AAA: Prices Hold Steady As Florida’s Gasoline Supply Chain Recovers From Hurricane Milton

October 14, 2024

Florida gas prices are holding steady as the fuel supply chain recovers from the effects of Hurricane Milton, according to AAA. Sunday’s state average was $3.10 per gallon. That’s the same as last week, 5 cents less than last month and 27 cents less than last year.

Surging demand and power outages contributed to temporary gasoline outages across Central Florida and along evacuation routes. However, state officials say conditions are improving. Florida’s ports and all but two gasoline terminals are back open for tanker trucks to fill up and make round-the-clock deliveries.

As of Sunday night, state officials told AAA that 20% of gas stations in Hillsborough, Pasco and Pinellas counties did not have gasoline. Meanwhile, there are others who id have fuel, but did not have electricity to power the pumps. State reps expected 85% of Florida filling stations to have gasoline by Monday night and supplies to be back to normal by Wednesday morning.

In Escambia County, there were no gas supply problems, and the average price per gallon was $2.90, which was 20 cents cheaper than the state average.

In North Escambia, prices were as low at $2.77 at one station on Highway 29 in Cantonment, while a Pensacola low of $2.69 was available on Nine Mile Road. file photo, click to enlarge.


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