East Kingsfield Closed Next Tuesday At Railroad Crossing West Of 29

March 15, 2025

East Kingsfield Road west of Highway 29 will be closed next Tuesday, March 18 as Escambia County public works crews resurface the roadway at the railroad tracks.

Traffic headed east on East Kingsfield Road will be detoured to Pompano Street. Westbound traffic on East Kingsfield Road will be diverted through a one-way lane closure. Motorists traveling west on East Kingsfield Road should use extra caution and follow road crew instructions and posted signs when traveling through the work zone. The road is expected to reopen by Wednesday, March 19.

Residents, pedestrians, local traffic and emergency vehicles will have access to properties within the work area at all times; however, there may be short periods when a driveway or entrance may be blocked temporarily as equipment and materials are moved during construction.


3 Responses to “East Kingsfield Closed Next Tuesday At Railroad Crossing West Of 29”

  1. HMMM on March 15th, 2025 5:26 pm

    They not very good with potholes anymore.

  2. AA on March 15th, 2025 9:43 am

    There are three schools on this road.Please fix the potholes from the tracks to the schools.

  3. JLSeale on March 15th, 2025 7:17 am

    Why could a small railroad do
    what CSX could not do ??????????

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