Century Voting Precinct Moving From Town Hall To Courthouse

January 9, 2025

The voting precinct for Century is moving from the town hall to the courthouse.

Escambia County Supervisor of Elections Robert Bender said the precinct will move to the Billy G. Ward Courthouse on North Century Boulevard beginning with the January 28 primary vote for the Florida 1st Congressional District seat vacated by Matt Gaetz.

Voters in Century previously cast their ballots in the council chambers at Century Town Hall. That sometimes led to conflicts between century town meetings and election days.

The courthouse is owned by Escambia County, eliminating those scheduling conflicts.

“Voters and election workers have shared the positive experiences they have had using the Billy G. Ward Courthouse during early voting, and we are excited to make this our Election Day location moving forward,” Bender said. “I appreciate the Clerk of Courts for working with us and understand the benefits it has for the voters of Century.”

Century voters will soon receive a letter in the mail from Bender reminding them of the change.

The early voting location in Century was already at the courthouse. However, the Century early voting location will not be open before the January 28 primary.

The Billy G. Courthouse is located at 7500 North Century Boulevard.


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