Century Meets Lead And Copper Water Standards, State Reduces Monitoring Requirements

January 15, 2025

In 2022, Century failed to test drinking water for lead and copper for an entire year as required by the state.

Fast forward to the present. Now, the town has stepped up its monitoring efforts, and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) is allowing reduced monitoring requirements for lead and copper.

The town applied for and received the reduced monitoring requirement after not exceeding acceptable parameters for the previous two monitoring periods, according to Interim Mayor Alicia Johnson. That means the town will monitor for lead and copper every three years rather than twice per year under an FDEP rule.

“This saves the town money on lab fees and personnel cost, as lead copper sampling it is quite expensive and time-consuming,” Johnson said. “It is a positive for our water system because it demonstrates that our water quality parameters set forth by FDEP are being met.”


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