Candidate Profile: Kathryn Fleming

March 16, 2025 submitted a questionnaire to each of the three candidates seeking a on the Century Town Council in Tuesday’s special election. Responses have not been edited.

Century Town Council, Seat 4 Candidate: Kathryn Fleming


Current occupation (if any)
  • Office manager
Previous occupations:
  • mental health case manager
Civic, church and other community involvement?
  • Served on Charter Review Committee. Currently assisting with planning the annual Run to the Wall South, an escorted motorcycle ride through Pensacola to the Veteran’s Memorial Park on Memorial weekend. Assisting with maintenance/ beautification of Century memorial wall at Nadine McCaw Park.
  • BA Sociology from University Arizona Global Campus
Previous offices held, previously sought (successfully or unsuccessfully)
  • Applied for Century Council Seat 4, but the council vote was split so neither candidate was selected.


Why are you running for Century Town Council?
  • When the opportunity to serve on the Charter Review Committee presented itself, I felt proud to be able to offer my two cents on how the town could improve upon itself. When nothing came from all the hard work that was put into the Charter’s final draft, it was a little disheartening. There needs to be change. There needs to be fresh ideas. Serving on the Council will allow me to be directly involved in those changes and ideas that will allow Century to improve and thrive for another century.
What are the three most important issues facing the Century Town Council?
  • 1. Complying with State laws regarding reports, audits, etc. 2. Fiscal responsibility. 3. Updating the Charter, employee manuals. These were all issues the Grand Jury pointed out in early 2019.
How should Century solve financial challenges?
  • Century needs a thorough audit to figure out where the money is going; a realistic budget; and purge anything that is costing the town more money than it brings in. Selling off or actively renting out any buildings the town owns could help bring in some immediate funds. Advertise the industrial park to bring in more industry/ businesses. Fine the property owners of abandoned blighted buildings and tear them down to allow new construction to come in. Though likely unpopular, annex surrounding areas to increase the tax base.
Do you support Home Rule?
  • I do support Home Rule. This allows Century to do what’s needed and expected, for its residents without county or state interference. However, many question if Century is currently able to govern itself and provide for its residents. I think Century needs to start fresh with an updated Charter, at the very least. This will provide the foundation upon which to rebuild the town.
Do you support the provisions of the Sunshine Law? Should Century’s government become more transparent; and, if so, how?
  • “The Sunshine Law… establish a basic right of access to most meetings of boards, commissions, and other governing bodies of state and local governmental agencies or authorities” – I think they are transparent regarding meeting schedules, posting the agenda items online, and offering call-in access to remotely attend a council meeting.
How can the Town of Century solve current town government financial issues? What do you see as the biggest financial issue facing Century?
  • Financial issues are the result of not knowing where the money is going, and having more money going out than coming in. Once that is figured out and corrected, it will be easier to make and keep a budget. The biggest financial issue right now is that there are some very expensive repairs/ replacements that our infrastructure needs and because the town is not responsible with its funds, some grant money for those repairs was pulled back.
Are there any ordinances/regulations in Century you would like to see added? Or eliminated?
  • In doing some research about existing town ordinances, nothing stuck out as needing to be added or eliminated at this time.
Should Century have a town administrator?  Should that be a local employee, or perhaps an out-of-town consultant?
  • The Charter Review Committee recommended having a town manager, who would bridge the gaps between the mayor, council, and department heads. I think Century should look locally first, then move further out if there is no one local who is qualified.
How can Century better work with the county and state?
  • Century needs to complete and submit whatever reports the county or state requires, in a timely manner, and with accuracy. Even though Century is its own governing body, the county and state are big brother and have to power to dissolve Century if the town cannot follow the rules. It is also important that the town council and mayor make themselves known at county commissioner meetings, to represent the needs of Century and its residents.
How does Century attract additional businesses and/or jobs?
  • Century does not actively advertise the industrial park, or the numerous empty buildings that could be rehabbed for businesses. Our location makes Century a good choice, with its proximity to I65, Pensacola, and numerous factories in Florida and Alabama. However, I’ve heard about businesses being turned away for various reasons (e.g. West Florida Gin, Project Fusion) and that seems to be self-sabotage. If the town is waiting for Amazon to inquire about our area and offer to employ hundreds of people, that probably won’t happen. Century is no longer a mill town, but a highway town, and that needs to be embraced and expanded upon.
How does Century work to support/grow additional businesses?
  • The current businesses in Century seem to thrive, since there isn’t much competition. When AlgaPlast Corp requested permission to grow and expand, I was glad that Council allowed them to take those next steps.
What changes, if any, should be made to the Town Charter? What form of government should Century have ( council-weak mayor, council-strong mayor, commission or council-manager are the typical choices, per the FL League of Cities)?
  • Council-strong mayor was the recommendation of the Charter Review Committee in 2022. Currently the council holds all the power, and the mayor is unable to do anything without council approval. This caused issues in the past with council members blocking suggestions made by the mayor, which led to nothing being accomplished. The mayor needs to be able to run the town, with oversight from the council; not ruled by council and the mayor is merely a figure head.
How does the town improve utility (water, sewer, gas) billing issues and ensure bills are correct going forward?
  • The town needs to invest in remote access meters to ensure accuracy and speed up the meter reading process. Having a bill come out a week before it’s due, then having the next bill added to it the following month is a financial strain on many residents. Offering budget billing could minimize the financial hit from peak usage. Also offering online bill pay would be convenient for residents. The bills can be confusing to understand, and maybe the format needs to be overhauled.
How does the town work to improve education and activities for children and youth?
  • This time of year I can hear the ball players at Anthony Pleasant Park, the parents cheering, the announcer calling out plays, and it is wonderful. The multiple parks with playgrounds and ball fields allow the youth to be active. As far as education, that is handled at the county level. I am not aware of anything the town does regarding education.
Summarize your term of office plan/goals for Century…
  • The foundation of government needs to be established first. The budget needs to be balanced and existing infrastructure issues addressed (the bridges, wells, pumps and lift stations, road maintenance, etc.) That is the bones of the town that need to be in place before we can encourage businesses to come in, people to move in, and passer-bys to stop in.


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