DeSantis Picks AG Ashley Moody For Rubio Senate Seat

January 16, 2025

Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday morning that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody will take Marco Rubio’s seat in the U.S. Senate. She will the second woman to represent Florida in the Senate chamber.

Rubio, a three-term senator was President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be his secretary of state. He is awaiting confirmation as soon as next week.

“I pledge to you as United States Senator, supporting the REINS Act, supporting any effort to rein back in our out-of-control federal agencies. Make sure politics have pushed out of it,” Moody said. “Make sure we bring down spending. I am all for that, and I got the backs of the American people, DOGE and President Trump.”

Florida’ top law enforcement office, Moody ran on a campaign promise to be a prosecutor, not a politician. She previously worked as a federal prosecutor and was elected as a circuit judge in Tampa’s Hillsborough County.

Moody will serve in the U.S. Senate until the next general election in 2026, when she will need to run in order to keep the seat.

In Orlando Thursday morning for the announcement, DeSantis said Moody has a record of getting things done.
“This is a once in a decade, maybe even once in a generation, opportunity,” DeSantis said. “This current Congress is ultimately going to determine whether we do usher in that revival of the American experiment, or is it just going to be status quo, passing the buck and nothing ever changes.”

Pictured: Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday morning in Orlando that Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody will take Marco Rubio’s seat in the U.S. Senate. Photo for, click to enlarge.


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