BREAKING NEWS: Bruce Day Taken Into Custody Tonight In Atmore Area

October 8, 2009

Wanted murder suspect Bruce Edward Day was taken into custody tonight in the Atmore area.

Day is currently being transported to the Escambia County (Ala.) Detention Center in Brewton,  Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff’s Department Mike Lambert told

He declined to say where in or around Atmore Day was arrested. will post more details on this developing story as they become available.

A massive manhunt Monday in Pensacola failed to locate Day, wanted for a 2001 Nokomis murder in which authorities have never found a body.

day_bruce_edward.jpgEscambia County, Ala., authorities obtained a murder warrant Monday for Bruce Edward Day, 42, in connection with the death of Woodrow “Token” Allen, who was reported missing by his mother on December 17, 2001, claiming that she has last seen her son on December 13, 2001. Allen’s body was never found.

Day was reportedly working for a contractor at the Gulf Power Crist Plant. Day was summoned to an office at the plant Tuesday afternoon where U.S. Marshals were waiting to serve the warrant, but Day fled somewhere on the complex that includes 40 buildings on 750 acres.

The University of West Florida campus was later locked down after a man that fit Day’s description was spotted. Authorities also located a pickup truck at UWF that was believed to belong to Day.

A massive manhunt followed, involving U.S. Marshals, Escambia County deputies, helicopters from Escambia and Walton counties, several tracking dog units including one from Century Correctional Institution, and other law enforcement agencies. Authorities from Escambia County, Ala. were also on the scene, including Escambia County (Ala.) Sheriff Grover Smith and Chief Deputy Mike Lambert.

The campus lockdown at UWF was lifted about 5:15 p.m. Tuesday evening, and law enforcement agencies slowly scaled back their search as the night became later.

Day is described as a white male, last seen wearing a dark green shirt and jeans. He is 5-foot 8-inches tall and about 160 pounds.

Click here for more details on the 2001 case.


17 Responses to “BREAKING NEWS: Bruce Day Taken Into Custody Tonight In Atmore Area”

  1. atmoredude on October 8th, 2009 8:19 am

    october09, I do indeed know more concerning this case than most…but WITHOUT judging this man, it is a KNOWN fact that to evade federal agents (or any law enforcement for that matter) is against the law. As Jonezie has pointed out, we don’t have to speculate whether or not he has broken the law in regard to running from the agents. This man frequents my neighborhood and I have EVERY right to discuss his whereabouts and his actions because he is a MURDER suspect. It is BRUCE DAY’s fault that his family is reading this…not ours!!

  2. north escambia resident on October 8th, 2009 8:18 am

    If there is no “body” how do they know he even has murdered anyone

  3. Sonja on October 8th, 2009 12:36 am

    While opinions are great..Lets keep in mind that Northescambia is a very popular sight! This man has children and family that is going to read these comments. For the student thats lost an hour of your life, IF this man is found guilty his children lose out for alot longer than that. I want to see justice done but I also am one that thinks about the ones that are hurt by all this including the family of the missing man.

  4. Jonezie on October 7th, 2009 9:48 pm

    October09, I havent seen on any of these blogs where somebody said, yep he is a murderer. But what he is guilty of is running from the police. That in itself is a crime. That is a fact. That is not judgement. And he is a murder suspect. The public has a right discuss and know the whereabouts of a fugitive in their community. Those are facts. Not judgements..

  5. ha ha ha on October 7th, 2009 4:38 pm

    if they had sent in Morgan and his boys…this guy would have been had!

  6. october09 on October 7th, 2009 4:29 pm

    Atmoredude, I guess you know all about it? Do tell what you know. I do know better than to judge someone when I don’t know all the facts or what’s happened to lead up to now.

  7. mae on October 7th, 2009 4:24 pm

    he ran cause he don’t wanna go back to jail. there’s no hard evidence. just word of mouth

  8. atmoredude on October 7th, 2009 2:31 pm

    October09…oh, yes, that must be it…he ran because he is innocent.

  9. october09 on October 7th, 2009 2:16 pm

    Have ya’ll given any though that just might be more to the story than what the authorities are saying to the media? How ridiculous it is to state that someone hopes they catch him only b/c of an hour of your life?? I’m amazed at how many judges and jurors we have…most don’t know that you aren’t suppose to judge anyone. Lets not forget that one is innocent until proven guilty, no matter what the circumstances. Day is not a convicted murderer, no where does it state that.

  10. Student on October 7th, 2009 12:07 pm

    Wow…stuck at UWF for a couple of hours…and then they let us go without having found the guy! What was the point?

    I hope they catch this guy…not only for the possible murder but for the hour and change that he wasted of our lives.

  11. Cynical on October 7th, 2009 11:14 am

    This is the “kinder and gentler” Federal Marshal service we hear so much about. If Morgan’s boys had pulled that duty, the boy would be “cuffed and stuffed.”

    On an aside – serving warrants is tricky. Some go purposefully and others shoot the messengers.

    I wonder if this job could have been approached with the seriousness befitting a murder suspect?

  12. Oversight on October 7th, 2009 5:50 am

    Summoned to the office so he could be arrested by U.S. Marshals? What are these feds thinking that this is elementary school and a student that they are dealing with? Here’s your pass, now go to the office like a good boy and turn yourself in. Hind sight is always 20/20 and the agents must surely see more clearly now that Day has demonstrated that he will do anything to avoid capture. Come on ‘professional’ federal agents and come up with a plan that goes to the criminal and not opposite.

  13. SouthernBelle on October 6th, 2009 8:40 pm

    To all wanting to know who it involves:

    Click on the more details link above and it will tell you it was Token Allen.

  14. rodney on October 6th, 2009 7:49 pm

    Please update us as to whom is supposedly killed and why now are they looking for him eight years later????

  15. observer on October 6th, 2009 6:18 pm

    All I’ve got to say is if the ECSO gets their K-9 unit involed his chances are getting very slim of getting away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have some of the best tracking dogs that there are in the area .

  16. wondering too on October 6th, 2009 4:49 pm

    that is what I would like to know as well…

  17. CURIOUS on October 6th, 2009 4:20 pm

    who did he murder? i am from the nokomis area.