Former Car Wash on Nine Mile Road Eyed For Drive-Thru Coffee Shop

October 14, 2024

A former car wash on Nine Mile Road could become a coffee shop soon.

A proposal set for an Escambia County Development Review pre-application meeting this week shows the nearly 30-year old building at 500 East Nine Mile Road being converted into a drive-thru coffee shop.

The plans (pictured left click to enlarge) were filed by Blue CPM, a commercial real estate firm. The name of the coffee shop has not been announced.

The building, which was constructed in 1997, was previously used as a car wash. The proposal shows using the existing structure  and drive-thru section already in place inside the building. There will be no additional or expansions to the existing structure, according to the proposal, but there will be interior modifications.  There will be no outside seating, and 12 parking spaces are in the proposal.  Two small non-attached structures on the half-acre property will be removed.

The existing owner, Phoenix Fairfield LLC, bought the building in November 2023 for $395,000, following the closure of the car wash in mid-2023.

Estimated traffic of the drive-thru is around 40 vehicles per hour at its busiest.

The Escambia County Development Review Committee has not yet set a public hearing on the proposal.

Photo for, click to enlarge.


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