Two Dead In Crash After Fleeing From Pensacola Police

January 8, 2025

Two people were killed in a traffic crash after fleeing from Pensacola Police early Wednesday morning.

A Pensacola Police officer attempted to make a traffic stop on a vehicle near Pace Boulevard and Garden Street, PPD spokesperson Mike Wood said following the 12:23 a.m. incident.

“The vehicle immediately fled from the officer at a high rate of speed and crashed into a pole at Pace and Romana.,” he said. “One of the occupants of the vehicle died at the scene.” The second vehicle occupant was transported to a hospital and died a short time later.

The officer was not involved in the crash, Wood said.

“The officer observed the vehicle turning from a side street onto Pace. The driver saw the officer and began to accelerate at a high rate of speed. The officer made a U turn on Pace in an attempt to pace the speed of the car and to catch up to it. The vehicle crashed before the officer had a chance to initiate a traffic stop,” Wood said.

File photo.


2 Responses to “Two Dead In Crash After Fleeing From Pensacola Police”

  1. Paul on January 8th, 2025 7:12 pm

    I ride/drive late night often because the traffic is minimal, I have them turn around on me all the time. I know they’re just checking me out and running my tag with their tag reader. I just keep on rolling and usually just break off after a few minutes. I’ll bet the cold roads caused him to lose traction too. That and his right foot.

  2. Charlotte Bates on January 8th, 2025 6:51 pm

    How stupid. You lost your life for what reason? Praying for your family and friends that God can guide you to understand why this had to happen.

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