Gov. Ron DeSantis Joins Escambia Sheriff Chip Simmons To Speak Against Amendment 3 (Marijuana Legalization)

October 26, 2024

In Pensacola Friday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke out against Amendment 3 — the Marijuana Legalization Initiative.

Desantis was joined at the press conference at the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office by Sheriff Chip Simmons, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joe Ladap and other leaders to encourage voters to vote against Amendment 3.

“This deceptive amendment, written and sponsored by a handful of corporations that seek to profit by rewriting the Florida constitution, has nothing to do with freedom and everything to do with greed,” DeSantis said. “One single weed company has spent more than $100 million to pass Amendment 3.”

“They are giving themselves, the weed companies, total immunity from any civil liability,” DeSantis said during local press conference. “What does that mean? If they sell you defective weed and you have a seizure or something, can you sue them? No, there’s no exception to this.”

“You may not be interested in weed, but it’s going to be interested in you,” DeSantis added. “This will impact your life because of how this amendment is written and how it’s going to be rampantly used in public.”

Following the press conference, DeSantis provided a list of key points of “why Amendment 3 is the wrong plan for Florida”:

  • No time and place restrictions on smoking marijuana—even in places like parks and beaches—where children are present. Amendment 3 would degrade our quality of life, hurt our tourism industry, and put Floridians’ health at risk.
  • No way to hold Big Weed corporations accountable. The corporations that have poured $100 million into Amendment 3 made sure to include a carve-out for themselves, so they will enjoy immunity from liability if their products end up harming Floridians.
  • Provides for a big weed cartel—Floridians would not be permitted to grow their own marijuana.
  • And there’s no way for legislators to fix the problems that Amendment 3 would create. A constitutional amendment is not the same as legislation. Lawmakers can change and update state laws as needed, but changing the constitution is permanent. Other states that have passed similar amendments have come to regret it over time. Florida does not have to make the same mistakes as Colorado or California.

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29 Responses to “Gov. Ron DeSantis Joins Escambia Sheriff Chip Simmons To Speak Against Amendment 3 (Marijuana Legalization)”

  1. Mike on October 27th, 2024 10:03 pm

    What amazes me is they don’t take into account the funds generated by people caught driving high that want to keep their license. The money in court costs and lawyer fees will be a windfall for the judicial system.

  2. Brian Kelly on October 27th, 2024 3:05 am

    Vote YES on 3!!! Because not voting at all or voting NO means that you irrationally prefer the continued complete prohibition of cannabis under which cannabis possession remains a serious crime. It means you prefer more cannabis arrests. Voting no or not voting at all means you want more of out fellow bothers and sisters with permanent criminal records over cannabis.

  3. CK on October 26th, 2024 10:37 pm

    You can already go to the vape shops and buy delta 8 or delta 9 edibles. No need to smoke anything,

  4. Deb on October 26th, 2024 9:02 pm

    “If they sell you defective weed and you have a seizure or something, can you sue them? No, there’s no exception to this.”

    Can you sue Budweiser if someone runs into you after drinking or sue the bar that sold it? Can you sue Glock if someone accidentally shoots you because there was no permit to own or requirements for proper handling?

    And your arguments for smelling it will not change if this does not pass. ‘Medically’ it will still be as available and as prominent as it is now.

  5. A mom on October 26th, 2024 8:14 pm

    I voted No for 3 & 4.

  6. Lou on October 26th, 2024 8:02 pm

    Desantis not happy , probably they don’t give to his pac , or can grow his own. Should care instead about the insurance crisis in Florida. Can’t make this up funny.

  7. JJ on October 26th, 2024 8:00 pm

    @not you
    You think the illegal pot is going away with this bill.
    It will be on the streets more than it is now.
    Go to Colorado and check out the street corners where my family says its more on the streets now, than before the legalization of smoking crap

  8. Gerry on October 26th, 2024 7:20 pm

    I think the way to solve this is take away the alcohol from all the alcoholics on here and tell them, your alcohol is a gateway drug! You started social drinking and then went to chemically addicted drinking! Seriously, close the alcohol stores and watch all these negative liars on here end up in a mental institution because they will be so mad and totally having withdrawal symptoms from their lack of alcohol which kills people! You people on here lying about marijuana are disgusting! And the person who said about legal marijuana being purchased and there was something in it? Give us all a break. No one is as stupid as you are to believe that!

