Tate Student Arrested For Arson After School Bathroom Fire

February 21, 2013

A Tate High School student was arrested Thursday for arson after setting a fire in a bathroom in the Hall Building at the school.

Jake Austin Calvert, 15, was charged with arson, disturbing the peace (disruption of a school function) and criminal mischief. He was released into the custody of the Division of Youth Services.

The incident occurred about 9:40 a.m. Wednesday. The Tate school resource officer heard someone yell that there was a fire. As the deputy exited his office, he could see dark smoke billowing out of the boy’s bathroom. He retrieved a fire extinguisher and returned to find the principal had already put the flames out.

During the investigation, information was received that Calvert might be responsible for the fire. He was interviewed by school officials, and he admitted to setting the fire “because he wanted to melt the soap dispenser so no one else could get soap to wash their hands,” according to the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

The school was evacuated, but no injuries were reported during the incident.

The fire was also investigated by the State Fire Marshal’s Office.


69 Responses to “Tate Student Arrested For Arson After School Bathroom Fire”

  1. curious on February 25th, 2013 6:20 pm

    TAS, apparently you haven’t read all the comments, because some of us agree with David.

  2. Cantonment Mom on February 25th, 2013 8:42 am

    This crime endangered children and teacher’s lives. How is this different than taking a gun to school and discharging it, just not hitting anyone? He is either too immature or too dangerous to ever step foot in a public school again. Either way he needs to be expelled and NEVER allowed in a normal school again. He can finish his schooling at a DJJ program or an alternative school where the level of supervision is extremely high.

  3. Slick Dog on February 24th, 2013 6:33 pm

    I know Jake have known him for years and I know his father and grandmother well, I was 15 once and so were all of you. We have all done some not so smart things in our lives and especially at that age. He just happened to do something really dumb. But this does not make him a bad kid or a thug, just means he made a mistake and now he will have to pay for his mistake. Just like all of us have had to do in our lives. Keep your head up Jake!

  4. TC on February 24th, 2013 2:23 am

    Well said, Concerned Woman.

  5. Seriously on February 23rd, 2013 8:42 pm

    This kid endangered the lives of many, irregardless of his age or maturity. Period. Thank God no one was injured or killed from the fire or suffered from smoke inhalation, which does kill, by the way. He is a felon now, and his actions are inexcusable. He deserves way more than a slap on the wrist.

  6. mary on February 23rd, 2013 2:35 pm

    I know not to drive 75mph on that road NOW because I’m a grown woman. Wisdom and maturity have come my way with the years however the same wasnt true when at 16 I was tooling around in my Daddy’s car. I think for many of us, we remember the stupid things we did at this kids age and want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Let the judge and the doctors and his parents take care of him and we can all wish him time to grow up and redeem this stupid act.

    Mary for peace.

  7. TAS on February 23rd, 2013 1:33 pm

    you have a right to your opinion its the neg remarks your making about this child there is a difference you have called him a jr arsonist etc..come on show some respect to this boys family stop and think how it makes them feel they love him reguardless of what you think David …not everyone is going to agree with you get over it!!!!!!!!

  8. Psych on February 23rd, 2013 12:59 pm

    Some food for thought

    Although the majority of fires set by children are ignited out of curiosity rather than malice, a pervasive interest in setting fires may be an early sign of antisocial or sociopathic behavior. Salisbury, MD-based Focus Adolescent Services cautions that if a child over the age of eight starts a fire, it is more likely that the behavior represents underlying mental illness than in younger children. Of adolescent firestarters, Focus states that the behavior often represents true criminal intent. Psychologists caution that children in whom firestarting behavior coexists alongside animal torture and excessive bedwetting are in particular danger. Often, children exhibiting these symptoms are victims of abuse or neglect themselves.

  9. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2013 11:07 am

    “So, am I going to get a hefty speeding ticket (which I deserve) or am I going to be charged with endangering others (which I didn’t)?:”

    It all depends on how the officer feels that day and how you talk to him.

    Just to clarify, though, You really don’t think you have endangered anyone while driving 75 on Nine Mile Road?

    David for clarity

  10. David Huie Green on February 23rd, 2013 9:30 am

    “to the reader David Green not once did anyone tell you to shut up but you need to let up on this kid with your comments. You got your point across. I’m a Christian man and I agree with WWJD Reader, what would Jesus do. We have no right to judge these people.”

    I obviously did not get my point across because you think I’m worrying about the child who claimed to have set the school building on fire. The courts can handle that situation.

