Century’s Small Town Christmas Parade Turns Out Small With Four Entries, No Santa
December 22, 2024
The Century Area Chamber of Commerce promoted it as a “Small Town Christmas Parade”, and Saturday morning’s parade lived up the “small” billing.
The parade lineup was just three mostly undecorated, unmarked passenger vehicles followed by Engine 5 from the Century Station of Escambia County Fire Rescue. There were no floats and none of the usual entries from the Town of Century, and no Santa Claus.
Children were happy to collect candy tossed from vehicles and by volunteer firefighters. At some point around Pond and Jefferson streets, the three ordinary vehicles threw in the towel and left the fire truck alone as the parade abruptly ended without finishing the planned route to Anthony Pleasant Park.
But wait, Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
But the Century Station of Escambia Fire Rescue will come to the rescue on Tuesday with a Santa Claus run of their own. Santa will make a last minute Christmas Eve ride through Century on a fire truck. We’ll have the route and more info posted on Monday and Tuesday here on NorthEscambia.com.
Pictured: The Century Christmas Parade Saturday morning. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.
20 Responses to “Century’s Small Town Christmas Parade Turns Out Small With Four Entries, No Santa”
The lack of interest in the parade is a sign of deeper discontent and economics in Century and the area as a whole.
There is really no hope in solving the deep problems in greater Century. There appear to be no true leaders or leadership. There is little financial investment or incentives to invest. Government grants are more patchwork than rebirth. Education is of little value. It’s entrenched in generational poverty. There is nothing for a visitor to see or do other than a drive through window for a quick over-the-road meal. Housing and quality of life don’t match up with what people really want.
The area is on the verge of economic and social collapse, and has likely crossed a threshold where a recovery or reinvention is not possible. A large natural disaster (think Hurricane Michael, or less) or 2008-like economic fall could cause a mass outward migration, closing all remaining businesses.
Escambia County’s Board of County Commissioners really need to think hard about what impacts such a collapse would have on the county and north Escambia as a whole.
Typical TOC!
To those that lined up and formed this parade I say Merry Christmas and thank you.
To all the complaints I say obviously the parade was known about. So maybe blaming the city is slightly out of order on this one.
They can’t make the churches or anyone else participate.
Remember the Grinch is not the reason for the season.
That’s Sad, Don’t worry Santa still coming , the Grinch’s just don’t let anyone know what was going on,,,,, I read about this a couple days ago they had time to get something together, Grinch’s you should be shame of yourself !! Merry Christmas!! Thank you Century Fire Department!
What everyone expect out of the town of century lol the mayor the council and anyone else that associates as part of the people who is supposed to be running this town don’t give a crap about the families that have lived here just about all of their lives until the people gets together and runs this bunch out of the town it will never be better so don’t expect next year it will be any better
It’s sad when not even the town can put anything in their own parade…. Gomez “forgot” the parade was even happening.. that was his excuse. Big thanks to the Century FD Volunteers for all they do for this community. My kids can’t wait to see Santa come around Tuesday morning on the fire truck! You guys are awesome!
@ Resident:
They HAVE a Santa , Just didn’t care enough to ask or include him….
Apropos…the “parade” was a big a failure as the town.
If only they had a $35,000 sign to announce this most pathetic parade. Where was the sheriff? People were driving into the parade? Where was the mayor? His wife was great enough to show up? Where was a town vehicle or float like last year’s train float? I guess the were to busy buying signs and hiring more South Florida consultants.
And why did they quit instead of finishing the parade? Where was a Santa. Find a fat guy, take like $12 from the sign and buy a costume. My kids were so excited, but the went home crying. Thanks Century
The seeds of the demise of Century was born in the creation of Century from the Union of South Flomaton and the unincorporated areas of Century. From that point forward it was just a matter of time before the current incompetent, race to the bottom began.
Only Century could screw up a Christmas parade!
Can’t afford a parade, funds redirected to new sign
As Jed Clampett would say, “pitiful just pitiful”!
The fine people of Century don’t expect much, and that is what they usually get. Thanks go to the Fire Department. At least they are making a show of it.
Century is a sad place, and this is an epic community fail. No town council or mayor’s support, and a chamber that can’t get its own members to show-up and participate. Nothing to see here, so move along.
Maybe if Gomez had entered the clown car in the parade everybody else would have followed.
It’s difficult to enter a Float into a Parade you were Never Invited for, or have a Santa that was Never asked to join any Town Holiday festivities..
From the Annual tree lighting to this SAD display of a parade..
Why have one at all?
Correct me if I am wrong but, Doesn’t Century have an Events Planner on staff??
Wouldn’t this Be an “EVENT “ worth PLANNING?? You have an ENTIRE YEAR to plan SOMETHING, ANYTHING…
And yet here we are once again, the Joke of Escambia County…
This town has fallen apart while being ran By individuals who seem to be Completely Set on Destroying it..
Our Town Elders would be Ashamed and Embarrassed to see what Century has become,
Just as our “ Town Leaders “ should be …
It’s sad to see all the small towns around us Having Parades and Movie Night
And Here we are , Century ,with its “small town “ NOTHING
We ARE a small community, which is why We should have More Christmas Spirit than ANY of the towns around us…
It isn’t difficult guys if you just put forth an EFFORT
and actually CARE about the town You represent…
I remember back in the 90’s when century and Flomaton did the parade together that’s sad this Christmas parade was only 3 cars and that they turn and left the fire truck then Mayor and town council should have got involved they do not care about this town I wish state or Pensacola would take this town over if I knew on how to run a town and I could get the votes i would run for mayor but I’m not going to be an easy mayor I would push to have things fix all that grant money they have and still nothing gets fix
Where are the town dignitaries? I wonder what the newest town employee thinks?Hold on a minute don’t unload that moving truck yet. I hope she gets more support than this parade did.
That’s just crazy century has really let me down during the holidays this year.. maybe next year it will be better