Fines Begin Today For Violators At Pensacola Red Light Cameras

February 1, 2025

The grace period is now over, and police are now issuing tickets and fines for violations at traffic cameras in Pensacola.

The cameras are located at:

  • 9th Avenue & Bayou — north, south, east, and west approaches (near Cordova Mall)
  • 9th Avenue & Airport — north, south, east, and west approaches (also near Cordova Mall)
  • 9th Avenue & Fairfield Drive — east and west approaches
  • Davis Hwy & Fairfield Drive — east and west approaches
  • 9th Avenue & Gregory Street — west approach

These intersections were chosen based on traffic crash data collected over several years and have historically been sites of Pensacola’s most major crashes., Pensacola Police said. In the past two years alone, these five intersections have accounted for 377 vehicle crashes.

During a January grace period, Pensacola Police say more than 1,200 violaters were captures by the cameras.

Now, each violation will be reviewed by a Pensacola Police officer, and citations will be issued. The fine is $158.


14 Responses to “Fines Begin Today For Violators At Pensacola Red Light Cameras”

  1. Alex on February 2nd, 2025 2:18 pm

    @need some cheese
    Guessing the whiners are the 3rd person thru the
    Redlights in this city!!!

  2. El Duque on February 2nd, 2025 10:35 am

    I am all for traffic safety and control. People need to obey the law and drive safe. However, for those that think these cameras are a good thing, think again. ANYTIME you let the government start surveillance on it’s citizens, it does not end well. Keep government to a minimum if you value your freedom. What part of your life will they start surveillance on next?

  3. brianh on February 2nd, 2025 6:45 am

    @Rodney If memory serves me correctly it wasn’t so long ago that a local area removed these camers, as the cost of operation exceeded the fines. There were also added court costs for those who contested the fines and won.

    It was the city of Milton. I informed a then member of the city council about the record for these cameras and she started to do some digging into it. Based upon the findings the City removed all of them. She still credits me as the reason for their removal but I just informed her of info that I had already knew and she took it and ran with it.

  4. Need some cheese on February 2nd, 2025 12:28 am

    Don’t run the red lights bunch of whiners.

  5. Rodney on February 1st, 2025 11:17 pm

    If memory serves me correctly it wasn’t so long ago that a local area removed these camers, as the cost of operation exceeded the fines. There were also added court costs for those who contested the fines and won.

  6. Sheepherder on February 1st, 2025 8:44 pm

    It’s nothing more than a money grab… Years ago when these virtual tickets were issued in New Orleans the contractor shortened the duration of the yellow light just adding to the looting of citizens and the size of their bag$ … Like stated by other post here, the data does not correlate to a safer intersection…. Quite the contrary… As always follow the money… Which local politicians family members bag is being pumped ???

  7. Anne on February 1st, 2025 8:21 pm

    BRING IT ON…..was on North 9th Ave & Bayou Blvd today and watched several vehicles go through the RED light for Left Turn Arrow.
    Hope those cameras capture every vehicle busting thru the Red Lights.
    Hope it helps getting those stiff tickets.

  8. JOHN on February 1st, 2025 2:50 pm

    Well, no more shopping trips to the mall

  9. Luigi on February 1st, 2025 1:26 pm

    Taxation by citation . More LEOS on the road is the solution .

  10. Common sense on February 1st, 2025 11:40 am

    This is a mistake. Accidents are gonna happen at these intersections on a daily basis. People will slam on there breaks on a yellow light and will be plowed from behind. Red light cameras are a disaster

  11. brianh on February 1st, 2025 10:11 am

    I wish they would stop with the lies about crashes. Study after study has shown that accidents go UP where these cameras are used at. It is however a wonderful money maker. Based on the numbers in the article, the fine total for January would have been $189,600.

  12. Doug Masters on February 1st, 2025 9:31 am

    Cameras are unconstitutional. An officer must see the infraction to issue a citation. Reviewing still shots or video from a camera is not the same thing. Florida Statutes are very clear on this matter.

  13. Winston Smith on February 1st, 2025 6:34 am

    VOTE OUT WHATEVER POLITICIAN IS RESPONSIBLE. If there’s not one, tthat brought it here vote out the ones that let it happen. If they face losing at the polls this surveillance state will end.

  14. JJ on February 1st, 2025 6:25 am

    Wish the insurance companies would chip in and pay for cameras at all major lights in this county.
    Seems their payout costs would be GREATLY SAVED over the first year.