    My point is that people should be free to say what they believe is true especially when they think something is wrong. Nothing ever gets better if everyone tells themselves “it’s okay and everybody does it.”

    They are free to honestly agree or disagree with me and do. I am free to agree or disagree with them.

    From their words some must think Christ said, “Neither do I condemn thee, go and continue to sin.” The truth is that he did not condemn by fatally casting the first stone, but he did call on the lady to discontinue her sins. He did tell her what she did was wrong. He also said it was wrong to offend little ones. Setting fire to a building full of little ones would very likely deserve at least a word of condemnation.

    Of course, that’s the Christ of the Bible, not the Christ of the man-made variety which tells people “it’s okay, everybody else does it, keep doing it.” As Paul said in Romans 6 “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid.”

    David for caring people

  11. mary on February 23rd, 2013 9:13 am

    Hypothetically, let’s say I get pulled over for driving 75mph down 9 mile road. When the officer spots 16 cars stopped at the red light a little up the road, is he then going to surmise I could have just plowed on through them (but I didn’t), thus killing and maiming every passenger in those 16 cars. So, am I going to get a hefty speeding ticket (which I deserve) or am I going to be charged with endangering others (which I didn’t)?

  12. Tate Mom on February 23rd, 2013 8:34 am

    I don’t condon what this kid did. I have a child who was at the school when this happened. So thankful this did not end tragically as it very well could have. I am sincerely praying for Jake and his family. I pray that he learns a lesson and that God’s perfect will be done in this situation. I won’t judge or criticize; I’ll pray.

  13. WWJD on February 23rd, 2013 7:19 am

    As long as people must interact with one another inevitably they will come in contact with others who are difficult,Amoung the most annoying are those who are judgemental stating unsolicited opinions about other peoples conduct and arrogant exhibiting an attitude of superiority over others….

  14. TAS on February 23rd, 2013 5:56 am

    I know jake and he is a good kid…I have read these comments and to the reader david green not once did anyone tell you to shut up but you need to let up on this kid with your comments you got your point across. Im a christian man and i agree with WWJD Reader, what would jesus do.we have know right to judge these people. Best of luck jake and family your in my prayers

  15. parris on February 22nd, 2013 11:19 pm

    ty bri for your support. now for the people on here who do not know jake i would like to say i don’t my grandsons life ruined! this is the first time he has been in any trouble his parents are hard working people that love their children & are not trying to be best freinds tho i have seen some of those myself . i hope jake can come through this with having learned a lesson. my oldest brother was always doing something but he grew into a man that joined the marine core & spent the rest of his career in law enforcement & retired as a captain. i’m just saying let’s not throw him away !

  16. Bri on February 22nd, 2013 6:10 pm

    I love this kid, he’ll be alright. Be okay Jake. Stay strong kiddo. We’re all making shirts and making a harlem shake video in the football field dedicated to him.

  17. David Huie Green on February 22nd, 2013 5:38 pm

    “This child is not a felon…nor is this boy a threat to anyone.”

    That is good to know. You are absolutely sure he is not a threat to anyone? Were you absolutely sure he wouldn’t have started the previous fire too?

    You are what you do.
    If you commit a felony, you are a felon.

    The only way he is not a felon is if he lied when he said he started the fire.
    That is possible.
    Do you know whether or not he is a liar?

    David glad to read this child didn’t endanger other children

  18. sonors on February 22nd, 2013 4:18 pm


  19. Teacher on February 22nd, 2013 3:53 pm

    The punishment in this situation ought to be swift and firm. The student was setting items on fire that could have engulfed the entire building. That building has about 16 classrooms, and the kid did not seek help once he had set the fire – did not pull the fire alarm and did not call for help. Obviously, he was only concerned about HIMSELF and not the welfare of the other students and teachers. Feel sorry for the kid? Absolutely not! He should be charged with “endangering lives,” and thank God you are not reading an article about students killed in a senseless fire.

  20. David Huie Green on February 22nd, 2013 3:08 pm

    I want the very best for the junior arsonist.
    I hope he never kills.
    I only have a tiny problem with people telling others to shut up because they think that is what Jesus would do.

  21. smh on February 22nd, 2013 12:54 pm

    Wow, do yall really think he should be released, gave a slap on the wrist, an put back in tate ? Smh, no . He could of KILLED people, if it was your kid that got hurt oh youd want him severly punished, think before you speak !! He deserves what he gets starting a fireee, so glad im outta tate

  22. Janice Parker on February 22nd, 2013 12:50 pm

    I agree that he needs to suffer some consequences for his actions. And along with the counseling that I suspect that he needs, some of you might benefit from some yourselves. Lord, there are some angry people in this world.

