County Looks To Increase Fees For Little League Ball, Lake Stone, Traffic Tickets

September 1, 2009

Playing little league ball, camping at Lake Stone, using some parks, or getting a traffic ticket may cost you more in the future — the Escambia County Commission will consider an increase in several fees and fines to help the county’s ailing budget.

paytoplay.jpgCurrently, athletic associations that use county-owned parks for little league sports do not pay for the use of the parks. Instead, the athletic associations  maintain and manage the parks in exchange for their use. But under a proposal to be considered by the Escambia County Commission Thursday night, athletic associations would be assessed a fee of $10 per child, per sport after October 1.

The cost to rent softball and soccer fields for touranment play would increase from $25 to $35, plus tax, under the plan, and building fees — for buildings like press boxes and concession stands — would increase from $25 to $35. Also, there would be a $50 charge for day games and a $75 charge for night games for local high schools to use the Brosnaham Park Soccer Complex.

The rental for park pavilions will increase under the proposal from $25 to $30, plus tax.

If the measure is approved, camping at Lake Stone near Century would also get more expensive. Escambia County residents would pay $16 per night instead of $13, and out of county residents would see the cost jump from $15 to $18. Senior citizens rates would also increase by $3.

Sandy Jennings, bureau chief for the county’s Neighborhoods/Community Services Bureau, estimates that the new fees would add another $74,580 per year to the county’s bottom line.

Another proposal to be considered by the commission will make non-criminal traffic tickets more expensive. The play would increase the surcharge accessed on the tickets from $15 to $30. The increase would net an estimated $450,000 per year for the county. The funds would be used to offset general fund dollars currently used for the maintenance and upkeep of facilities used by the state court system.

The Escambia County Commission will consider the proposals at their meeting Thursday night.


24 Responses to “County Looks To Increase Fees For Little League Ball, Lake Stone, Traffic Tickets”

  1. Volunteer,Northwest Escambia LL on September 3rd, 2009 10:22 pm

    ?, sorry for getting so fired up about this. I hate to think that you think I;m rant and raving. I like to think I’m passionate about something that gives our kids something to do other than sitting in front of a tv or computer. And if we can keep it affordable, we can keep more of the kids active. You are right, just because I’m democrat, doesn’t mean anything. I do vote on who I think is best for the job, and lately that has been republican in my opinion. I guess I really got upset by your comment, “those of us that don’t have kids should not have to pay the light bill”. I understand your feeling about that, because I see the same thing happening in alot of our local goverment. No hard feelings I hope. I did go over the edge on some of my comments. Please forgive me.

  2. Molino Volunteer on September 3rd, 2009 12:10 pm

    ?, maybe you need to get involved in the right park and see exactly how things are run. It is not a money racket. We look for the all the families in our community.. You sound like a bitter person…

  3. ? on September 3rd, 2009 6:43 am

    Volunteer: you rant and rave like a republican so it is hard to tell. Just because you are registered Democrat does not mean you are. I agree with a lot of the things you say. I just don’t agree with little league and Tee Ball. I think they are a money racket.

  4. Volunteer,Northwest Escambia LL on September 2nd, 2009 6:50 pm

    Apples to oranges is another byassed comment. First, for the record, I’m a democrat. Wrong again ?. YOU are the one who brought in the what I pay for. And public school is not mandatory. You can homeschool. Still pay the taxes though. You just want to choose what your willing to complain about today. And to compare anything to one man is also crazy. There’s a thing called the house and senate. One man might be leader, but it takes all of them to make it that way. You obviousely never particpated in sports, because you think only about the activity, not what you learn from it. What about when your kids are done with school, can you stop paying for that. What about the pet projects. Can we say no to that. What about the maritime park. Apples to oranges, I think not. Thats my opinion, you have yours. Taxes are taxes, period.

  5. ? on September 2nd, 2009 12:59 pm

    I agree matt

  6. EMD on September 2nd, 2009 12:25 pm

    One person, so far, said what I was thinking………that once a fee is instated, it is there to stay……… in the Social Security tax, fee, or whatever it was said to be. It was supposed to be temporary, but we still have it. Since volunteers keep up the parks, there should be no fee. Just about everything is already taxed. I just got a phone bill with $8’s worth of taxes tacked on it. This is just not right. For years, I have had to pay to see my grandkids play ball at school events. I know that Little League activities are a burden on most parents already. Government is just about in total control of our lives already. We already pay for permits to do just about anything on our own property. When does this stop? Perhaps when we take our lives back out of the hands of government. I recently did what I have been saying I would. I had already left the Democratic party when it became an embarrassment to claim that name. I switched to the Republican party. Now, they too, do not represent what I believe, at least not in truth. They give lip service sometimes. I have come out of that too, OFFICIALLY TODAY!!! It is waaaaaaaaaaaay past time to take our country back. It looks like it is already too late. I do not think the majority have a sense of what is really happening. I have had family members and acquaintances say that they did not want to know all of the negative and scary things that are going on. Well, ok. One morning they will wake up and NOT smell the coffee. There won’t be any.. And, if they do find some, they will have to stand in line to get it, and it will probably cost more than a park usage fee. The Red White and Blue is speedily becoming RED!!! I have now renounced the Demoratic party and the Republican Party. I think it is time to impeach everybody, and put the middle class in charge. They are more apt to see the needs in all segments of our once great society. Once again, it is being proven that “the LOVE of MONEY is the root of all evil. Where is all of that wonderful LOTTERY money going? HUH!!!??? Perhaps it is time to bring out those old bumper stickers again, that say, “Better Dead Than Red.” Our whole country and way of life is hanging in the balance and tipping the wrong way. We should be vigilant in correcting that, and not side tracked locally. Maybe we should just cut back on everything right now, and take our COUNTRY back.

