2009 Persons Of The Year: Charles Williams

January 4, 2010


Charles Williams has been named one of our North Escambia Persons of the Year.

williams3.jpgCharles Williams is one of those behind the scenes people that makes the world go round — at least the world of youth sports in Walnut Hill.

From the Ernest Ward Middle School Sports Boosters to Northwest Escambia Football, Williams is always hard at work to make sure the area’s children have the opportunity to take part in sports.

He is sometimes the man on the public address system at NWE and Ernest Ward Middle School football games, but he is always the man behind the scenes.  From mowing the grass to working in the concession stand, he’s the model volunteer.

As president of the EWMS Sports Boosters, Williams is quick to point out that the group works to support every boy’s and girl’s sport at the school, not just the county’s only middle school football team. Williams and his army of volunteers make sure that every player of every sport is appreciated, and that every player is fed an appropriate meal or snack before every game.


“I just don’t know what we would do without Charles,” EWMS Principal Nancy Gindl-Perry said at a school sports banquet before presenting Williams with a small token of the school’s appreciation.

Williams accepted the gift quietly and humbly — that’s just the kind of man he is. And hundreds, if not thousands, of youth would tend to agree — he’s just one of those people that influences society quietly, one child a time.

“He’s a true hero,” Perry said.

NorthEscambia.com file photos, click to enlarge.


11 Responses to “2009 Persons Of The Year: Charles Williams”

  1. Grandmother on December 13th, 2010 2:45 am

    On the cold winter days Mr. Charles brings the staff that has car duty at Bratt home made hot coco. He is a very special man. His wife is just as kind as he is.

  2. bobby on January 6th, 2010 11:06 am

    Charles, you have been a driving force in the local football program and the EWMS football program. Anyone who knows you will agree, you do it for the kids! I wish there were more people like you in this community. your family seems to always show support and help you out. I know I always see your daughter at the food stand working. you really deserve this honor!

  3. Wilson on January 5th, 2010 4:16 pm

    A man suited for the job. We thank you as parents Mr. Charles, you go above and beyond. You do it because you care, not to recieve recognition and that speaks volume about your character and it has been a priviledge to work with you.

  4. Steve Leonard on January 5th, 2010 12:12 pm

    Charles – Thanks for all that you do for the kids in our community through the sports programs at EWMS and NWE football.

  5. Mr. Rodgers on January 5th, 2010 12:41 am

    Is this the same Charles Williams that woked at Masland Carpets?

  6. Mrs. Perry on January 4th, 2010 7:48 pm

    Thank you Mr. Williams for your never ending support of our schools, children, communities, faculty and staff, parents, and of course your family. Many people do not know the hours Mr. Williams spends on campus and “behind the scenes” to make sure our children and my “babies” have the “extras.” I can personally tell you if it were NOT for Mr. Williams I do not know if EWMS would have had the football team when we did or the NEW PRESS BOX!! Thank you for all you do what a well deserved HONOR!

    Nancy Perry, Principal and friend
    Ernest Ward Middle School.

  7. pam on January 4th, 2010 3:46 pm

    congrats!!! what a great choice i have known charles most of my life “even if he did make me eat that oatmeal lol ” he is the best father figure one could ask for I didnt have a traditional family life growing up but when I was at his house which was a lot he treated me as his own the whole family did . lots of love to all of you.. You could not have picked a finer respectable person

  8. Angi on January 4th, 2010 11:56 am

    Congrats Charles…

  9. Gayle Hanks on January 4th, 2010 9:26 am

    Mr. Charles Williams does so much for the students, faculty, and staff at Ernest Ward Middle School. Quite often the public is unaware of his kind deeds. We really appreciate all his contributions to EWMS and to Walnut Hill and the surrounding communities.

    Gayle Hanks
    Ernest Ward Middle School

  10. Melissa on January 4th, 2010 6:57 am

    Way to go Charles!!! You deserve this, even though we both know that you don’t do it for the glory, you do it for all the kids!!! Congratulations, your hard work has never went unseen!!

  11. Family on January 4th, 2010 1:43 am

    Uncle Buster is the Best! You really do so much for so many people. This honor is really no suprise to us, we already thought you were pretty great! We love you!
    Tami, Joe, Elizabeth & Victoria