McDavid Man Charged With Attempted Theft Of $30,000 Tractor

October 8, 2024

A McDavid man has been charged with the attempted theft of a $30,000 tractor.

James Eric Nichols, 35, was charged with attempted grand theft between $30,000 and $100,000. criminal mischief less than $200.

Nichols allegedly hotwired the ignition of a $30,000 Kubota tractor on Morgan Road near Bratt and moved the tractor from the rear of the property to the driveway next to a residence. The damage to the ignition was estimated by the owner to by about $100.

The incident occurred in June, with Nichols recently arrested on an outstanding warrant that was later issued.


One Response to “McDavid Man Charged With Attempted Theft Of $30,000 Tractor”

  1. D on October 8th, 2024 2:44 am

    Folks gonna learn when they start gettin shot for this kinda stuff

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