Donkey Killer Begins Jail Term

January 12, 2010

The Cantonment juvenile who shot and killed a donkey near Jacks Branch Road has reported to jail to begin serving almost a year behind bars.

driverkylemason.jpgKyle Mason Driver, 17, was charged as an adult with felony animal cruelty or death, using a weapon during the commission of a felony and possession of a firearm by a minor.  On November 20, Driver was sentenced to 11 months and 15 days in the Escambia County Jail and three years probation in connection with the case. Driver pleaded nolo contender, and adjudication was withheld.

Judge Kenneth L. Williams gave Driver until last Friday January 8, to report to the county jail to begin his sentence. According to the State Attorney’s office, Driver turned himself in at the Escambia County Jail just before midnight Friday.

Driver must also pay restitution to Panhandle Equine Rescue of $440.38. Under the terms of his probation, he must not own any livestock.

Escambia County deputies said Driver has confessed to shooting a donkey on River Annex Road near Jacks Branch Road late the night of May 2. The female donkey shot by Driver gave birth moments before or after being shot to J.B., a white donkey that became a local media celebrity of sorts. Driver turned himself in at the county jail on May 6, about two hours after published his photo and a plea for the public’s help in locating him from the sheriff’s department.


27 Responses to “Donkey Killer Begins Jail Term”

  1. guess who on September 24th, 2010 2:13 pm

    First Of All-Kyle Mason Driver is not a convicted felon as some of you may think. There is a big difference. He was charged with a felony, but adjudication was withheld, so therefore, he is not listed as a convicted felon.

  2. Dave on January 14th, 2010 11:39 am

    Killing someone’s livestock is no different from setting their car on fire – its felony destruction of private property.

    If the animal lover weenies feel better because he as charged with animal cruelty then I’m glad they’re happy.

    The end result that this jerk is in jail where he ought to be.

  3. jennifer on January 13th, 2010 8:46 am

    I love animals and I am glad to see that little jerk punished. I think he should get more than just a year of jail time. Animals cannot speak so we have to speak for them. Make calls on our judgement to make sure they are feeling ok.

  4. KDOG on January 13th, 2010 6:15 am

    “JB’s Mother” according to you it’s o.k. to kill/murder one type of animal (undomesticated) vs. another type of animal (domesticated)? For instance it’s o.k. to kill/murder a deer but not a donkey? That makes perfect sense.

    So as a self proclaimed animal lover you surely don’t eat any type of meat or fish, correct? I sure hope that’s the case! Because, being an animal lover and mother of a donkey I don’t possibly see how you could possibly eat any type of meat or condone such horrible behavior! And if you do eat meat of any type… you know being the animal lover that you are, wow!

    Let’s all be clear here. It was a donkey. Yes the punk should be punished but let’s let the punishment fit the crime! And all you animal lovers, geez, get over yourself.

    If you were a true animal lover you’d be livin’ as you’re preachin’.

  5. Glad I left Escambia County on January 13th, 2010 2:27 am

    So, let me get this straight: He gets a felony conviction before he’s even old enough to purchase alcohol (or a pack of cigarettes in Alabama); spends a year in jail soaking up your tax dollars; and three years of probation for shooting a dumb animal that just happened to give birth at the same time he shot it? Wow! And this is in a county where drug dealers, sex offenders, and mentally ill homeless people are released from the county jail on a daily basis, yet he’s a donkey killer, so he’s the worst of the worst now. Unbelievable! No wonder more people keep leaving Escambia county everyday. I personally feel sorry for this young man because as a convicted felon, he’ll never get a decent job, house, or have any hopes or aspirations like many kids the same age as him have. And for what, a stupid, stupid donkey? I hope you’re all happy a young man’s life is ruined and now he’ll turn out to just be another statistic and inmate for the state to look after. But hey, as long as the baby donkey’s OK, that’s what’s important, right? I’m glad I said good riddance to Escambia county a long time ago.

  6. ghendricks on January 12th, 2010 11:43 pm

    For all of the Kyle Driver apologists out there, the reason he is in this self-induced predicament is because of his own callous stupidity. Do you want to blame the donkey? Let us apply your, “…it is just a donkey…” type rationale to Mr. Driver; well, he is just a convicted felon and a criminal.

  7. i dunno on January 12th, 2010 11:20 pm

    This young guy will probaly spend his time at the road prison, going outside to work with other prisoners daily. Maybe he’ll learn a good lesson and do better.