  9. Bobby on October 26th, 2024 7:13 pm

    Look, this is a lie by desantis who can’t even fix the insurance problem because he is in bed with them! Medical marijuana cannot be used in public at all! The amendment for amendment 3 does not, I repeat, does not allow for marijuana use in public and in fact this is something the legislature in Tallahassee will have to rule on. So it sounds like desantis is already planning to allow marijuana use anywhere because he said it, not the amendment and medical marijuana cannot be used in public nor can a patient use it while they drive or even be under the influence when they drive! You are being lied to. Do not listen to these liars. Look, I think we are all tired of paying taxes to lock up our young people because they choose marijuana that does not give a hang over vs alcohol which causes people to be violent and also makes people where they are not productive members of society. Prohibition does not work! That’s why cigarettes are still legal and they kill 1300 people a day!

  10. Sm0k3rTok3r on October 26th, 2024 7:12 pm

    Voting no on Amendment 3 would be a dire mistake. No one seems to remember the prohibition era it seems to me. People are always going to be people. People are always going to find a way around things. Legalizing pot would be the best thing for the state as it would help the nation legalize it as well. This isn’t a problem for Florida. Florida’s dictators love to hammer down on issues that don’t exist. Wow. Big deal. 21 year old Laramie Smith can’t smoke a bowl because Gov. Desantis 450 something miles away is upset about it. Big boohoo. If it’s legalized then it is, but if it’s not we all got our buddy on loop. It doesn’t matter. Question is, do I continue to buy from a buddy or does the government get to use my tax dollars? Valuable tax dollars that could be used for these poor school systems and these terrible roads. Florida needs revenue. But here we are still getting discounts from those “low-life” criminals instead of having a legal source to purchase from. Economy is the economy. Doesn’t matter how.

  11. David Huie Green on October 26th, 2024 4:48 pm

    Agree or disagree, it doesn’t seem especially deceptive.

    Claiming it IS on the other hand….

  12. Lee on October 26th, 2024 3:35 pm

    The Problem isn’t “weed” the problem is “Skunk” Weed…
    I can’t have my windows open , grandchildren can’t play in OUR yard Because our street has turned into SKUNK Road.
    I grew up in the 70’s/80’s and the “ Weed” did NOT smell like death …
    This stuff lingers and reeks ..
    Everyone has a Right to do what they want Smoke the nasty mess if you wanna ,but do it inside , stop making us smell it because you have a “ medical card”…And feel you’re entitled…
    I 100% voted No to 3 & 4….

  13. Bill on October 26th, 2024 2:39 pm

    I’m tired of smelling this crap all of the time. The users are out of control and have zero considerations for others.

  14. Lifendason on October 26th, 2024 12:08 pm

    A big fat NO for Amendments 3 and 4 for me. I have the old hippie friends and they say its for their pains, but the pain must be all the time cause everytime I visit them their house smells like a skunk. It’s a NO for me!

    I am sure there has to be an alternative than a drug that does so much harm, especially to the kids.

  15. Sayno on October 26th, 2024 11:44 am

    I don’t care if you smoke weed, but i dont want smell it when I am in my yard, or sitting at a traffic light, or walking down the street, or getting out of my car. A much better amendment can be written. People who are far this bill are inconsiderate and potheads.

  16. JustVoteNope on October 26th, 2024 11:34 am

    Amendment 3 is nothing more than trying to turn Marijuana into the Beer/Wine/Spirits industry so you can pay 10 times more for a product to make a handful of people extremely wealthy. You can go look on line and one company in central/south Florida in the medical marijuana business has donated over $100M to the cause, and that should give you some idea how much money they stand to make on it. There are commericals for all the new Sales Tax income but nothing about the costs of recreational weed. There are commercials telling you it will be a safer product implying Fentanyl laced Marijuana is a huge issue but look on line and you will find out its mostly myth. If you are a big “pro weed” fan, you should still vote no. If this was really a movement for recreastional weed ask yourself why doesn’t it allow you to grow a reasonable amount for your own use? Because it is all about the money.

