Atmore Veteran Arrested After Police Find Homemade Explosive Devices In His Home

October 16, 2024

An Atmore veteran was arrested Wednesday after police say they found two homemade explosive devices at his home after he made allegedly concerning statements.

On Tuesday, the Atmore Police Department responded to a call from a citizen on Pleasant Hill Circle seeking to speak with officers. The officers met with Trenton Lofton, 34, of Atmore, who was visibly upset over personal issues. Although officers initially calmed Lofton, his statements raised concerns, prompting a follow-up investigation.

Wednesday, officers discovered that Lofton, a former military Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) technician, may have constructed two homemade explosive devices. Lofton, who police said has been receiving treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), became the subject of a more thorough investigation.

Atmore Police Department obtained a search warrant for Lofton’s home. They contacted the Mobile Police Department Bomb Squad, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF), and the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA) SWAT team to assist.

Before they arrived at his home, investigators learned Lofton was at Walmart on North Main Street. A traffic stop was initiated as Lofton was leaving the store, and he was taken into custody without incident. The area around Walmart’s entrance and Highway 21 was shut down while an ATF bomb technician cleared Lofton’s vehicle. No explosives were found.

Attention then shifted to Lofton’s residence. The Mobile Police Department Bomb Squad and ATF carefully searched the property and discovered two homemade explosive devices, which were safely neutralized, according to police.

Lofton was arrested and charged with possession and distribution of destructive devices. He was transported to the Escambia County Detention Center.

“The Atmore Police Department recognizes that Mr. Lofton served our country and is suffering from PTSD. Our hope is that he receives the mental health care he needs,” Atmore Police Sgt. Darrell McMann said.


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