  8. BaBa on January 12th, 2010 9:54 pm

    No doubt its wrong….jail time maybe not..dont know the boys background….should make the boy take care of the baby donkey…feed it …wipe it…put it to bed every nite like a baby..( under other supervision ) for a year…then if he dont do it or if it dies ….send him to jail…after he buries the donkey…cant help but to say the donkey is smarter than the boy though…there is a joke in this story somewhere…I will leave it alone for now

  9. FYI on January 12th, 2010 6:18 pm

    I don’t think his sentence was too harsh. I also don’t think that sentences for drunk driving, etc, are harsh enough.
    For all the people who say he should be doing community service caring for animals, would you trust him with the lives of your own precious animals, or the lives of animals who’ve already had a hard life and been given a second chance because they’ve been rescued? I would not trust him around my animals.
    I hope he comes to realize that what he did was wrong and changes his ways for good, but he still has to receive his punishment.
    Did he ever say why he did it or that he was truly sorry for his actions?

  10. Tim on January 12th, 2010 5:59 pm

    charged as an adult with felony animal cruelty or death, using a weapon during the commission of a felony and possession of a firearm by a minor….
    so a minor is charged as an adult? what is He, a minor or an adult? can’t have it both ways. or shouldn’t be

  11. bobby on January 12th, 2010 5:51 pm

    I am wondering why so much for so little? Let me explain a great contradiction with this sentance and the crime. In most states animals are considered property. I think this is true in florida as I know of some neighbors that had a dispute over dogs and one neighbor shot and killed the other persons dog and they were not prosocuted nor were any charges filed as the dog was considered property. there were no rights for the dog. there were no animal advocates yelling about animal cruelty. the dog was shot on the owners property not the shooters property. it was not in self defense or as a result of an atack by the dog. the shooter was over 21 years old. now they could not charge him with underage firearm violation but they could have charged him for shooting across a road. anyway… back to the point is this sentance about a underage minor having a firearm, or is it to send a message about animal cruelty? Seems like the shelters put down dogs all the time if they do not get adopted, why are horses treated different? oh yeah, the donkey had a baby that was all cute and media worthy!!! What is this all about? perhaps this case should be appealed as there are lots of questions here about what the real agenda is? I am just saying….

  12. CO1 on January 12th, 2010 5:40 pm

    I am a Correctional Officer who guards the murderers, child molesters, rapists and drug dealers. I do agree with the sentencing. As part of his probation, he should have to put in so many hours working with animals. Maybe then he could gain an appreciation for God’s creatures. Anyone who is capable of killing an animal for no reason like he did needs to be punished. Think of it this way, if he was capable of doing this, then he has the meanness in him to do other hateful things. Giving him this sentence may even be saving someone’s life and possibly his own if the punishment teaches him a lesson.

  13. Lindley Paxton Barden on January 12th, 2010 5:05 pm

    I am JB’s Mother . . . I have cared for him constantly since the day that he was orphaned. I am also a Board member of Panhandle Equine Rescue, and through my relationship with this great organization, got the opportunity to care for JB and to be involved with this case.
    Many , if not most of you seem to think that Kyle’s sentence was too harsh . . . you may see this as “teenager versus donkey”. Indeed it is MUCH more. For any teenager (under age) to use a gun (not his own) to irresponsibly kill a farm animal (not a deer) on private property is breaking the laws not just against animals, but against MAN. The turn of events on May 2 could have gone even more horribly wrong. Any one of these factors was cause for a stiff sentence; all of them together most certainly guaranteed it. So Kyle Driver is in jail for almost a year, but not “just” for the murder of an animal.
    And for those comparing Kyle’s sentence with the sentences given for other offenses–that is like comparing apples to oranges. Animal advocates work (and have worked) tirelessly to bring the punishments for animal abuse/neglect/cruelty into the 21st century; if you have a concern with the (lack of) punishment for other offenses, lobby Congress or work within the system to get those laws changed!
    As I have watched JB grow up without a mother, I ‘ve had very mixed feelings about Kyle Driver. Sometimes the animal lover in me wished him the worst! But with much prayer, I have come to forgive him. This does NOT mean that I think he shouldn’t be punished. It means that I hope that his time in jail will cause him to consider (and REconsider) his actions, and pray that he can and WILL change his life for the better.

  14. justsayin on January 12th, 2010 4:10 pm

    Justice would be better served if he had to serve his time living with and caring for the animals at equine rescue. It could turn a young guy like this around.

  15. whitepunknotondope on January 12th, 2010 1:47 pm

    I DON’T love animals, don’t even think about them too much to be honest. I agree that the punishment here is too much for the crime. Just shows how out of whack our judicial system is.

