Century To Consider 4,900% Increase In Mayor’s Spending Limit, Hiring Town Administrator, Financial Director
December 1, 2024
The Century Town Council this week will consider increasing the mayor’s spending limit by 4,900% and hiring a town administrator and financial services director.
Currently, the mayor (not just the current mayor, but also any past or future mayor) has a spending limit of $200.
During the November general election, Century voters approved a charter amendment to allow the town council to develop policies and procedures for purchasing, bidding, contracts, and related practices. That includes new spending limits for the mayor.
Tuesday night, the council will consider an ordinance setting the mayor’s spending limit at $10,000, except in an emergency. In an emergency, the mayor can spend more than $10,000, but the town council must ratify the purchase at their next regular meeting.
The proposed ordinance also includes a policy requiring two signatures on all checks – generally the mayor, acting mayor, council president and either the town clerk or deputy clerk. A town check would not be valid without the signature of one authorized elected official and one authorized administrative officer or designated replacement for financial oversight.
Also on Tuesday night, the council will discuss the possibility of creating two new positions — town administrator and financial services director.
According to an agenda item from interim town manager Howard Brown, the council is being asked to authorize Brown to further research and prepare a detailed proposal for a future council meeting. The proposal would include more detailed information, job descriptions, proposed responsibilities, and budget implications.
Pictured top: Howard Brown (left) whose company Local Government Consulting Group acts as town manager for Century and Mayor Luis Gomez, Jr. following a town council meeting last month. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.
20 Responses to “Century To Consider 4,900% Increase In Mayor’s Spending Limit, Hiring Town Administrator, Financial Director”
Them two’ laughing all the way to the bank.
Hmmm, what could go wrong?
Enough is enough.
I used to think that the Chicago mob bosses were corrupt back in the day, but I am now I am of the opinion that they have migrated to Century……
I’m not saying that Century is an idiot town. Nor am I saying that Century is a town of idiots. I’m sure you can figure out what I am saying.
Evidently nobody cares. The Council chased out Boutwell and the Council appointed Gomez. The next election nobody ran against Gomez. This past election nobody voted against the changes to the Charter so Gomez was given even more power. I know for a fact that people have contacted everyone from County commissioners, State Representatives, the State Attorney General and even the Governor. Once again nobody stepped up and did anything. People are moving away, myself included, but Century will continue to exist as it has for years. Because nobody cares….
Town of century is a joke and embarrassing for all who was once a BLACK CAT! It is sad when nowadays people say I’m from Flomaton Al!! Not CENTURY FL
Why put a limit on his spending. It will eventually run dry and Big Government will step in!
I’m not a resident of Century but all I ever read about is how broke that town is, and they want to spend more money….geez!!
Why the name calling? As long as the town goes to the state for grants and other tax payer’s money the non citizens of Century have a right to complain. The town is wasting our money, so we can comment and object.
Spend first, ratify later? Century has always had a problem handling money, and you want to give one man the ability to spend more on a whim? This should be interesting.
Been here since century’s inseption it’s never been able to take care of itself or it’s people. Greed i think has alot to do with it & dont forget power!!
Currently no Town Clerk = Financial Director.
No Town Manager = Town Administrator.
Change the names and up the pay.
You need responsible people here, not from south Florida.
@ Jr Century just had an election for mayor no one ran against Gomez you guys had your chance to change things and ignored it. Be mad at yourself not us we have to help shoulder the tax burden that your mayor has created we get to complain also it’s kinda our First Amendment right.
Jr said:
“Please vote this incompetent bunch of idiots out.”
And replace them with what?
Most previous mayors/board members have been complete fools.
When it’s all failed and you’re broke spend more money you don’t have. Just pick what ya need off the money tree out back.
This is crazy what are these people thinking.Where is all this money coming from?Tax payers that’s where.I’m surprised the governor hasn’t disbanded this circus.
And here the whole time, we thought Century was broke.
Turns out they are flush with funds.
I’m a resident of Century, and every time you idiots that aren’t from Century start talking about letting the county take over it pisses me off. But I have about had about all the crap I can take . Get rid of Gomez, he has no idea what he is doing. No other mayor has ever had to hire outside help to run the town. Please vote this incompetent bunch of idiots out. They are not there for the better of the town. I’m not sure why they wanted to be in those positions, if they didn’t want to better this town.