What’s The Status Of A Costco For Nine Mile Road?
February 23, 2025
What’s happening with plans for a new Costco store on Nile Mile Road?
Short answer — nothing.
An engineering firm filed plans with Escambia County Development Review Committee (DRC) for the store back in June of last year. Then, in response to DRC feedback, updated plans were filed in late October 2024.
Since that time, the proposal has not gone before the DRC for consideration. Without a development order, the project can’t move forward.
A DRC Committee review on the resubmission has not yet been scheduled.
We reached out to Costco for comments on this story, but didn’t hear back.
What do the plans show?
The latest plans filed last October with Escambia County show the 172,580 square feet Costco retail store with a gas station and 885 parking spaces at 235 East Nine Mile Road, at the corner of East Nine Mile Road and Chemstrand Road. That’s the site of the current Planet Fitness and a former Kmart store. It’s several parcels totaling just under 22 acres.
The new plans are about 10 thousand square feet larger that the originally filing months earlier.
The plans show the existing Dairy Queen, Sam’s Seafood Restaurant and Wells Fargo to remain, with a Costco gas station constructed between Sam’s Seafood and Wells Fargo in an area that is currently a parking area for the old shopping center. The current Planet Fitness building will be demolished to make room for the new Costco if it’s approved.
Pictured top: The Costco in Montgomery, Alabama, on Saturday afternoon, February 22. NorthEscambia.com photo. Pictured below: Plans for a Costco on Nine Mile Road in Pensacola. Click to enlarge.
17 Responses to “What’s The Status Of A Costco For Nine Mile Road?”
Not happening. The BOC too busy . Concentrating on development from nine mile rd and pine forest to century. Nothing we the regular person , limited value can do .
@rodney you think 27$ hr isn’t living a lavish lifestyle? You must have bumped your head alot. Even 30$ an hr is way too low to even start to live comfortable. We all know minimum wage isn’t to live on. But statistics show. Trump can’t say yall. Just so you know. @goodgrief guess again. I’m 38 yrs old. Being smart and wanting people to survive whether you make minimum wage or not doesnt take alot of common sense. You people blow my mind.
@cb, when the minimum wage gets raised as it dod lately, what happened with the price on goods? They went up right? Gee…wonder why? Maybe it’s because when the cost of labor goes up, corporations raise the cost of goods to keep their market growth. $27/hr for minimum wage? You’ve lost your ever-loving mind. To Lakeview for you! Or perhaps to PSC for a basic economics course…
@Cb, you must be about 16!
I really hope our country “LEADERS” can find a way to make this happen.
Seems like you have no concept of how the minimum wage works. Perhaps you don’t realize that every time the minimum wage goes up, the prices on everything we buy goes up. Gas goes up, the cost to get products to the store shelves go up, thus our price we pay goes up. A minimum wage job isn’t supposed to be a career, its stupposed to be an ENTRY LEVEL opportunity that allows people (mostly young people) to understand how things work. You use that minimum wage job to gain experience and move on to a higher paying job. A $27 an hour minimum wage is the dubmest idea ever.
You think minimum wage should be $27? Are you stupid? Do you know what that does to the economy? You say it’s to keep up with inflation but that would do the exact opposite. A minimum wage job isn’t designed to support an entire family. Not every job you come across, should be the one you just get comfy at.. some of them are designed to educate you and prepare you for future jobs. It should be a stepping stone, to a career, etc. People like you, think minimum wage should be so high, a gallon of milk would be 12 dollars. You need to shut your mouth if you are that uneducated on the subject.
Here’s the contact information for the review committee, along with the members and contact directory.
Escambia County has got to be the worst county to do business with. We have long history of blowing corporate deals that would benefit our citizens. But they will bend over backwards to build 2000 homes north of nine mile, with a private contractor. Sometimes it makes me go hmmm. $
@Cb….. A minimum wage job is not supposed to support a family and live a lavish lifestyle. They are for young adults to enter the work force and learn what efforts are necessary to succeed as an employee. It is not the pay for the minimum wage job that needs adjustment, it is those who think they should be able to support a family on a minimum wage salary.
I agree with John, Really & job. Believe the DRC is holding it all up, along with the county commissioners. Unable to find who is on that committee, how interesting is that. Costco pays well & a good company to work for too.
Contact your Commissioner to see what the hold up with DRC is…..
@cb. that kind of thinking is what closed hundreds of stores in California.
I guess Costco didn’t pay Escambia County enough under the table
just like northwest Fl. – we can get tons of housing and zero restaurants and most important NO grocery stores
@johnconner 20$ hr isn’t even good paying. Minimum wage should be around 27$ and hour to keep up with the rate of inflation
John Connor…completely agree….but if they were trying to squeeze 2,000 houses in there, without any improved infrastructure plan it would have been approved the first meeting!
Leave it to Escambia County Government to mess this up as well. The starting pay for Costco is 20$ an hr way higher than County Commissioners gloating about 17$ an hr jobs at OLF site.Yet, nothing from the planning board. They will pull out if you do not do something. If I had a hunch given how dirty politics play into everything in this County. I would say they do not want Costco to go there. They want it to go into the OLF site. The issue is you have messed up every deal to sell OLF. This community wants a Costco and it’s ACTUALLY good paying jobs starting out at 20$ an hr, not the 17$ an hr nonsense you think is good paying!!