Labor Of Love: Friends Helping Molino Woman Fight Cancer

September 3, 2009

Recently, doctors told Sonja Luker of Molino to prepare for the end because, once again, chemotherapy and radiation were unable to destroy all of the cancer cells attacking her body. As Sonja tried to come to terms with the devastating news, she began to wonder how she will tell her children that she will not live long enough to see them marry, how she would tell her parents that she would probably die before them.

But then there was a glimmer of hope that has turned into a real promise. A doctor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas is convinced that he can trick her body genetically, preventing tumors from forming.

Now Sonja’s friends are working together to help her and her husband Chris afford the treatment she needs. The couple has insurance, but it will not cover all of the expenses for the Texas treatments. They couple has also exhausted their life savings.

Her friends have organized a 75-mile Labor Day motorcycle ride to benefit Sonja. The ride (detailed at the bottom of this story) will start Monday at the Alabama Wing House in Atmore. For the friends, it’s a labor of love.

sonja10.jpgThat’s because Sonja has given so much to the community over the past several years. She’s the person behind the annual Molino Christmas Parade. She has served tirelessly for years on the board of directors for the Molino Recreation Association. Relay for Life, Special Olympics…the list just goes on and on.  Helping the communities of North Escambia has been her calling.

“I’m a little overwhelmed by all of the people that want to help me,” Sonja said. “I would rather give than receive. I have the most amazing friends in the world.”

Sonja was first diagnosed with cancer about five years ago when her son was senior in high school. Her son Timothy is now 22 and daughter Samantha is 21.

“All I did was pray for God to let me see my children graduate,” she said. “I got my miracle.”


For Sonja, there’s always someone that needs help more than she does.

“I do what I do because I like to help,” she  said. “There is always somebody worse that I am.”

And that’s one of her goals. She plans, and fully intends, for her Texas treatment to work. She, of course, wants the treatment to work so she can be with her family and friends. But she also wants to get fully back into helping others.

“I am going to be around to work on my causes,” she said. “I’m ready to get out there and help raise money for causes that need it.”

She’s already making plans for this year’s Molino Christmas Parade, and she is looking forward to helping with next year’s ball season. “Any I want to make sure that everybody gets involved with Relay for Life,” she said. “It if were not for the cancer research money provided by Relay for Life, I would have not a chance right now in my fight. I would have no hope if it were not for Relay for Life.”

The Labor Day 75-mile motorcycle ride for Sonja Luker will take place Monday. Registration will be at 9 a.m. at the Alabama Wing House at 124 Lindberg Avenue in Atmore. The ride will begin at 11 a.m. The ride is $20 per bike, $25 for two riders. There is a $5 entry fee for a bike competition, and a $20 entry fee to a car show. The event will also feature life music, food and fun activities for the whole family. For more information, contact Jessica at (850) 418-4848 or Pam at (850) 712-6267.

Pictured top and bottom: Sonja Luker with her husband Chris. Pictured middle: Sonja (far right) at this year’s Relay for Life at Tate High School. Submitted photos for, click to enlarge.


25 Responses to “Labor Of Love: Friends Helping Molino Woman Fight Cancer”

  1. Nikki Crabtree-Kelley on September 5th, 2009 6:16 pm

    Mrs. Sonja!! We love you and are praying for you! Hope to see you Monday!

  2. melanie on September 5th, 2009 8:21 am

    hi sonja! wow you look amazing even on this page! for the past 7 years i known you,you have inspired me and have guided me through so much trauma in my life and now it’s your turn! i have seen you battle cancer week an a half before i was due to have McKenzie back in 2002 and still fighting…you have beat all the odd’s i have seen in an individual go through and it’s sad but it has made you very stronger,i know it’s the love from Chris,your family and friends that make it possible for a wonderful person to shine in their eyes even when you we’re deeply sick and no one i am blessed that you guys are in my life,and of course arianna and mckenzie’s too :) oh sonja don’t you cry on here when u read this…cheer up….you and chris are my children’s inspiration! i’m happy that all you’re friends are helping you…you guys deserve it! love you!!!!!!

  3. Molino Mom on September 4th, 2009 7:59 pm

    Sonja, I’m not sure you remember me. I went to school with you. You use to take me home from school from time to time. Ironically I ran into you on my daughters first day at Molino Park. Sonja I just heard about your news. And I want you to know I am praying for you. And I always thought a lot of you in school, and to hear your “life story” has made me think even more of you. Oh at the courage you have, stay strong. I will be praying for you and your family. Georgia

  4. Alicia Franklin on September 4th, 2009 5:31 pm

    Love you and i will be praying for you. Hope to see you monday, and if there is anything you need let us know.

    Love always,
    Alicia and Hunter

  5. Leah on September 4th, 2009 5:22 pm

    Your in my thoughts and prayers daily!! If anyone can beat this, it’s Nona!! Love you girl.

  6. Molino Resident on September 4th, 2009 3:46 pm


    You are so strong and giving a true inspiration to every one blessed to have met you. Me and the kids love ya. Stay strong and if you or your family ever need anything all you have to do is pick up the phone.

    Love ya lady,
    Becka, Gracie & Wesley

  7. Peggy Luker Rowley on September 4th, 2009 2:43 pm

    Chris and Sonya,
    We love you both very much. We pray everyday for a cure for you. We know God has a plan and we are trusting Him as always.
    I know one of these days I will see you with that grandbaby that you will spoil rotten.
    You have never given up and I am so proud of you and Chris for the way you have fought this battle. So proud to be your “Aunt Peggy”.
    One more thing, tell Chris, Roll TIde!

