Rep. Michelle Salzman To Host Sunday Open House On Immigration
February 1, 2025
Florida Rep. Michelle Salzman will host an open house at her office on Sunday to discuss the issue of immigration.
“There have been a lot of questions and emails about the special session we recently had, so I will be making myself available at my office this Sunday before I head back to Tallahassee for people that would like to drop in and discuss immigration,” Salzman said. “If you live in District One, I welcome you. I will always support the strongest of legislation on illegal immigration. I have always supported legislation combating the issue and I will continue to do so.”
The open house will be from 4-6 p.m. at Salzman’s office, 3212 Highway 95A in Cantonment (just north of 10 Mile Road).
7 Responses to “Rep. Michelle Salzman To Host Sunday Open House On Immigration”
Immigrants are an integral part of Floridas culture and economy. Being undocumented is NOT even a federal crime it’s civil. To support the persecution of people who work hard here instead of the companies that exploit them for cheap labor is contradictory is proves that job security isn’t the real issue. We don’t get paid enough here in FL to spend tax dollars or time on this stuff.
Until you go after the employers, nothing will ever change.
It will remain status quo lip service to the issue.
I am American and I have worked jobs “they” say we won’t work. Also, you break the law unless you come in legally. It is that simple.
90% of the workers are here legally and doing honest work.
The gangs and criminals are the problem that are here. Those are the ones they are going after.
Rob is exactly right . The roofers , drywall. Frame houses the whole nine yards
The roofing contractors ( all of them ) they well known ones with there red and white signs all over the place use them … they know there illegal and could care less man as long as there making hundreds of thousands of dollars off of them . One year the dude may be Jose the next year he’s Pablo the next year he’s Orlando. Social security numbers are a joke and easy to come by .. might as well get use to the invasion and try to stay safe .. the day of good ole America is gone .
Politicians just run there mouth and act like they care … whatever
If illegal immigration was really a problem, then we would go after the people and companies that employ them.
People come here illegally because they KNOW they can get the jobs that regular Americans don’t want. If they couldn’t make money, they wouldn’t come here. It’s really as simple as that.
Great idea.
Thank you, ma’am.