  23. John on February 22nd, 2013 12:00 pm

    He should be at home getting quite the butt woopin’ from his parents,

    Yea,that could happen and the parents would be arrrested for child abuse. That’s what he needs ,however the parents today want to be best friends not parents. People don’t realize this is arson plain and simple and if the fire had spread and caused the death of someone everyone on this site would be crying for justice. He made a bad decision and he needs to be held accountable for his actions. Parents have no control over their children once they walk out the front door I don’t care how good a parent you are or how good you raised your child they will do stupid things you have no control of. Praying for all.

  24. Reader of The news on February 22nd, 2013 11:21 am

    >>>At 15 and being a minor and publishing a minors picture has legal issues for a newspaper.

    You are wrong. The name and pictures of minors charged with a felony are public record in the Florida. That’s why you see the picture and name here, and that’s why it was on channel 3. The sheriff had to send them the picture and release it. THere’s no other way they would have got it.

  25. LMD on February 22nd, 2013 10:55 am

    I entrust that a judge will deal with this properly as they would with any 15 year old who made a crazy kid like mistake. This child is not a felon…nor is this boy a threat to anyone. He should be at home getting quite the butt woopin’ from his parents, as they should be held responsible for paying for the cleanup and replacement of the soap dispenser and any repairs. This is NOT newspaper worthy. I sure am glad that when we were kids and made a mistake that our parents, teachers, and the police were much more knowledgable about how to deal with these types of things. I guess this officer and principal need to remember what it was like to be a kid with a promising future who does something that can be fixed.

  26. TBrown on February 22nd, 2013 10:44 am

    To those who think that this young man was acting on an impulse, or was just being playful, I wonder how you would feel if the fire got out of control and took the lives of others — especially your child. The act was extremely irresponsible and endangered the safety of others. People at the age of 15 know the difference between what is right and what is wrong. He must be held accountable for his actions.

  27. David on February 22nd, 2013 10:44 am

    At 15 and being a minor and publishing a minors picture has legal issues for a newspaper.

  28. curious on February 22nd, 2013 9:37 am

    Why wasn’t he released to his parents, instead of Division of Youth Services? I am always telling my kids to be careful what they do or say, because it can stay with them for the rest of their lives, if this boy is charged with all this, he can kiss any good career goodbye.

  29. paul on February 22nd, 2013 9:36 am

    I think a lot of people don’t understand the seriousness of a crime like Arson, there’s a reason it’s a felony..

  30. mg on February 22nd, 2013 9:28 am

    Nothing wrong at all with this one. Melting a soap dispenser in a bathroom at a school so that no one else can use it is a perfectly normal thing for someone to do.

  31. BentStraight on February 22nd, 2013 9:24 am

    What is it about certain juveniles that they take pleasure in destructive behavior? Is it some kind of anti-social reaction to to a perceived rejection of some sort?

    Can someone explain to me why vandalism is fun? I’ve never been able to understand it.

  32. mary on February 22nd, 2013 9:17 am

    I would take this kid in but he obviously has 2 concerned g’mothers and parents. My own parents taught us to make the world a better place and I have chosen to work with children. There are youth groups in every church, court ad litem, Children’s Home Society, Bethany Christian Services, Big Brothers, Big Sisters, 4H, Scouts, volunteer in the schools……you can spend as little as an hour a week and still make a difference in the life of a child. OR you can continue to sit back and point fingers and make smart-aleck remarks.

  33. WWJD on February 22nd, 2013 8:56 am

    Infernal Bear your right on with your comment …its the same point i was trying to make ……

  34. Infernal Bear on February 22nd, 2013 8:24 am

    “What’s wrong with this country” isn’t that we aren’t locking enough people up, or letting kids like this off with a slap on the wrist. It’s that nobody can can see that there can be meaninful consequences that lie somewhere between a felony record and not doing any thing at all. Yes, it was stupid, yes it was dangerous, and yes others were at risk. But a 15-year-old has a lot of maturing left to do, and deserves more than being written off as a lost cause. Scare the hell out of him, make him understand that he has to be responsible for his actions, and help him see that he has a lot more life to live that can be ruined with terrible decisions like this.
    All this is saying nothing about that fact that there never should have been an arrest made in the first place. Does every teenager who gets in a fight at school now get arrested for assault? It doesn’t say much for the ability of the school’s administration or the school board that they have no plan other than to let the sheriff’s office handle disciplinary problems.

