FWC Schedules Virtual Meetings On Black Bear Hunting Proposals

March 24, 2025

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is holding a series of virtual public meetings to gather feedback from residents on proposed regulations for black bear hunting in Florida. The feedback will be presented to Commissioners during a May meeting.

FWC previously consulted with stakeholder groups and the public in March to discuss potential hunting season options. The information gathered has been used to shape the current proposals.

The meeting dates and times are as follows:

In December 2024, FWC provided a five-year update on the implementation of the 2019 Florida Black Bear Management Plan. The presentation covered recent bear research and management efforts. Following the update, commissioners directed staff to return with options for a regulated bear hunt.


One Response to “FWC Schedules Virtual Meetings On Black Bear Hunting Proposals”

  1. Austin Winget on March 25th, 2025 2:14 pm

    I highly support a regulated black bear hunting season

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