, but the obligation is to share it.

    David wondering at those who would insist Christians not obey Christ
    especially in the name of religious freedom

  17. ELVIS LEVOY on March 31st, 2010 11:45 pm


  18. donald on March 31st, 2010 9:55 pm

    Randy you done a good job in walnut hill the people will miss you time to enjoy yourself , don’t drink beer eat fish. 404-849-5405

  19. Ed Hudson on March 31st, 2010 9:54 pm

    Congratulations Randy. Get this retirement thing down right so you can show me how to do it in about 4 1/2 years. (if not sooner) Wish we could have worked a little more together.


  20. David Huie Green on March 31st, 2010 9:50 pm

    “Randy busted my butt a couple of times. There’s no finer man to haul you to jail. ”

    That settles it !

    I refuse to be arrested if you aren’t going to be there to do it.

    David for quality incarceration

  21. Willene on March 31st, 2010 6:45 pm

    Congratulations Randy, enjoy life with Mary and grandchildren.

  22. Aaron Smith on March 31st, 2010 5:23 pm

    Congratulations Randy !!!

    We’ll miss seeing on the road.
    Best of luck in retirement.

  23. littleme on March 31st, 2010 4:44 pm


  24. JW on March 31st, 2010 2:09 pm

    Congratulations Randy! Job well done! Enjoy your retirement, you deserve it.

  25. David Beck on March 31st, 2010 1:42 pm

    Congratulations cousin, I hope you catch all the fish and do all the hunting you want now. Sounds like your grand-kids have some plans for you also. I know you will miss it after all these years but you are getting pretty old :) Take care Randy.

    David Beck

  26. Kevin V on March 31st, 2010 12:25 pm

    Congrats Randy, You were always a good friend, have a great time in your free time now. talk to you soon.

  27. coach on March 31st, 2010 11:48 am

    Congrats Randy You was top notch in my book. WAR EAGLE

  28. Claude Cosey on March 31st, 2010 11:00 am

    Randy, congratulations on your retirement. I still miss the days when we worked together for Sheriff Hawsey. You were a cop’s cop and a man’s man, somebody I looked up to and admired and tried to model myself after. I learned a lot about “the job” and dealing with people by watching you. I am proud to have worked with you and am prouder still to call you my friend. You’re retired, but we’ll stay in touch. Of all the cops I’ve worked with in Alabama, south Florida and the panhandle over the nearly 26 years since I first pinned on a badge, you are at the top of the list as one of the best there ever was!

  29. Family on March 31st, 2010 10:48 am

    We would like to take this opportunity to say Thank You to Randy for all the years of service both here in Escambia AL and in Escambia FL..And to let him as well as anyone else who is interested know that Ann, my sister, is the lady in Century that was left for dead with the plastic bag on her head, she is alive and well and enjoying life. There are a lot of things she cannot do, but we don’t dwell on them. If it wasn’t for the great public servants like Randy she would not have made it. We were contacted several years ago about the man involved doing basicly the same thing in Georgia and was going to trial but never heard the results of his trial, so Thank You Randy for remembering and letting us know the scumbag will not walk the streets again because my sister was not his first.

  30. not an english major on March 31st, 2010 10:15 am

    Congrats on your retirement! Thanks for all the work you have done over there years!

  31. Grandkids on March 31st, 2010 10:14 am

    Great job peepaw! You are not only a great deputy, but a great peepaw! Love you and waiting on you to come to Texas. To God be the glory.

  32. Just An Old Soldier on March 31st, 2010 9:45 am

    Congratulations on your Retirement!

    Now, it’s time for the “honey-do’s” – welcome to the busiest time of your life, Retired Life!

  33. Beegee on March 31st, 2010 9:15 am

    I love you,Randy Murph!!!!!

  34. Babbs on March 31st, 2010 8:58 am

    Hey,,, Mary can I get your autograph since your a cellebrity now, and such a great friend of mine, great picture of you both can I get a copy… Love ya :) )))))))))


  35. Angi on March 31st, 2010 8:35 am

    Congratulations Randy on your retirement, After serving so many years for the Law Enforcement: I am sure it is very hard not to jump up and start to get ready to run out the door on a call. It’s just something that you are so use to doing… We were proud to have you as one of our deputies up here in the northend. Guess it’s time now for you to take the time to spend with your family and do things that you enjoy… But I have to agree, since you’ll now have plenty of spare time, please give thought to changing that cap to BAMA “ROLLTIDE”, LOL… Good Luck and enjoy your retirement with your family.

  36. DELMER TEW on March 31st, 2010 8:29 am


  37. Elizabeth on March 31st, 2010 8:12 am

    Love y’all, Bro. Randy and Aunt Mary. A memory I have is Lydia seeing Bro. Randy eating 5th Sunday dinner at church in his uniform. She would be scared and acted like she didn’t know you, making bashful eye contact. As soon as we walked away she’d ask a million times, “Who’s that police-man?” As if she didn’t know. haha

    And you just HAD to have an Auburn cake, huh? Sheesh… hee, hee! Love y’all.

  38. Gayle Mathis Aldridge on March 31st, 2010 8:07 am

    Randy you done a good job for 27 years proud of you ! good luck in the futher

  39. Nancy Gindl Perry on March 31st, 2010 8:04 am

    Randy, thank you being a wonderful friend, law enforcement officer, and person. Congrats on your reitrement!!! You will be missed! War Eagle:>)

  40. Kim B. on March 31st, 2010 7:53 am

    Randy you will truly be missed in our community. Now you have plenty of time to rethink your team selection and become a Bama fan! lol Happy retirement!!

  41. Detention Deputy on March 31st, 2010 7:34 am

    Yep. Good man. Except for that hat.

    We wish you well Randy!

  42. Resident on March 31st, 2010 7:04 am

    Randy busted my butt a couple of times. There’s no finer man to haul you to jail. I thought my daddy was in the front seat of that deputys car on the way to jail. He preached me a good one. I thinked about what he said and I straighted up.

    Randy is a good man. Thank you sir for your service

  43. Scobie Wilcoxon on March 31st, 2010 6:38 am

    Congratulations Randy. It was a pleasure to have served with you in Escambia County, AL.

    It has been a pleasure to have made your acquaintance and to have known you. You have served well and have certainly earned the time to stop and enjoy the fruits of your labors.

    Thank you for your service, your friendship and for the personal things during the tough times in my life.

  44. Nikki & Roy on March 31st, 2010 6:23 am

    Randy you will be missed around here, even when you “found” the truck in our front yard LOL!!!! Enjoy your retirement and now that you have more time, come see us and do plenty of fishing!!!!!!!!