  17. James on October 26th, 2024 11:31 am

    @Not You
    Remember the big tobacco lawsuits? The weed companies would not be held to any liability for health issues generations from now. Also, I’m not sure where you get your drug information, but fentanyl is used to cut heroin, crack, cocaine. Fentanyl-laced marijuana is as common as unicorn farts.

  18. Jim on October 26th, 2024 11:06 am

    Regardless of your view of the effects of recreational Marijuana, two points he makes are valid and solidd: 1.) This permanently changes Florida’s constitution- modifying laws would be a better approach, and future adjustments are possible, and 2.) This is primarily another attempt at a coup by big corporation which really don’t give a hoot (being polite there) about you, your wellbeing, or the condition of our society; for them it’s only about your dollars

  19. Jan on October 26th, 2024 10:56 am

    My addict nephew was buying legal pot and when he finally had a major meltdown, his pot was tested and there was fentanyl in it. So much for “safe” sources.

  20. Rasheed Jackson on October 26th, 2024 10:53 am

    @ Lee O’Neal
    You totally missed the point. This amendment would allow the use of Marijuana but you have to buy it from a state licensed dealer. The same people who sell it will be writing the requirements for obtaining a license. They will also be setting the prices. They are basically creating a monopoly. If it is going to be legal, why make it illegal to grow your own? This will create nothing but chaos when it comes to enforcing the laws. It should be legalize or criminalize it but not both.

  21. Susie on October 26th, 2024 10:39 am

    Who IS involved in the “Big Weed Cartel”? That’s probably all we need to know BEFORE we vote on it. The public needs to know.

  22. Bama89 on October 26th, 2024 10:36 am

    So, the way you group people let’s me know you were fairly sheltered growing up. How does marijuana consumption have anything to do with cigarettes, beer, tattoos, and lottery tickets?
    And what’s your complex with someone with a tattoo? I feel like you’re probably someone that says “I like it the old way better” waaaay too much!
    Get out and realize you have a distorted view of the world, probably a view “Mama and Daddy” gave you because they hated tattoos, cigarettes, and the lottery and handed their ignorance down to you.

  23. derek on October 26th, 2024 10:31 am

    I do not want our Florida to turn into Colorado! I will vote no because if we legalize weed for recreational use it sends a disturbing message to our young people! Get high on life not weed!

  24. Cb on October 26th, 2024 10:29 am

    @Niknak50 god doesn’t like judgemental people. I smoked pot for several years in my earlier days and I didn’t turn out a loser. Im the hardest working person you’ll ever meet. I don’t see an issue with weed. The issue lies within parenting of children. Have adults don’t want to work anymore, let alone kids. Pot doesn’t have anything to do with florida going down hill. It went down hill when all the tourists came here and moved here. Weed will not make florida any worse than it already is. It’s those who chose to try other drugs that cause issues for the state and law enforcement as well as bad apples. I don’t judge a book by its cover. Everyone deserves a chance to do right in life and by God.

  25. Not You on October 26th, 2024 10:18 am

    Licensed and regulated marijuana that is taxed versus the current status of illegal street sales of marijuana that is adulterated with fentanyl. You decide.

  26. Niknak50 on October 26th, 2024 9:19 am

    If this passes it will be the end for Florida. Take a good look at the states that have passed this. You think we have a homeless problem now, pass this and see what happens. Now all the old hippies and dopeheads in general will laud the benefits of marijuana but the cold hard facts are, there are none. The children will be real losers too. Mom and dad already spend thousands on tattoos, cigarettes, beer and lottery tickets while their kids teeth rot out of their head. I see it every day and now we’re gonna throw “weed” into the mix? Now hurry to your keyboards and remind us all how safe and great it’s gonna be.

  27. Lee O'Neal on October 26th, 2024 8:32 am

    DeSantis is upset because you won’t be able to grow your own. Hilarious.

  28. NO!!!!!!!! on October 26th, 2024 7:55 am

    Gateway drug…. Keep it off our streets. VOTE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. Molino resident on October 26th, 2024 7:24 am

    This is a very well written article. This article explains things in layman‘s terms.
    I am voting no because I do not want to vote for a constitutional amendment that cannot be changed when it is determined it is a mistake.

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