  7. Matt Cufr on September 2nd, 2009 11:59 am

    No school, no businesses worth anything, and a park that has no fish. I have an idea lets charge more money for people to come here and visit. Why don’t we put a toll booth on 29 because this is such a fascinating town to go through, let alone live.

  8. ? on September 2nd, 2009 9:07 am

    Volunteer: All the things you are comparing to tee ball is like comparing apples to oranges. Roads and Schools are required and important. You can not compare them to tee ball which is extracurricular activities. Tee Ball a money rackets. I never said I didn’t have kids. They can play sports in school. As far as the stimulus money you need to think back to when your Bush was in office. We got stimulus then to. It will take years to fix what Bush screwed up. I am Democrat and you must be Republican. All Republicans live in fear of everything and don’t want government to control anything, but I bet they want turn down an unemployment check. That is also government control. As far as the light bills at the parks I may be wrong with that, because I assumed it was the same as Santa Rosa County.

  9. Volunteer,Northwest Escambia LL on September 2nd, 2009 2:34 am

    Hey ?. I’m willing to bet that most Escambia county Residents don’t drive on 70% of the roads in escambia county, but my tax dollars go to them. There are a lot of pet projects that our county commisioners have, that I don’t have anything to do with, but my tax dollars go to them. And I guess when my last child graduates school, I won’t have to pay taxes for the schools anymore. I’m not on medicare yet, but I sure pay a lot of taxes for it. By your comments, I shouldn’t have to pay any.These community functions are just a few of the things that make our communities appealing to company’s to move their business here. Which brings more jobs, and more tax revenue. It also makes our communities more appealing to the folks looking for a place to live. As far as your cther comments. Wow, good thing you cleared up the budget thing for us, we didn’t know they where tight. Hey, good idea, increase fees when people don’t have jobs to pay for them. Yeah, thats gonna really bring back jobs. You should run for office. NOT. Didn’t you see what your beloved Democrats did, called a stimulus. They give you money to spend more money, to spark the economy. Yeap, thats what we should all do when our debt is sky rocketing, go get more money and go deeper in debt to help matters. I think everyone reading these comments knows who needs help. People with out kids shouldn’t have pay for the light bill is by far the dumbest statement in all the comments on this commentary.

  10. joe bloe on September 1st, 2009 10:08 pm

    Sure go up on Lake Stone fees, then it will surely be a “ghost-town”, cause there dang sure isnt any fishing there!!!

  11. looking on September 1st, 2009 6:26 pm

    The reason given for the increase was “ailing budget” . What part of the budget increased that requires over $75,000 increase?

    Where specifically will this increased tax be applied to?

    one thing is for certain this rate increase will stay in effect regardless of the economy. We will not see the former rates again.

    Our masters love to tax and spend from us.

  12. Arty Kleinatland on September 1st, 2009 6:01 pm

    Hey ???? or anyone else,

    Give me a call and i”ll be more than happy to give you details of the operating expenses for a park. None of which come from people without kids unless you are one of those volunteers without kids who gives their time to make a difference in the community and a positive impact on future generations…..


  13. Arty Kleinatland on September 1st, 2009 5:26 pm

    I received calls this morning from concerned parents about this proposal. It became evident that there are a lot of people who disagrees with the assessment. I have contacted commisioners and they need feedback from the people in their area. We need alot of response from the people in the districts on the southend of the county that disagree. Call your commisioner and follow up with an email to voice your opinion. This is the only way to be heard….
    As for those that aren’t familiar with Operations of a community operated facility as discribed above, let me fill you in…… all parks operated by an “Association” as of 2008 have been self funded. All maintenance was turned over in last years budget cuts. Molino park chose to maintain the grounds in house ($7,000.00 savings), change 6 light bulbs ($1200.00). All materials to upkeep fields and existing structures. Volunteers and community Sponsors stepped up to perform these or assist in these needs (for those we are THANKFUL). The county has not funded any of these type inititives.
    The Youth Parks have taken on their share of budget cut impacts and had to adapt. If the County can’t afford to pay the salary for oversight of the operations to give the children a place to play organized ball and learn the skills ball teaches at a young age then they should supplement the salary from another avenue and not roll the burden back to the already strained families in the community.

  14. MM on September 1st, 2009 3:20 pm

    It is unfortunate that Escambia County wants to charge more fees (taxes). Money is tight – I know. Recently, I had to fill up my boat with regular gas, instead of super unleaded.

