Final Development Plans For Circle K At Highway 95A, Quintette Road Up For Vote
January 13, 2025
The Escambia County Development Review Committee will this week consider final plans for a new Circle K in Quintette.
The 3,973 square foot Circle K would be located on 2.31 acres at 2000 North Highway 95A, with driveway access from both Highway 95A and East Quintette Road.
Plans have been filed for a Circle K in that location before and have undergone several interactions before the latest set of drawings submitted January 8 to update a Jane 2024 application. Most notably, the plans show turn lanes on Highway 95A into the store.
The plans show six multi-product fuel pumps with three diesel pumps on the opposite side of the store.
Currently, the east and west legs of Quintette Road are offset approximately 115 feet from one another, creating a hazard for the smooth flow of intersection traffic, a project estimated at $2.375 million. Circle K pledged $250,000 toward the intersection improvements, but Escambia County did not receive a $1.275 Florida Department of Transportation Regional Incentive Program grant to go along with matching funds from the county.
The Escambia County Development Review Committee will consider the final application during a meeting at 1 p.m. Wednesday at the Escambia County Central Complex Building at 3363 West Park Place.