IP To Lay Off 600 Employees Company Wide; None In Cantonment

October 19, 2024

International Paper plans to layoff 650 employees, the company has confirmed to several industry news sites. Locally, IP says the layoffs do not include the IP Pensacola mill in Cantonment.

“This announcement is not related to any mill operations at Pensacola – so no impact here.” IP Regional Communications Manager Whitney Fike said Friday.

A majority of the 650 layoffs are expected in Memphis, Tennessee, where the company is headquartered.

In October of last year, IP permanently ceased operation of one of their production machines in Pensacola. It was estimated at the time that about 100 local jobs would be impacted as the idled #4 machine did not resume production.

Pictured: The International Paper Pensacola Mill in Cantonment. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


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