Over $12.5 Million In Projects Underway In Century, Including Freedom Road Bridge Replacement
February 6, 2025
About $12.5 million in grant and loan projects are underway in Century, including the replacement of a bridge on Freedom Road that has been closed for five years.
Freedom Road Bridge
On January 29, 2020, the town suddenly closed the bridge on Freedom Road, just east of Jefferson Avenue. Photos obtained by NorthEscambia.com a few days later showed the dangerous conditions that led to the emergency closure. Several pilings under the wooden bridge were no longer properly supporting the structure, and some of the pilings were split or had extreme deterioration.
The town has received $1.297 million to replace the bridge. While there has been obvious work on the bridge over the last five years, the town says the replacement project is actually on schedule.
The current delay is the wait for a U.S. Army Corp of Engineers permit. The design and permitting process for the bridge is currently 90% complete, the town said. Century hopes to put the project out for bid in August and begin construction in December 2025. The anticipated completion date is October 2026.
Lift Stations
A $3,365,175 loan is funding the rehabilitation project is in the works for sewage lift stations at the prison, Century Woods, Highway 4 West, Jefferson Avenue and the lift station at Pond and Jefferson. Equipment is currently being ordered with completion expected by the end of 2025.
The town said they will qualify for a low interest rate and principal forgiveness for most of the $3.365 million.
Wastewater Treatment Plant
A $5,129,476 project is underway the town’s aging wastewater treatment plant. Bid negotiations are complete, and construction should begin in second quarter of 2025 with completion a year later. The town also expects most of this loan principal to be forgiven.
Water Well Rehabilitation
A $468,453 grant funded water wall rehabilitation project is underway at one of the town’s three water wells. The improvements needed at two other wells are currently unfunded.
Water Meter & Service Replacement
A $1.3 million state grant project to replace water lines and meters across the town’s system is underway. Bids were received in mid-January and are under evaluation. Construction is expected to start in March or April with competition by the end of the year.
NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.
8 Responses to “Over $12.5 Million In Projects Underway In Century, Including Freedom Road Bridge Replacement”
Well, said Leslie Howington! Many people are unaware of the process for receiving and using grant money. Unfortunately, it is a bit drawn out but assuredly. These projects will be completed and centuries infrastructure will be a great foundation for future growth and prosperity.
The best way for Century to self-fund would be for the Town to construct a bypass around both Century and Flomaton to speed up access to and from I-65.
Put a SunPass and toll-by-tag gantry on the bypass, and collect the revenue from there.
Wonder what a REAL STATE AUDIT would show on Century for the last 10 years?????
I truly hope the town of Century will properly use the funds they will receive to make the city better for their folks.
Thank you, William, for reporting on these infrastructure improvements. There are MANY LAYERS of bureaucracy that go on behind the scenes before, during and after projects such as these. Each layer adds an additional checkpoint to the process.
In order to use funds provided by the county, state and federal government, we must comply with all of their rules.
Century’s future is BRIGHT! Our infrastructure is being prepared for growth!
If they open that bridge back up I hope we see POLICE presence as it will become a “freeway” for the drug dealers and thugs flying through there!!!! FIX the freaking roads on Jefferson!!!!
ToCResident- I dont either
I honestly do not trust Century with that money