Three Month Stacey Road Closure Scheduled To Begin Today

March 25, 2025

A three-month closure of Stacey Road is scheduled to being today for a drainage project.

Stacey Road between West Quintette and Coweta roads will be closed to through traffic starting Tuesday, March 25 while crews install a storm drain system and perform road improvements.

Traffic will be detoured along Highway 95A and Coweta Road. Motorists should use extra caution and follow posted signs when traveling along the detour. The road is expected to reopen by Tuesday, July 1.

Residents, pedestrians, local traffic and emergency vehicles will have access to properties within the work area at all times; however, there may be short periods when a driveway or entrance may be blocked temporarily as equipment and materials are moved during construction.

The $2.5 million project was awarded to Site And Utility, LLC last November. The purpose of this project is to replace the undersized drainage infrastructure from the northwest corner of Stacey Road and Quintette Road to the outfall approximately three quarters of a mile south on the east side of Stacey Road.

The project will replace the existing system with approximately 350 feet of 4-foot x 10-foot box culvert, and will include the installation of 100 feet of a 10-foot-wide paved concrete ditch upstream of the existing system,
reconstruction of three quarters of a mile of Stacey Road and the milling and resurfacing of the intersection of Stacey Road and Quintette Road, and the regrading of the existing downstream ditch.

The project is being funded by American Rescue Plan funding.


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