Teen Charged In Shooting At Large Chumuckla Bonfire Gathering

December 4, 2024

A suspect has been charged in connection with a shooting last Friday at a large gathering in a field near Chumuckla.

Terez Naikeem Toyens, 18, was charged with felony aggravated battery with a deadly weapon. He was booked into the Santa Rosa County Jail without bond.

The Santa Rosa County Sheriff’s Office responded to a reported disturbance on Friday near the 1900 block of Sid Hayes Road in Chumuckla. Deputies arrived at an open field where a large gathering, estimated to include approximately 150 young adults and adolescents, had taken place around a bonfire earlier in the evening.

When deputies arrived, only a few witnesses remained on the scene. Those individuals reported that an argument among a group at the gathering had escalated, culminating in gunfire. A 20-year-old male was struck in the abdomen by one of the shots. Deputies provided immediate care to the victim while awaiting EMS, which transported him to a local hospital for further treatment.

While en route to the scene, a responding deputy’s patrol car was struck by a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. The driver lost control, causing a collision with the deputy’s patrol vehicle. Following the crash, three occupants of the suspect vehicle fled on foot. Through witness interviews, deputies and detectives identified one of the fleeing individuals as Toyens, the alleged shooter.

The victim is expected to fully recover, according to SRSO.


7 Responses to “Teen Charged In Shooting At Large Chumuckla Bonfire Gathering”

  1. Endyr on December 7th, 2024 11:45 am

    Yet another resounding example that there just is no substitute for effective parenting.

  2. OhYouKnow on December 5th, 2024 7:03 am


    How did you get off on Church and this thugs upbringing?

    People and their crystal balls….

    Don’t attempt to put someone’s personal shortcomings on their parents. We all make our own decisions; I have no idea what his home life was like, and I don’t care. The facts are he shot someone and now he gets to go to prison

  3. Grandma on December 4th, 2024 6:27 pm

    This is not the only teen that feels like he has no future and no one cares what he does. He has not been taught responsibility and how to be productive. The world owes him because he exists. There is no taking responsibility for his own actions. Its everyone else’s fault. What does society expect, when morals are not taught, enforced or cared for in the home. Schools cannot teach it. And we are not born with moral behavior. Yes, you got what you asked for: Bibles are not in school and its truths and principles of self control are not taught. What did you expect. How’s it working for you?

  4. Roger on December 4th, 2024 4:39 pm

    jab…………………… That is the most DELUSIONAL take on gun control I ever heard..

    Law abiding people dont need to worry about the gov………….. BUT CRIMINALS LIKE THIS FINE FELLOW, need to fear forever prison…

  5. do what? on December 4th, 2024 3:04 pm

    yo JAB, if you live in the state of Florida, he’s your governor too whether you like it or not. As far as guns go, none of my houseful has ever gone to a party and attacked anyone so your point is moot. Nobody “demands” guns, it happens to be a right granted by the constitution of this nation. Don’t like guns, the governor of the state, or this nation? Move to Britain or Australia and I’m sure they’ll hook you right up. You won’t be missed.

  6. jab on December 4th, 2024 10:51 am

    I do not understand the uproar!! you people and your governor DEMAND guns-even for 18 yr olds – well you got it!!

  7. Bill T on December 4th, 2024 9:50 am

    I hope I’m 25 years when you get out of prison it was worth it!!!