Century Voters Will Go The Polls Tuesday For Council Race

March 15, 2025

Voters in Century will head to the polls on Tuesday in a special primary election on Tuesday.

Three candidates will appear on the ballot for Century Town Council Seat 4.

Seat 4 on the council was left open in early January when Alicia Johnson was appointed interim mayor after Luis Gomez, Jr., resigned for health reasons. The candidates are:

  • John Bass
  • Kathryn Fleming
  • Lizbeth “Sparkie” Harrison
  • NorthEscambia.com will publish a “meet the candidates” story by Monday with detailed questions and answers.

    A candidate that receives 50% of the vote plus one on Tuesday will be declared the winner. If no candidate receives a majority of the vote, the top two candidates will advance to the special general election on April 29.

    Polls will be open on election day from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. at the Billy G. Ward Century Courthouse at 7500 North Century Boulevard in Century. The election is nonpartisan and open to any registered voter that lives within the town limits. The voter registration deadline has passed.

    One candidate, Ben Boutwell, qualified for the position of mayor. He was elected automatically, and that contest will not appear on either the primary or general ballot. [Read: Century's Next Mayor Ben Boutwell Is Ready To Get To Work]

    Pictured top: (L-R) Century council candidates John Bass (submitted photo), and Kathryn Fleming and Lizbeth “Sparkie” Harrison (NorthEscambia.com photos).


    3 Responses to “Century Voters Will Go The Polls Tuesday For Council Race”

    1. SW on March 15th, 2025 11:26 pm

      Shame they aren’t voting to disband the town.

    2. Willis on March 15th, 2025 5:24 pm

      What you talking about…… Do.

      Expecting record turnout.

    3. Dlo on March 15th, 2025 7:14 am

      I hope they have enough poll workers, literally dozens of people are expected to show up to vote.

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