TDC Approves Recommending $90 Million For Indoor Sports Facility At Ashton Brosnaham Park And Bay Center Upgrades

September 10, 2024

In a special meeting Monday afternoon, the Escambia County Tourism Development Council (TDC) approved recommending an indoor sports facility costing up to about $60 million for Escambia County’s Ashton Brosnaham Park, and about $30 million in upgrades for the Pensacola Bay Center.

The recommended bond issue will now go to the Escambia County Commission for consideration and a final vote.

At Tuesday’s TDC meeting, Escambia County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh made the motion to move the bond issue forward to the entire BOCC for a vote. His motion was seconded by Shirley Cronley, one of three TDC members representing the hotel and motel industries.

It is anticipated that a TDC bond issue would be repayed from TDC funds.

The motion passed 3-2, with two other hotel and motel industry representatives — James Reeves and Mitesh Patel — voting negative.  Hotel and motel industry representatives, and other members of the public express concern that a feasibility study on the proposals were done without adequate public or stakeholder input.

The proposals were pitched at a Tourist Development Council meeting on August 29, but decisive action was not taken on either item.

Ashton Brosnaham Indoor Sports Facility

A proposal for an indoor sports facility at the county-owned Ashton Brosnaham Park calls for a building that’s 100,000 square foot, including 73,000 square feet of open floor space that would be large enough to host eight basketball courts that could be converted into 16 volleyball courts with support space, or it could be used as large exhibition hall for other types of events.

Other key takeaways on the proposed facility:

  • 14 acres of the park is flat, open, undeveloped and already zone for recreation
  • 700+ paved parking spaces in the current design
  • Primary support for hardwood sports and related events
  • Open common areas would include meeting spaces, viewing areas, vendor space, concessions, retail space
  • Second floor walking track and viewing area
  • Open to the public for recreation, will also host tournaments and events
  • Collaboration with Escambia County Public Schools on access and utilization
  • Community use of facility on non-tournament dates
  • Projected operating deficit offset by ~$37 million in economic impact per year
  • Projected new tax revenues of ~$2.7 million per year
  • Total project cost range: $48 – $61 million

“It’s a tried and proven location; it doesn’t get any better than the SEC,” Escambia County Parks and Recreation Director Michael Rhodes said The Park has hosted the 2024 SEC Women’s Soccer Tournament and will host it again this year on November 3-10. “We are willing to grow that, and we want to grow that and make that (Ashton Brosnaham Park) the true sports destination in Escambia County. Which we feel it’s already one its way.”

Rhodes said the school district has expressed a willingness to provide property for second roadway into the facility that would also benefit current soccer programs that have 700-800 youth players annually.

“It’s in a growing area in our community,” Rhodes added as he touted Ashton Brosnaham of 10 Mile Road as the perfect location. “This project can be a win-win for everybody…and this is something that will stand the test of time.”

A feasibility study funded by Pensacola Sports came in at over pages, but TDC members only saw a 12-page presentation at their August meeting.

Pensacola Bay Center

A plan to spend $43 million, with $30 million coming from a bond issue by the TDT, was also presented.

The upgrades would modernize the aging facility and add more seating for events like concerts. photos/graphics, click to enlarge.


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