FDOT To Begin $4.4 Million Beulah Road Resurfacing Project

March 18, 2025

In April, the Florida Department of Transportation will begin a $4.4 million resurfacing project on Beulah Road from Mobile Highway to Issacs Lane.

The project will include

Constructing a 6-foot sidewalk on the west side of Beulah Road from the Beulah Academy of Science to Nine Mile Road.
Various sidewalk and crosswalk improvements, including Americans with Disabilities Act upgrades.
Improvements at the Beulah Road at Nine Mile Road intersection.
Stormwater management enhancements.
Utility relocations.
Guardrail installation.
Signalization upgrades.
New signing and pavement markings.

FDOT anticipates that the project will be complete in late 2026.

During construction, drivers and pedestrians may encounter periodic lane closures, minor traffic shifts and detours. Lane closures will be limited to nighttime hours from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.

Additionally, drainage construction will require an 18-day closure with a detour on Beulah Road at the Beulah Church Road intersection. This closure is slated to occur during the summer months. Traffic will be detoured to Rebel Road between Mobile Highway and Nine Mile Road.


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