  35. mnon on February 22nd, 2013 8:05 am

    I’m just glad I grew up and went to school during a time when “boys will be boys.”

    Now-a-days you have so many parents just looking for an excuse to sue another parent for a fight, or the school for not “taking action.” It is the society we all have created. Who is to suffer… our children… with criminal records, when it is something that 20 years ago would have been blown off as “boys will be boys.”

    Twenty years ago, this kid’s parents would have had to pay for the soap dispenser, had a conference with the dean/principle, gotten suspended for 2-3 days from school, and his butt whipped by his parents when he got home. No felony charge and sitting at a Youth Center waiting for a trial… *sigh*

  36. WWJD on February 22nd, 2013 7:59 am

    So I asume that makes you perfect , we dont have to agree lets hope for a good outcome for this kid ….do you have a problem with that??

  37. David Huie Green on February 22nd, 2013 7:18 am

    Never assume others haven’t thought ere speaking.
    Their thoughts may be different from yours even as yours may be different from mine.
    The idea that others should be silent if they disagree should be practiced by the ones who hold it, not by the ones with whom they disagree.

  38. WWJD on February 22nd, 2013 6:41 am

    This was a foolish thing this kid did,and thankfully no one was harmed ,but all of this judgement and negative remarks can be harmful to in the worst way..Let his parents and the court work threw this issue everyone has made bad choices keep that in mind before you speak

  39. David Huie Green on February 22nd, 2013 6:17 am

    If people are so impulsive as to set fire to occupied buildings, the ones endangered by those actions need them to learn impulse control. Gripe if it makes you happy, but don’t let them kill other children either on purpose or by indifference.

    David for better people

  40. JT on February 22nd, 2013 12:34 am

    Take it easy on the kid. He does deserve a swift kick in the rear, but kids do stupid stuff.

  41. (parris) the other grandmother on February 21st, 2013 10:35 pm

    wow! i never knew there were so many perfect people on here. for the people that say the soap thing does’nt make sense most teenagers do dumb stuff they just get lucky & don’t get caught. most of it would not make sense or add up to a lot of us. do you all want him to do 20 to life or something? i think community service & probation would do because trust me when i say he will be punished at home as well.

  42. A friend on February 21st, 2013 9:53 pm

    I know jake and I also no he didn’t do it and he just admitted to it cause he thought he was gonna get in trouble anyway

  43. H Wilkins on February 21st, 2013 9:20 pm

    Methinks them what supports this kid should have him come live with them and give him plenty of matches and whatever else he wants. Feel the same way about judges who let bad criminals off with little punishment. How about change the law to make the judges and legislators and governor have them folks come to their homes to live and “help out” while serving their sentences. Seems this kid has nobody’s interest but his own. Concerned Woman and others why don’t you open your homes to him? After all he only needs some tender loving care..

  44. jcellops on February 21st, 2013 9:09 pm

    although i dont know him or of any past discipline problems, i feel like this kid is probably salvageble…i pretty much agree with “concerned woman”…except for her wish to divert the schools “focus” moreso towards the highschools drug pushers/users …this was a dangerous prank…the severity of it stands alone….but, im totally puzzled over his apparent reasoning for settng the soap dispenser on fire….just doesnt add up, to me……im wondering if there are fire detectors in the students restrooms….the story didnt mention anything about fire detectors going off….anyway, i do hope that the judge excercises the “wisdom of solomen” with this one…as this will be a pivital moment in his young mans life.

  45. tatestudent on February 21st, 2013 7:48 pm

    I’ve known jake for many of years I went to elementary school with him and to know that he did something like this is unbelievable.jake is a sweet kid and funny too
    I don’t think he should get the punishment he is getting that’s too much I mean sure he needs to get in trouble for it but not this much trouble that’s way too much come on now guys he’s a minor cut him some slack every teenager does stupid things and some of them do a lot worse things then this and they aren’t punished no where near as mush as they should be so I dot jake deserves all of this. He’s a kid come on now. I hope jake will be back soon. Im going to miss him.

  46. William on February 21st, 2013 7:08 pm

    >>How the heck does northescambia.com post this boy’s picture and name? He is a minor and minors are protected by state law.

    The names and photographs of minors charged with felonies in the State of Florida are public record. That’s why his name and mugshot were released by the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office to the local media.

