The Bald Eagle Is Now The Official U.S. Bird Of The U.S; And Yes, They Do Live In North Escambia

December 30, 2024

The bald eagle is now officially the national bird of the United States after President Joe Biden signed law bestowing the honor on the national bird. And they do live in North Escambia.

The bald eagle has been a national emblem and used on the great seal since 1782. But it was never officially made the national bird. The bald eagle was removed from the USFWS endangered species list and the FWC imperiled species list in 2007 and 2008, respectively. The bald eagle continues to be protected under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Florida has one of the densest concentrations of nesting bald eagles in the lower 48 states, with an estimated 1,500 nesting pairs, according to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. FWC has monitored the population of nesting bald eagles in Florida since 1972.

FWC’s documentation does not show any eagle nests in northern Escambia County. However, eagles are frequently spotted here, especially around Walnut Hill (pictured first below). Just over a decade ago, a one-year old rehabilitated bald eagle was released back into the wild near Walnut Hill by the Wildlife Sanctuary of Northwest Florida (pictured second below).

Earlier this year, the Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine’s Southeastern Raptor Center brought bald eagle Spirit to Ernest Ward Middle School — home of the Eagles mascot (pictured top, inset and bottom). Spirit was the pre-game flight eagle at Jordan-Hare Stadium at Auburn University for nearly 20 years.

For more eagle photos, click here. photos, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “The Bald Eagle Is Now The Official U.S. Bird Of The U.S; And Yes, They Do Live In North Escambia”

  1. JJ on December 30th, 2024 12:06 pm

    I have watched bald eagles hunt the
    Farmers field by my house in the20 years here in Molino.
    Specially in the spring… They nested3 years in a giant tree on the edge of the field. great site to see them swoop down in the field

  2. Susie on December 30th, 2024 10:27 am

    The majestic Bird should be our National bird as it has been all of these years in our hearts and souls. Rule the skies Eagles.