USPS Vows to Fix Cottage Hill Mail Delivery Problems

September 13, 2024

The Post Office says they are working to improve service in Cottage Hill.

Numerous residents of Cottage Hill reached out to to complain about mail delivery problems in Cottage Hill. Residents complained about missing packages, missing paychecks, missing medications and other delivery problems. Others stated that they often would receive other peoples’ mail and then take it to them.

We contacted the the U.S. Postal Service for a response.

“The Postal Service plays an important role in the community, and we are committed to providing the best service possible. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been experienced by our customers in Cottage Hill,” Ashley S. Holmes Mullenix, a USPS corporate communications specialist told us in an emailed statement. “Local management is aware of recent service concerns in the area and is working to resolve them. We are confident that customers should see improvements in service very soon.”

Mail delivery for Cottage Hill, which is in the 32533 zip code, is handled by the Cantonment Post Office.

Mullenix said that if anyone needs assistance with mailing or shipping concerns involving the USPS, they can contact a manager or supervisor at their local post office, call or 1-800-ASK-USPS or visit them online. file photo, click to enlarge.


One Response to “USPS Vows to Fix Cottage Hill Mail Delivery Problems”

  1. Jason on September 13th, 2024 2:25 am

    The weakest link for the Post Office is the local driver going mailbox to mailbox. Many of these delivery drivers do a great job — and some couldnt care one bit if you get your mail or your neighbors mail.

    One thing that helps is having a clearly visible address on your mail receptacle AND on your house in case a package needs to be left on your porch.

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