  47. Concerned on February 21st, 2013 7:06 pm

    How the heck does northescambia.com post this boy’s picture and name? He is a minor and minors are protected by state law. I hope someone files charges against you. This has gone too far.

  48. paul on February 21st, 2013 7:05 pm

    I’m glad they caught him.. Now I hope the Judge does the right thing and shows us how much he cares about the innocent lives that were put in harms way..

  49. dont worry about it on February 21st, 2013 6:48 pm

    Ok people for one this guys is a complete moron just sayin… but anyways all of you defending him saying he just made a mistake everyone makes mistakes blah blah blah while this might be true it dosnt make him any less guilty of what he did i dont hear people saying it was just a mistake wen a drunk driver gets in a wreck and kills a family of 4! point is it might have been a mistake but that dosnt stop him from going to prison!

  50. bob on February 21st, 2013 6:25 pm

    the school was not evacuated

  51. Freda Whaley on February 21st, 2013 6:24 pm

    “Ok so jake was in many of my classes he is a really nice caring kid …”

    Nice caring kids don’t set fires. This child needs help all right. He needs to be locked up to protect others. I’m not saying jail. Lakeview might work for him to find out the real reason he thought it was okay to set a fire that could have killed someone if it had gotten out of control. Not wanting others to use the soap makes no sense. There is something seriously wrong with someone who thinks like that. Meanwhile, he needs to be kept where he can’t hurt anyone else.

  52. Rose on February 21st, 2013 6:18 pm

    Mamma: Be so careful with your words…Don’t ever be so proud that you don’t think just because you raise your children or grandchildren right that they are going to turn our perfect…JUST SAYING!!!!

  53. Tate student on February 21st, 2013 6:14 pm

    What a retard I was in the hall building he put my life in danger and 200 plus other students …. No common sense

  54. Momma on February 21st, 2013 6:11 pm

    Grandma said “Be sure that you put more concern into the lives of your own children and what they do…that should keep you busy!!! ”

    I do put more concern into the lives of my children, and they were not setting their school on fire and risking the lives of hundreds of people.

  55. One of his grandmothers (ROSE) on February 21st, 2013 5:54 pm

    I agree totally with Concerned Woman!!!! I have know this boy for many years and he is not a trouble maker or a troubled child. I ask that you PRAY for him and his family and stop throwing your trashy remarks out there. Be sure that you put more concern into the lives of your own children and what they do…that should keep you busy!!! Remember: EXCEPT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD, THERE GO I.

  56. Captainfire50 on February 21st, 2013 5:52 pm

    “Concerned Woman” and the ones that support her are what is wrong with this country. He did the crime, now he needs to do his time. What will he do next if given the “slap on the wrist” this time? No reason for sympathy here. And yes, I am a parent!!!

  57. TateStudent on February 21st, 2013 5:39 pm

    Ok so jake was in many of my classes he is a really nice caring kid …he just made a mistake and he will most likely learn from his mistake yes he needs to under stand he cant do this kind of stuff but he did …but it doesnt mean he needs jail time thats ridiculous he should be allowed back to tate to continue his studys in class teenagers make mistakes we all do people need to understand that!!!

  58. Wharf Rat on February 21st, 2013 5:35 pm

    July16,1967, thirty seven people died at the Berrydale Road Prison, in Santa Rosa County. The conditions were different. But it came from individuals wanting to make a statement. They lit a fire, and it killed human beings.

  59. Ben on February 21st, 2013 5:31 pm

    Setting a fire in a public place is not really something innocent. It is something reckless that could have endangered the lives of other kids, had the flames spread.

    I’d rather him deal dope to other willing participants than commit arson.

  60. Bubba on February 21st, 2013 3:58 pm

    Re: Concerned Woman, If not for the quick actions of the Prinipal and Resource Officer there could have been a horrible situation. Arson is often deadly. I don’t look at this as mischief.

  61. Tate grad on February 21st, 2013 3:57 pm

    In response to Concerned Woman
    And if he had set the fire in a public place (i.e. McDonald’s)? He would have been arrested for arson there also! My daughter is a student at Tate and students who want to come to school to set fires don’t have any business interfering with the education of those that come to school to learn. The comment that the accused made that “he didn’t want anyone else to be able to wash their hands”, that is just ridiculous! Is that the best “excuse” he could come up with?

    Your attitude about a slap on the wrist is just the reason why our country has so many people doing so many stupid things…because too many people get a slap on the wrist when they deserve punishment much stronger!