    Sentencing should be mandated at a Federal level; why in Jupiter’s Julip we allow LOCAL judges to determine sentencing is beyond the bounds of reason!

  16. interested reader on January 12th, 2010 1:40 pm

    this is your chance, Kyle Driver, to turn your young life around. Sure, it was not a person but the question is , would you have shot that gun out that window if a person was out there? MAYBE, this time in jail will turn your life around. Let us hope to NEVER see your name again connected with a crime. May God be with you.

  17. T on January 12th, 2010 11:41 am

    It is rediculous that the man who was caught driving (DRUNK) the wrong way on 29 the other night will get LESS (none) time than this young man!!

    YES, this young man made a horrible decision and did wrong, no argument there, and YES he should have to face consequences BUT this sentence is clearly that of a Judge who decided the consequences based on HIS OWN personal feelings and that is WRONG!!!

    A child molester, a child abuser, and person with DUI charges …the couple a few months ago caught with METH!! ALL receive MUCH lessor punishment than this young man AND IT IS WRONG!!!!!

  18. jack on January 12th, 2010 11:09 am

    1 year is to much , 30 days would be more than enough.

    3 years probation , about right,but should be 2 years.

    Restitution , $440.38 x 10 = $4,403.80.

    That being said,I am sure there are some,that would rally for the death penalty.

  19. spay and neuter your pets on January 12th, 2010 9:58 am

    It’s not that his punishment was too harsh, it’s just that other more serious crimes against people are not punished harshly enough. When I hear something like this type of crime against an innocent and defenseless animal, I wonder what kind of sick and troubled person would do this. Thus the truth that , “hurting people, hurt other people (animals)”. I think that he needs to sit in jail and be forced to watch footage of the abused animals that miraculously survive and hear their cries of agony in his sleep. I know God can and does forgive, if he will just ask, but it is much harder for me to do that.

  20. xpeecee on January 12th, 2010 9:31 am

    I love animals, but I agree with Darryl that his punishment is a little much. It would be better for him and for us, if he would work with animals, instead of wasting that time in jail. Wonder if Jamil Lee (who murdered a young human being) spent a year in jail??? Just sayin………

  21. 2 Cense on January 12th, 2010 9:26 am



  22. KDOG on January 12th, 2010 9:05 am

    Are you ppl nuts? Child molesters, drug dealers, and other idiots doing far worse get house arrest! I agree this “young” person needs punishment.

    But I think most of you have your priorities in the wrong place when you all seem to be placing the welfare of an animal before the needs of a human that clearly needs guidance.

    Let’s all start making decisions based on our “feelings” instead of basic rationale. I suspect that this will raise a few hairs. But maybe it will get at least one of you to start thinking (well if you’re capable of that)?

  23. Angi on January 12th, 2010 8:53 am

    This is such cruel behavior, yes he should have to do his time in jail and be made to do hard labor, also having to look at a photo of the mother donkey that he took the life of. I don’t think though that he should be able to be in contact with the baby donkey, because he may kill it too…

  24. Darryl on January 12th, 2010 8:42 am

    He should have been punished, and a better way would have to work it off in some humane organization for animals. A year behind bars for this, when more serious crimes gets less shows how emotional and subjective our court system and the public can be. You do realize this year behind bars will basically end his ability to lead a normal life when the jail term is over, and the chances are he’ll end up back in prison. His ability to get a job will be greatly diminished, therefore his punishment will continue for the rest of his life. No viable employer will hire him when his jail term is completed.

    In this country we lock up too many people for minor offenses, overloading the system, consuming too much money, and allowing the truly violent criminals to serve ridiculously short terms.

  25. Lee M. on January 12th, 2010 8:26 am

    He should have been sentenced to a year at hard labor for PERS. Maybe he’d learn that animals have emotions and understand the pain he caused.

  26. anon on January 12th, 2010 8:23 am

    i’m glad…….i don’t think he would treat the donkey fairly since he killed the mother..i’m glad to see his butt behind bars. he should be forced to look at a picture of j.b. for as long as he is in jail.

  27. small one on January 12th, 2010 8:05 am

    Light punishment, he really needs to have to take care of the offspring for life. He is a misfit to life. 1 year maybe and what a little price for what Panhandle Equine Rescue has done for the baby donkey. Hope they give him a ruff time in jail for what he has done. Apparently he was not brought up the right way. Just wanted to target practice at something and the mother donkey got in the way. We will hear from him again. NO DOUBT