  8. Melanie Velaski on September 4th, 2009 8:33 am

    I know you don’t know me, but I worked at the credit union with Stephanie Sims and she has kept us informed about your situation. We are all praying for you and know that God will answer! Keep strong and don’t give up, you have touched so many and there are many more God will send your way. May God bless you and your family.

  9. Stephanie Sims on September 4th, 2009 7:34 am


    As I have told you many times before, you are the STRONGEST person that I know and you will get through this. I hope you realize how much I look up to you and everything that you do. We love you!!!!!

    Prayers have been answered and they will continue to be answered. God has brought you too far through this.

    See you Monday!!!

    Love, Stephanie,. Chad and the girls

  10. Andy & Christina Cunningham on September 3rd, 2009 11:36 pm


    You’re in our thoughts and prayers! Stay strong girl! =)

  11. maw maw Nita and paw paw Dan on September 3rd, 2009 9:48 pm

    we love you girl and we will be there Monday. You and your whole family mean the world to us. Dan has known you since you a baby, and he says you are like a daughter to him.I have known you for almost 25 years, and you couldn’t be a better friend and person. You have been in our thought and prayers from day one. We have seen you outside and we just knew your were having a bad day. there has been a million times I (Nita) just wanted to come hug you and just say I’m here. I make a good sounding board and have a shoulder too.
    You’ve got to beat this you’re needed too much. God has more work for you to do


  12. Kristie King on September 3rd, 2009 8:53 pm

    Hey Nona….That was the first name I ever even knew you by…from Darren of course! This was the first I had heard of your illness…But there is no doubt in my mind that you will beat this!!You have always been a beautiful person,always smiling ,always ready to lend a helping hand,and most of all always there to help anyway you could no matter what the sercomstance!! Now it’s your turn to get the help and prayers you need.You keep your head high and keep that beautiful outlook on life that you have always had and theres no mountain you can’t climb…..You WILL beat this I feel it in my heart…JUST KEEP YOUR FAITH AND NEVER STOP BELIEVING and you can do anything!!!You will be in my prayers,Kristie (Gibson) King

  13. Sebastian Jones on September 3rd, 2009 4:25 pm

    Aunt Nona I am so glad we have a hope. I Love you so much and keep living Strong.

  14. interested reader on September 3rd, 2009 1:19 pm

    May you recieve the healing from THE GREAT PHYSICIAN! We know that with God all things are possible. Our prayers are with you and your family. William, please keep us posted on progress.

  15. Candy...your favorite cousin on September 3rd, 2009 1:16 pm

    You have beat this before and I have no doubt you will do it again…..
    As Amber stated above-”Gain-Gain” will make sure Ayden is playing ball next year and he’s going to need you to run those bases with him!! LOL!

    If you need me to go to Texas with you to keep Chris under ‘control”…..let me know!
    We all love you and will do whatever it takes to get you well again….see you on Monday!!

  16. Amber Knight on September 3rd, 2009 12:15 pm

    love you aunt sonjaaaa =] yall need to come see ayden soon! i think he is going to play ball next year! you know my mom is going to make him..

  17. kitkat on September 3rd, 2009 11:57 am

    May God Bless you and your family. Sending prayers from Brewton Al.

  18. Mom on September 3rd, 2009 11:13 am

    What can I say except that I love you more than life. You have always been my special little girl and I know that God is not going to take you from me so soon. We have many more years together to talk,laugh,plan parties(birthday,baby showers,etc.)cry at movies,dvd,and just have family dinners. We have never been very far from each other and we never will.God gave you to me and I thank him every day. We will fight to beat this dreadful disease.We will not give up no matter what. You are a very strong person and this is,with the Grace of God,what will get you through this. I am always by your side for anything.

    I love you,


  19. Rex Sutton ,, better known as uncle Rex on September 3rd, 2009 11:07 am

    I raced long long ago and needed a tire for my car, now take in mine Sonja was about 15 or 16 years old when this was going on. I want you to know she sold donuts and delevered all them and had enough money to buy me a tire. Now I know she had better things to do, Like talk to Chris on the phone because me and Gene would chase him off with a stick if he came around at that time but I am so glad he kept trying because they now have a wonderful Family together and he loves her so much. ok ok,,,,me and Gene loves Chris now to.

  20. Juanita Sanders on September 3rd, 2009 10:22 am

    Sonja I am thinking about you and praying for you and your family!!
    Stay strong girl!!!! >wink

  21. Patty Luker Davis on September 3rd, 2009 10:05 am

    Sonja and Chris. We love you both so very much and you stay in our prayers. You both are very special people and our family is blessed just to be a part of yours.. I know Monday will provide everything you need. Love you to you both, Aunt Patty

  22. Pensacola Resident on September 3rd, 2009 9:25 am

    Sonja, I heard about you from a really good mutual friend of ours. I don’t even know you but I know that you’re a very special person. I believe we are seeing a miracle unfold here. I’m praying for you, for your family and for a huge attendance on Monday!

  23. Wes, Chrisy, Tamara and Logan on September 3rd, 2009 9:17 am

    We all love you so much! See you Monday!

  24. Molino Mom on September 3rd, 2009 7:17 am

    Thank you Sonja for all that you have done. You have meant so much to me and my kids. We appreciate you making life in Molino better for all of us.

  25. Susan Sanks on September 3rd, 2009 6:15 am

    Sonja and Chris :

    God is always on time! I am so thankful that you got your miracle. see you Monday. Love ya’ll