  62. van on February 21st, 2013 3:56 pm

    @concerned woman – Yes, we have all done stupid stuff. But most of us would have either had the tar beaten out of us by our parents, or actually had a punishment that fit whatever ‘crime’ we did to scare the crap out of us as an incentive to never do that again. Had this little punk used something different to set this fire with, say something that could have combusted rapidly, a lot of people could have been hurt or killed. Before you do something, you have to think of the consequences of your actions. Kids now-a-days are SO brazen and brash because their parents are too chicken to punish them. Punishments aren’t fun, they aren’t meant to be. Punishments are meant to teach a lesson, and hopefully this little boy will learn his quickly. The school board isn’t ‘focusing their attention’. Newflash, this kid CAUGHT their attention with his brainless act! He was looking for attention, or notoriety, or something and he got it. He also got the consequences to go along with it. The schools or any board can’t catch drug deals that are going on unless the are explicitly spelled out under their noses, but when someone does something to attract the attention of the officials, they will get caught.

    WHO CARES IF HE IS 15??? In a year or less, this boy will be eligible for a driver’s license. That is quite a HUGE responsibility, privilege, and right. If he can’t stand the thought of other kids getting soap, what happens if he decides he doesn’t want someone to cut in front of him in traffic, or to go before him at a four way stop? Every action has a consequence, and it looks like he may learn about that quicker than many.

  63. K2R on February 21st, 2013 3:53 pm

    Do you really believe that he was trying to melt the soap dispenser? He started a FIRE in a SCHOOL. It really doesn’t even matter why because he started a fire, on purpose, at school.

  64. get your facts right on February 21st, 2013 3:39 pm

    Ok NO where in that story did it say he was being charged as an adult! He will be charged as a minor. If hes never been in trouble with the law he will be put on pribation and some community service. NO where in that story did it say anything about this child being a loner! You are putting words in peoples mouths! The kid is 15 Im sure he knew he couldnt set a fire in SCHOOL! There is always consequences for your actions!

  65. Bam on February 21st, 2013 3:38 pm

    Sick and tired of seeing kids with too much time on their hands causing trouble just for their own amusement. Throw the book at him and his parents. Charge them for all the expenses this caused the school, fire dept and police. Maybe then parents will pay more attentions to their brats.

  66. Educ8tor1 on February 21st, 2013 3:37 pm

    He admitted it and will likely plea bargain and get the “slap on the wrist”…in the meantime…a message is being sent to him and any other kid thinking of pulling the same type prank that it won’t be handled lightly.

    Perhaps if these same shananigans were treated in the same manner during our time in school we wouldn’t be in the times we are currently in. Responsibility is a sham! Parents don’t want to hold their kids accountable (for the most part) because it would mean that they would have to own up to their own “issues” and deal with them.

    Are there other incidences that are never uncovered or treated with less severity? Perhaps…but we don’t know all the circumstances either. Is this kid being made an example of? Yes! It won’t ruin his life…as long as he learns from it and doesn’t repeat the same type behavior!

  67. mary on February 21st, 2013 3:37 pm

    Concerned Woman.. THANK YOU. Yes, I agree this is way overboard for a stupid stunt…not excusing his actions, but you are correct in that there are far greater problems.

  68. Momma on February 21st, 2013 3:37 pm

    @Concerned Woman, I couldn’t have said it better myself!

  69. Concerned Woman on February 21st, 2013 3:00 pm

    The terrible thing is that I hear this boy has now been officially charged with one felony and two misdemeanors. Ridiculous! He is being held in jail until a hearing to decide what to do with him until his court case can be heard. While it is obvious that this young man was acting in an impulsive and idiotic manner, I find it extremely ludicrous that he may be facing serious jail time and or felony charges. HE IS 15. So he did something extremely stupid. Show me one adult alive who hasn’t done at least one stupid thing in their life. I agree that this boy needs to have the daylights scared out of him for his mischief making escapade but to know that he is sitting in a detention center right now as we speak is heartbreaking. Students have been caught with possession of controlled narcotics and prescription medications and been treated more fairly than this young man. For that matter, Tate High School has been overly lenient with certain students due to their parental influence. But here we have some loner kid who tried to melt a hand soap dispenser and Escambia County School District decides that this is the kind of delinquent behavior we need to focus our attentions on? Come on School Board….slap this kid with a punishment that’s actually fitting for his idiotic crime and pay more attention to the dope deals going on right under your noses at every public school in the county.
