Century Native Launches Congressional Campaign In His Hometown With Walking Tour

January 4, 2025

Republican candidate Jeff Peacock took the first steps in his Congressional campaign Friday morning in his hometown of Century. He is one of 10 Republican candidates in the January 28 primary to succeed for Rep. Matt Gaetz.

Holding a campaign sign proclaiming that he is “one of us”, Peacock launched his “Walk Across the District” tour, modeled after Lawton Chiles’ legendary “Walkin’ Lawton” successful campaign for U.S. Senate in 1970 during which he walked 1,003 miles from Century to Key West in 1970.

“This campaign is about meeting and talking with regular folks, and I can’t think of a better way to do that than to visit with people one-on-one where they live. I may be old-fashioned, but I believe it’s important to shake hands with people and personally ask them for their votes. And that’s what this walk is all about,” Peacock said.

“I’m not a career politician looking for a promotion; I’m a teacher.  I understand the challenges faced by everyday residents of our district and I want to be their voice in Washington,” he said.

Friday morning, Peacock walked just over a mile in Century, from Whataburger to Century Town Hall and a couple of businesses before departing by vehicle for a short walk through Jay.

“Sometimes we are forgotten,” Century Mayr Luis Gomez, Jr., told Peacock during a brief meeting at town hall. “We’ll be glad to have you aboard.”

“I’m excited at the possibility,” Peacock responded. “I’m a hometown boy. That’s why I decided to start this right here in this area.”

Gomez said candidates will sometimes stop in Century, “but once they get into the position we are kind of forgotten. I would love for somebody to come into the picture that is going to really be sincere about Century.”

“Century is Escambia County too; we need all the support we can get. This a great town,” the mayor said. “We don’t get the best rap sometimes, but it’s not as bad as it seems. Century is a community full of beautiful people; there is love and joy around here.”

“Whether you live in a small rural community, or one of our larger urban areas, I intend to be a congressman for all of the people of this district,” Peacock said.

Peacock, a 1988 graduate of Century High School, is currently a math teacher at Navarre High School that has been a small business owner. He also served as a senior campaign advisor to Congressman Lee Zeldin, President-Elect Donald Trump’s nominee for administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency.

NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


6 Responses to “Century Native Launches Congressional Campaign In His Hometown With Walking Tour”

  1. BillyBill on January 5th, 2025 11:09 am

    I think it is wonderful that a hometown boy is running for congress. I hope he wins and then this area of Florida will finally get true representation in Washington.

  2. JJ on January 4th, 2025 6:21 pm

    I think it would have been better if he was shaking hands with BOZO The clown….
    Century had a good man as mayor,but he left after finding out how the town was RULED.

  3. Redfish on January 4th, 2025 3:22 pm

    Being a former Century graduate, never heard of him, but not sure how many votes warming up to Gomez will bring him. He is following in Walking Lawtons footsteps though. Get a photo shot in Century walking, jump in a car, ride to Jay, do it all over again!

  4. Randall lucas on January 4th, 2025 12:59 pm

    WOW,Really,you come to a Failing Community where basically the city is falling apart…But,to show how great you will be in Congress you meet with the Mayor.whos brought all this mismanagement to the town and ,Now you want these people from Century to support you..,Sir,you should have thought this over first…Now people think you would probably do the same…Not Smart,Sir…not at all.

  5. Anne on January 4th, 2025 9:52 am

    If you are really a hometown boy, stay in Century and fix that mess. I would imagine that you could make more of a difference there than you ever will in Washington.

  6. chris on January 4th, 2025 8:26 am

    Oh yes, get a photo with the mayor of Century. Great way to boost your credibility.

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