Highway 164 Widening Project Nearly Complete; Pine Forest Paving Begins in Walnut Hill

October 3, 2024

A widening project on Highway 164 is nearing completion as a new resurfacing project gets underway on Pine Forest Road.

Highway 164

The $1.25 million Highway 164 project, funded by the Local Option Sales Tax, aims to improve safety along the dangerously narrow roadway by widening 2.16 miles. The first two phases were completed ahead of schedule, widening Highway 164 from Highway 97 to Green Village Road and from Green Village Road toward North Highway 29.

The final phase involves widening the portion on either side of North Pine Barren Road. Crews are completing paving and sodding work this week. The final thermoplastic striping and reflective pavement markings will be completed 14 -16 days after final paving, according to Escambia County.

Pine Forest Road

Crews are paving just under six miles of Pine Forest Road in Walnut Hill from Highway 97 to Arthur Brown Road. The project is expected to be completed by next week. Final thermoplastic striping and reflective pavement markings will be completed about 14 days after paving is complete. The project cost is approximately $1.3 million.

Pictured: Final paving on a Highway 164 widening project near Pine Barren Road. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


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