New 125 Lot Subdivision Proposed By Ascend, Wastewater Plant

February 18, 2025

A new 125-home single-family residential subdivision is being proposed just outside Ascend Performance Materials and the ECUA wastewater treatment plant.

Ready Land Company filed preliminary plans this month for the 48-acre parcel off Old Chemstrand Road, adjacent to the Ascend Fitness Center and along the access road to the ECUA facility.

In an email, Scott Holmes of Ready Land said the 125 lots will be about 6,000 square feet each.

“We would be interested in discussing the potential for townhomes to be built on the back portion,” Holmes said in his email to the county. He acknowledged that there are “significant” wetlands on the property that will become open space.

The plans are set for a 1 p.m. Wednesday pre-application meeting with the Escambia County Development Review Committee. graphics.


19 Responses to “New 125 Lot Subdivision Proposed By Ascend, Wastewater Plant”

  1. Wontcatchmeoutthere on February 22nd, 2025 12:54 am

    Aside from Asend being right there, the property backs up to ECUA. They have several discharge areas out there. Just what the people moving into this type of neighborhood want. To smell crap in the mornings when they walk outside. These developers are looking for a quick buck. This area is over populated with new subdivisions and apartments that people can’t afford. Where do they think all these people are coming from? I agree, the county needs to pump the breaks on building and allow some of the subdivisions that currently are empty fill up first. It should be a requirement that the county leaders voting on this go out to each property and see it’s surrounding. They have no clue.

  2. The clock is ticking on the old plants on February 20th, 2025 3:58 pm

    As development continues to surround these old chemical and paper plants, the pressure will become so great that the plants will simply be closed down and abandoned. A prime example is quite visible at the old American Cyanamid/Sterling Fibers plant in Santa Rosa County.

    The global market forces and safety risks will be too high to continue operations.

    Same goes for area military operations. External encroachment undermines the mission by creating greater risks.

  3. Susie on February 20th, 2025 10:19 am

    Ridiculous. Does the subdivision come with docks, moats and extra fire hydrants? How about once Insurance Companies deny all coverage on where it is and what it is, no one will be able to get insurance of any kind. Who in their right mind would live there?

  4. Billy Preston on February 19th, 2025 4:59 pm

    If Ascend ever goes up, there won’t be a single structure left standing in that area. Throw in the wet, marshy areas being a breeding ground for mosquitoes and I’d say it sounds like a terrible place to buy or build anything.

  5. Alex on February 19th, 2025 1:59 pm

    If you haven’t been to a planning board- review meeting
    You dont knowyhesystem. Seldom does any of the board members ever visit the sites on the agenda!!!!
    I know this for past meetings

  6. Concerned Citizen on February 19th, 2025 9:21 am

    Show up at the meeting on this proposal, let your voice be heard by county commissioners and officials. Remember how they handle this and vote them out if they allow this. This is getting out of hand, watch for who votes for it and you know who will be getting kickbacks! No sane person would vote for this to go through.

  7. Matthew Weber on February 18th, 2025 11:15 pm

    lol, I have family that owns land against this parcel. It’s wet as hell and everything to the south runs toward this proposed subdivision. And it’s ALWAYS wet.

  8. Bonnie Gibson on February 18th, 2025 9:56 pm

    This is rediculous, I have lived next to Ascend all my life, the air quality and explosions and fires happen more frequently. The infrastructure is not there to support this. Spend our tax money on something more constructive for the area!

  9. A Weber on February 18th, 2025 9:29 pm

    Hope lots 4-16 have a dang good since of humor, also all the water from the road drains dead into lots 4-6….the road sits 4-5 ft higher than the land behind it.
    Most of the property is pretty swampy to say the least.

  10. JJ on February 18th, 2025 4:28 pm

    Appears four bridges over wetlands????!!!!

  11. JJ on February 18th, 2025 4:26 pm

    Maybe make lots 37-38-39-40 a small park instead of homes surround by wetlands. What is the chances of high water in these new homes? Surely will need flood insurance on their mortgages

  12. Teresa A Comparetta on February 18th, 2025 12:57 pm

    Stop entertaining constructing buildings. Try something that is beneficial for all of

    God’s children; Animals that always loose their homes and feeding areas away from

    farmers, country, rural, city residents are attacking and eat our animals we rely upon.

    For example, plant fruit trees, indigenous trees, grow grass, small lakes for water,

    walking trails, put camera up for safety. Please DO NOT take any more land away

    from God’s children- Humans and Animals.

  13. Reader on February 18th, 2025 12:37 pm

    “Whatever the market will bear”

    This is proof that a developer will build anywhere is Escambia County. Who wants to live next to a chemical factory and a wastewater dump. Stupid.

  14. job on February 18th, 2025 12:33 pm

    It isn’t too many people-it is zero infrastructure – over loaded one main highway-nothing but dollar generals and one Winn dixie – no doctors -no PLAN for organized growth!! I have been in Molino over 30 years and now that subdivisions are starting I have to travel 29 NO MATTER where I am going – it is a NIGHTMARE – 40-45 years ago it was called bloody 29-well earned. then you put 100+ homes with 1 road in and out and zero turn lanes – YOU are causing more wrecks and more dissatisfied long time home owners!! I want to see a real grocery store somewhere besides in one area that has everything!! It is like a kindergartner got paid to behave and get what they want without a decent parent saying no-Money talks citizens needs do not count or care for us health or supplies

  15. Infrastructure expert on February 18th, 2025 10:42 am

    All the local governments need to follow Fairhope’s example. No more new developments indefinitely!!! Infrastructure and public services are maxed out and need time to catch up.

  16. Just sayin on February 18th, 2025 8:25 am

    So when the homes get built are there immediately going to be cries of environmental justice and how a wastewater treatment plant and chemical plant has wierd smells or loud sounds? People (some) moving to Cantonment complain about the smell and sound of the paper mill. Are you kidding me?People are just plain crazy. They move right next to a racetrack and complain about the noise.

  17. Brian on February 18th, 2025 8:21 am

    We need no more building around here, especially next to a major plant with some explosive chemicals. Our road structure will not support all these developments!

  18. Bad Idea on February 18th, 2025 7:16 am

    This is a bad idea. You want to build 125 new homes next to the sewage treatment plant and a chemical plant. What are these new home owners going to do when the sewage treatment plant smells in the summer and the wind blows. What if the chemical plant has a major issue which requires evacuations in the area. Just a bad idea.

  19. Randy on February 18th, 2025 6:18 am

    That’s just what we need in cantonment. There are to many people already.