FHP Investigating Scenic Hills North Hit And Run Involving A Child On A Bicycle

March 22, 2025

The Florida Highway Patrol is investigating a possible hit and run involving a pickup truck and a bicycle in the Scenic Hills North area.

On March 18, at approximately 5:15 p.m. an 8-year-old boy riding a bicycle on Spalding Circle at Tam O Shanter Road was involved in a hit-and-run incident after colliding with a silver or gray pickup truck. FHP said the incident occurred when the child, riding improperly in the roadway, failed to yield to oncoming traffic and ran a stop sign before making a left turn in front of the vehicle. The front of the bike struck the right side of the truck, causing the boy to fall to his right side.

According to witnesses, the pickup truck immediately left the scene. A bystander reported seeing a white male in his twenties operating the vehicle.

The child sustained minor injuries and was transported to a nearby hospital.

Investigators found no debris from the pickup truck and no visible damage on the bicycle indicating a direct collision. Troopers said the bike’s damage was limited to the right handlebar and was consistent with the fall. Authorities have identified the silver or grey pickup truck as a vehicle of interest in the case.

The Florida Highway Patrol (FHP) is asking for any information related to this incident. Witnesses are encouraged to contact *FHP and reference this case.

File photo.


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