  15. Molino Volunteer on September 1st, 2009 1:20 pm

    Dear ?, you need to get your fact right before you make statements. You DO NOT pay the electric bill for these parks or any other bill for that matter. These little league parks are completely self sufficient we pay all expenses including upkeep of the park. The county does nothing for us as of last year and then all they did was cut grass. well we have been doing that, peoplein this community that care about our kids having a nice place to play sports. As far as registration fees we in Molino lowered them last year so that more kids could play. Our BOD has mangaged to do alot with the money we make not what the county give us. I agree there are some things that our taxes should not pay for. But as far as these parks the county doesnt spend a cent so maybe now you will know why we are so upset. We as volunteers put in our time to keep these parks going. You are not paying one red cent for the little league parks since you dont have a kid.

  16. bama54 on September 1st, 2009 11:41 am

    ?: I was going to let you have it with both barrels, but you kinda sum it up yourself!!

    When you said: I hope the Democrats can straighten this mess out again.

    This comment tells me alot about you.

    I think I heard there was a 10% unemployment rate here in Escambia County. I could be wrong about the percent, but I have neighbors that have lost their jobs the few months.

  17. ? on September 1st, 2009 10:41 am

    Molino Mom: budgets are tight if you want your kids to play ball then you should have to pay for the parks they play in. The rest of the tax payers should not have to pay for the light bill at the park. It wouldn’t cost so much for you to play ball if ya’ll didn’t have to buy those uniforms. The athletic association should not charge you so much to play. Where does their money go? Not to the county because they are not paying to use the parks right now.

    bama54: I understand not wanting anymore taxes, but why do you think people in the county are unemployed. The budget is hurting. If we don’t increase fees or taxes people will keep losing their jobs. Those of us who do not have kids should not have to pay the light bill at the parks for those who do have kids. If they want to play they need to pay.

    W.R. There is something wrong with you. You need to seek professional help.

    This has all happened before. It always happens when paranoid republicans are in office. I hope the Democrats can straighten this mess out again.

  18. robert on September 1st, 2009 10:29 am

    The county used to help out with our park by sending prisoners out to do the work like cut grass. we are already supporting them 7 days a week we should at least see a little return for our support of them to sit inside and do nothing.

  19. W.R. on September 1st, 2009 9:05 am

    Nothing new here. The county wants more money to mismanage and take the largerest portion to pay another salery to keep up with it. Spinning wheels again!
    Yep! thats what they are good at…………….Now something new added—Taxing the Kids. Next will be the 666 mark I guess. The State has gotten their shot with increasing Tags, Licens and others Now its the County’s time. MyMy hold on folks, it’s not over yet………………………………………………………….

  20. Waiting and Watching on September 1st, 2009 8:07 am

    Raising fees on traffic tickets usually has the opposite effect of what the BOCC is trying to accomplish, which is to put more money in the coffers to fund its own poor management of the budget. I know officers who won’t write tickets now because the fines which are already in place are through the roof. And why should deputies write tickets to make the county more money if the commissioners won’t even give them a pay raise? I say, boycott writing tickets, so this form of revenue rising for the county becomes a moot point.

  21. bama54 on September 1st, 2009 8:03 am

    Stop, Stop already!! I know the county is in need of extra funds, but this county has been missed managed funds for so long, and now they wanting to increase fees and fines? WE have people here in Escambia County with out jobs!! Just what this county needs is another increase in fees or fine to burden our citizens. When are we (the citizens of Escambia County) going to demand our county leaders be accountable and live within a tight budget? I don’t have anymore money to give; you have just about taxed us to death!! If you don’t have the money, then don’t spend what you don’t have!! You tell us you will have to cut back on services, well then cut back!! I am so tired of hearing the same story about we will have to cut back on services. Look what ECUA has done in the northern end of the county; we went from two day garbage pick-up to one day a week garbage pick and how much money has it saved you? Look at the gas tax, how does your street or road look? I enjoy the parks we the citizens own, and I don’t mind paying for the maintenance on them but enough is enough already, now you’re taxing (fee) our “Children” for playing sports in our ball parks? I guess we can go back to playing ball in the streets and roads of Escambia County!! We have made this county what it is today by trying to make it better, but have we really accomplished what we really want it to be. Increase of fees or fines is not the answer to solving Escambia County finical problems

  22. Molino Mom on September 1st, 2009 7:14 am

    Note to self…don’t vote for any commissioner that taxes each kid $10 to play ball. C’mon. Isn’t it already expensive enough to pay ball?

  23. NWE Volunteer on September 1st, 2009 7:09 am

    Escambia County does not maintain THEIR county parks. Why would you increase fees for the people/volunteers that keep YOUR park clean & cut YOUR grass? It is surely not for the gas money & labor in which you provide.

    Where is this money going?

  24. matt on September 1st, 2009 6:57 am

    If the state gets 1/3 of the lottery taxes twice a week, where does all that go. Last week it was 250 million dollors. 1/3 of 250 is like 83 million.